Comments Posted By syn
Displaying 81 To 90 Of 102 Comments


I like Fred, he believes our rights are endowed by our creator not our government; Bloomberg, Hickabee and every other politican is not my God.

Outside the Republican Party social conservatives don't have many friends.

Then again, outside the Republican Party fiscal conservatives don't have many friends either.

Then again, who wants friends who are determined to commit social, economic and cultural suicide to save polar bears, trees and Barbara Streisand's spectacular ocean view.

This race began too early so, like Fred, I'm not going to jump ahead of myself just out the gate.

That said, if we weren't engaging in fierce debate over our next leader then I'd be really worried about the sanity of our country.

Comment Posted By syn On 4.01.2008 @ 22:05


Reagan brought the evangelical movement into the GOP fold after they were betrayed by Southren Baptist Progressive Leftist Jimmy Carter.

If you want Evangelicals out of politics overturn Roe vs Wade.

It's ironic that the very ones who want Evangelicals out of politicals are the very ones who forced them into politics.

If you want Evangelicals, who are neither right or left but one-issue, then overturn the issue which forced them out of the church.

PS: I'm not an Evangelical and don't go to church but I do think that Huckabee like Carter has sold his soul to the devil

Comment Posted By syn On 4.01.2008 @ 12:13

Actually, Huckabee is a Religious Lefty.

This is what happens when a bad decision leads to a horrid law, it creates confused voters. Further, if Roe vs Wade had never happened there would be no political Evangelical movement. If Americans want to get Evangelicals out of politics then overturn R v W.

It's true, God works in mysterious ways.

Comment Posted By syn On 4.01.2008 @ 08:44


I'm not giving up my right to vote to 'the polls generated by the media'.

Is watching Monday Night Football, Desperate Housewives, CSI plus clipping a couple of .20 grocery coupons really worth the price paid to keep the dreadful propagandists in power?

Comment Posted By syn On 3.01.2008 @ 09:22


Speaking as one who was mugged by reality on 9/11/2001, as one who used to believe prior to 9/11/2001 that (even though I never listen to the man until 2003) 'Rush Limbuagh was a right-wing nutcase out to destroy America', as one who converted to the ideals found in Conservatism I am perplexed as to why so many established life-long Conservatives are gunning for candidates who are not really that Conservative.

Advocating lower taxes does not make a Conservative anymore than a pro-lifer advocating Statism makes a Conservative.

When National Review came out for Romney I found myself questioning what is becoming of the Revolution so many Conservatives proudly supported.

I think Rush's phrase is something to the effect that 'if one supports Liberalism one cannot be Conservatise (my memory of his saying is not quite exact)

Whenever I think about Romney, Guiliani or McCain I cannot help but feel I am voting for a Schwarzenegger or Bloomberg neither of which really held to their campaign promises, actually ended up governing as full-blown collectivist nannies. I live in NYC and recall Bloomberg running on the 'tough on terror campaign' only to end up telling NYers that 'terrorism is no big deal and we should get a life', Arnold's time in California is a nanny-statist disaster.

Since I'm a convert perhaps I'm missing something about Conservatism which ends up supporting nanny-statism however, what bothers me about the top Centrists Republican candidates (ie Guiliani, Romney and McCain) is that when push comes to shove I'm not sure which side of the fence these candidates will comes down on; will they jump on populist fads or will they lead despite the need to please.

Thompson makes me feel like he stands for Conservatism, the others make me feel like they're standing for Centrism and haven't both Clinton and Bush governed as Centrists.

If the Republican establishment is gunning for Romney, Guiliani or McCain then they should lay of their whinning about how Bush has betrayed Conservatives. From my perspective it's been COnservatives who betray the ideals by dropping their principles out of fear they'll lose elections.

America needs a leader not a pandering-at-every-populist-fad people-pleaser.

If another Centrist is elected, I do beleive it will be the death of the Reagan Revolution and the end of Conservatism.

