Comments Posted By suek
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Non-reportage in the MSM is _not_ the same as a cover-up.
Would you consider the below url as reporting a cover-up?

You really need to find out how Mr.Cheney managed to shake his MSM tail, though. Even if he doesn't have an MSM shadow (who might possibly had a difficult time following onto private property) then how could someone watching possibly have not noticed an ambulance - who could have been the VP himself - leaving that property. Sounds like there wasn't anybody reporting on the VP, doesn't it. Imagine that - the MSM falling down on the job...allowing the VP some private get away time. Definitely gotta stop _that_.... And oh my - I'm definitely going to hold the VP responsible for not immediately calling the MSM to report that he'd accidentally shot a good friend. Oh yeah - like that would be your first thought if _you'd_ been the VP?
And just exactly what _is_ the public's right to know here?

Comment Posted By suek On 13.02.2006 @ 14:58


"Catholic bishops threatened to exclude Senator John Kerry from the Eucharist because of his support for Roe v. Wade. The Senate Judiciary Committee is now fully justified in asking these bishops whether the same threats would apply to Supreme Court nominee Judge Roberts, if he were to vote to uphold Roe v. Wade."

Once again, liberals show that they cannot discriminate a difference between a person whose job it is to _make_ a law, and a person whose job it is to determine if a law has been broken. Kerry's job in the Senate is to make laws. As president, his job would be to _enforce_ laws made by the Congress. Robert's job is to judge if a law adheres to the Constitution - not whether or not it's a good/bad law. JUDGES ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO MAKE LAWS! There would not be a conflict of interest as long as he judges and doesn't make laws. Liberals _expect_ judges to make laws - that's why they have a problem with Roberts....

Comment Posted By suek On 10.08.2005 @ 19:28

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