Comments Posted By syn
Displaying 91 To 100 Of 102 Comments


I don't much like paying high banking fees, credit card interests, high health insurance costs, high cable and internet charges either however I have a choice not to partake whereas paying high taxes leaves me no choice.

Further, I'm not convinced that taxation advances democracy when only .12 cents to the dollar goes to 'we the People' while the reminder goes to a massive socialist government bureauracy especially when I too have just written out several checks for this tax year plus estimated tax for next year which when added up could feed, house and clothe an entire family of four for a year.

I guess what bugs me most is that while I cannot afford a summer home and live in a studio, I do know someone who works for a popular NBC show, has one of those NYC stabilized 2000 sq ft Soho lofts and enjoys a summer home in East Hampton all the while espouses the belief that 'rich' people should pay more taxes.

Comment Posted By syn On 17.04.2007 @ 05:48



So the Sock Puppets are winning and in your mind that's a good thing?

Thant said, I will never cower to the diseased mind of the post-modern anti-enlightened.

Comment Posted By syn On 2.04.2007 @ 07:19


"As soon as man began considering himself the highest meaning in the world and the measure of everything, the world began to lose its human dimension, and man began to lose control of it" Vaclav Havel

Comment Posted By syn On 26.10.2006 @ 07:33

Did you actually listen to what Rush said? OR, did you simply accept what MSM said what Rush said?

I admit that before I began actually listening to Rush just two years ago the only thing I ever heard about Rush was that he was some right-wing extremist out to destroy the country.

Correction regarding your scientific defintion of embryo, the government has determined that an embryo is considered a person when She needs federally funded pre-natal care and is considered a non-person when She chooses to suck it out with a vacumn cleaner or shoots herself in the abdomen just minutes before 'it' moves through the birth canal. Confusing the definition even further is that if He were to do anything to bring harm to 'it' He would tried for murder while She would be considered an innocent bystander.

Comment Posted By syn On 26.10.2006 @ 07:30


Reynolds points to Schiavo event as one of the leading reasons why Republicans should fail yet the Schaivo event was propelled by non-partisian actors, we saw the mainstream media 24/7 coverage along with Jessie Jackson plus coalition for the Catholic Church plea for her life yet it was all reduced to the argument that Republican politicans and some moralizers alone were solely responsible for entertaining the notion that the federal government should supercede state control.

Reynolds did the same thing on stem cell research argument...he placed the fault against embryonic stem-cell research solely upon Republican politicans and 'those' moralizers when in fact science has never been able to substantiate or validate this type of research.

Also, the man is a professor who will acknowledge that dissent in American universities are restricted but then he pretends that is really isn't as bad as what some people claim it to be.

Reynolds is pro-Reynolds and serves only his interests. As far as I can tell the only principle he holds dear to his heart is that he be able to live forever.

Comment Posted By syn On 19.10.2006 @ 10:53


Baker's plan is the same failed plan he offered during Gulf War I, stability though superior appeasement power. We know how well his plan has worked out.

Comment Posted By syn On 15.10.2006 @ 14:01


Foley has resigned, so how does this represent that the GOP failed to act?

That said, how many duped polls will you succumb before you recognize you've been duped?

Comment Posted By syn On 9.10.2006 @ 09:05


When I began my journey into politics, ashamed to say about a month after 9/11, I heard platforms from all sides and ended up joining the Republican Party. Early on I remember hearing a Q & A session with David Horowitz (from the Freedom Center) and a caller asked the question if Conservatism has such great ideals why does it always have a hard time getting across to the people? Mr. Horowitz's response was that conservatives in their gentle way always give up the war to easy, thinking the battles can be fought another day.

He also reminded listeners that the Left is vicious in tactic and that Conservatives easily succumb to defeat because they are too nice when fighting against such hardness.

Let's face the fact that the American Left is successfully crucifying Freedom for their sake of power. When will Conservatives realize that the war must be fought to victory because there are no more days left to fight the next battle.

What it takes to win is to stay in the game, stop subjugating yourself to defeatists who need America to lose the war in Iraq. None ever said that Freedom or Democracy was easy, in fact it is the opposite. Take a look at our own path to a civilized society. For example, it took almost 125 years for women to vote, and another 50 years for blacks to vote. Iraq has achieved in less than three years what took America 175 years to achieve.

What exactly does 'doing what it takes to win' mean? Realizing that expectations always get in the way of reality. You are expecting a rosy picture of success without seeing the possiblity that tremendous success has been achieved in ways unknown to your world view. Life isn't the Hollywoodized perfection to which we have grown accustomed.

Comment Posted By syn On 21.08.2006 @ 08:47


Only serfs believe that Freedom and Democracy are easy roads to take.

Comment Posted By syn On 21.08.2006 @ 09:01


Back when I was inside the NYC theater world Frisch-speak was the norm and, though I left two years ago I'll wager, still is. Deb Frisch just aired in the open what the Left really believes, thinks and says behind the scenes. They would do stuff like placing a photo of Bush and Laura on the toilet seat so that everyone could piss and poop all over Bush, amuse themselves with talk about the 'retard children' of 'repugs', wail on those 'uptight Christers' who don't know how to pole-dance etc, etc.

My theory as to why this type of dialogue continues is that politically correct thinking allows for Frisch speak to exist as the norm. In their world it is perfectly acceptable to be threatening, vicious and nasty towards anything perceived as conservative because everything else is off limits. Group-think restricts dissent and whenever their vitrol was called out instead of acknowledging their words as vitrol the response instead was always 'What are you a Bushie'. Shelley stated 'the poet is the unacknowledged legislator' and when emotionally disfunctional people like Frisch are influenced by such poetry contrived by those who need a faux enemy to attack (in today's world it is the conservative)they believe themselves justified in airing their irrational emotionalism.

Deb Frisch took what was said in the green room and brought it out onto the stage.

Comment Posted By syn On 9.07.2006 @ 07:37

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