Comment Posted By syn On 31.12.2007 @ 11:03


Should Huckabee gets the nomination I'm voting for Hillary or Obama or Edwards; if the American Center wants more govt restrictions, higher taxes, further intrusion into personal lives, less enforcemnt of law then why go halfway, just do it all at once so that the Misery Index can be achieved in half the time.

I simply do not understand why free people would consider marching towards serfdom under government command with such determination and glee.

If it weren't for a terrible decision which led to a horrid law(Roe vs Wade) the American political landscape would not be a messed up as it is; indicated by the Ron Pauls and the Mike Huckebees who can use abortion to manipulate their extreme platforms. There are as many progressive pro-lifesrs as there are conservative pro-lifers that the issue negates itself.

As for the preacher thing, it perplexes me that decade after decade traditionally social conservative blacks and African-Americans who are against things like abortions and gay marriage have been preached to vote into power the abortionists since in return they are offered the gold coins of entitlement goodies plus the bonus Defense of Marriage Act; this deception that the government is their savior doesn't make much sense when 1/3 of all abortions are against black and African-American women or when it has decimated the family unit causing 70% of all children who weren't aborted to be born to unwed mothers or built massive ghettos of crime, prostitution, drugs, ignorance and helplessness.

I guarantee that after four years of 'centrist' Huckabee, Hillary, Obama,Edwards governance the majority of Americans will be begging for the Conservative leadership to lead them out of their high Misery Index.

Comment Posted By syn On 23.12.2007 @ 13:15


When my father died at age 69 (two months short of his 70th birthday)from combination of heart failure bought about during the attempt to control his stage four terminal lung cancer I learned that 'preventative care' does not prevent disease and death. He was a longtime health nut ie bi-annual medical checkups, daily exercise and meditation, moderate wine drinker, non-smoker, kept his weight just below normal and ate all the correct foods yet two months after one of his bi-annual physical it was discovered he had stage four terminal lung cancer then died three months after diagnoses. He also used to mock and ridicule smokers and fat people for their 'unhealthly' lifestyle. The hardest thing to watch during is last months was his confusion in that he could not understand how this had happened to him, afterall he had invested a great deal of money and time in preventative care as he was planning to live to the age of 110.

If disease is genetic then no amount of 'preventative care' is going to alter the possibility that I will probably die of some cancer or heart-related issue no matter what I do; if it's not genetic then I'll probably die of something else.

My point is even if the government were to take away our personal liberty by requiring 'preventative care' we will still have to contend with incurable death and disease so why impose Collectivism in order to save us.

Comment Posted By syn On 4.09.2007 @ 07:10


It's amusing when the Left does the 'king tirade' and the way GWB drives the Left insane.

I don't agree with the Bushhate but it's amusing to witness how they so easily cave to their paraonia, it's better entertainment than Jack Nickolson in 'The Shining'.

It's like invasion of the inverted John Birchers on LSD.

Comment Posted By syn On 30.05.2007 @ 19:36


Halfway into changing course and you want to abandon the surge. It's like sometimes I wish I had been in the WTC that day so I would not have lived to see they day when many Americans give up so easily to find secure places to where we wouldn't take up the fight against those waging a war brought upon us by those living in the Middle Ages.

In Indonesia, Morocco, Turkey, Lebanon, Iran, Somalia, the Sudan, Ethopia, Rwanda to name a few, the people there fight everyday against what we are fighting in Iraq but they havn't the luxury to walk away like spineless American cowards.

What a coward and a loser you are Moran; it's one thing for a leftist to abandon the cause since they love tyranny but from a freedom fighter?

I mean really now is the road to peace really the road to Damasus or Tehran because you don't see instasuccess splashed all over your TV screen?

Coward and a loser for blowing holes in the very ship upon which you are riding.

Comment Posted By syn On 29.04.2007 @ 20:30


Not only that Edward but the uber wealthy like Kennedy, Kerry-Heinz, Ford, Soros et al hide their wealth behind tax shelters and trusts, but they establish these trusts to create a Collectivist industry of 'activism' against Individualism.

The division in America is not between red state/blue state but between Collectivism and Individualism aka between Serfdom and Freedom.

Comment Posted By syn On 17.04.2007 @ 12:02

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