Comments Posted By retire05
Displaying 161 To 170 Of 231 Comments


A test is the only way to determine what a child has absorbed, but it is not the end all to beat all. Teachers who only teach the test are failing the "teacher" test. Unfortunately, we live in a society that has been engineered so that "everyone gets a Little League trophy" and children who have a desire to learn are labeled "geeks".

When I went to school (parochial as well) the most popular kid was always the one with the best grades because they were the ones always getting awards and certificates of achievement in front of the whole class. I could not stand the smartest kid in my class so I worked my tail off to prevent them from getting the awards. But God forbid we should encourage competition between students. Now we put day care centers on campus so they can be close to their babies. Wouldn't want to instill any shame in irresponsible behavior. It might damage their little egos.

The Catholic school in my area charges $1,800 a school year for the first child, prorated for the second, third, etc. The school tracks its students so that it can report on the percentage that go to college. The rate last year was 89% of former students that had gone on to university level education. Our local ISD claims it takes $8,700 a year to educate a kid and has a 38% former student rate of those who attend a university.

But we do have one hellofa brand new football stadium.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 26.02.2008 @ 17:02


To say that some dirt-digging reporter for the NYTs is not aware of all the fractions of this story is absurd. But it does pose a question; was the recent hit piece on McCain (unsubstantiated money and sex) a buffer to any story that might come out about Senator Obama?

For Hope Muntz to say that Americans are not ready for a black president is also absurd. While racism may be alive and well, it is alive and well only in the minds of those like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton and the biggest hater of them all, Louis Farrakhan who recently endorsed Obama. Most Americans are too busy worrying about paying their bills to be concerned with that hype.

I read on Politic today that Obama's campaign is warding off the national press, making it difficult for them to get access to the candidate. Why would that be? Hillary and McCain are both easily accessable to the national press and even welcome them, using them to get their messages out. Why would Obama shut them out? Saying that it is so the masses will have access to him is so much malarky. Are his handlers so concerned that he doesn't have canned answers for the tough questions reporters will ask that the campaign is afraid he will blow his "smartest man in the world" image?

And Obama's connection with the far left anti-war bunch is nothing new as Rick has pointed out before. Ayers and Dohrn, who should be making little rocks from big ones, should be looked into at greater depth. Exactly what part did they play in his meteoric rise to U.S. Senator?

No one advances as fast as Obama did, not even JFK who had tons of family money and his father's political connections behind him. Obama has been a rocket in the air of politics but even a rocket needs fuel. Who was the fuel?

Comment Posted By retire05 On 26.02.2008 @ 16:07


Rick, no, I don't think Obama is a Muslim although I do think you are correct that his "faith" is a political convenience. Did he not say in his book that he had been approached by many different pastors but chose Wright's church because he more closely related to it?

What I do have a problem with is what was on Drudge's site where Obama's campaign tried to explain away the photo in Somali garb as being just polite to his hosts. Excuse me? He is running for POTUS but refuses to wear the flag pin of our nation? A flag that many died for just to place it on top of Mount Suribachi (sp?)? How about showing a little politeness to the nation that he wants to elect him to the highest office in the land? Would that be too much to expect of someone who has obviously reaped much from that nation?

Comment Posted By retire05 On 25.02.2008 @ 21:43


No one in their right mind will think that the MSM will take this upon themselves to report. There is a reason Hillary is losing to Obama. The MSM is in the tank for the one person they see as being able to persue their socialist ideals. These MSM types truely believe that the reason socialism has never worked anywhere is because it did not have the right person (people) forcing it down our throats.

They will dredge up old stories with no identifyable sources to slam Senator McCain, showing pictures of a good looking blond everywhere, but you will never see any pictures of Obama with his terrorists friends (and yes, Ayers and Dhorn were home grown terrorists). That just would not suit the agenda of the far left media.

It is not just Obama's adherence to Saul Alinsky that bothers me. If one were to read Gramsci, they would understand that Obama follows his advise almost to the letter. Sex education for 5 year old (albiet age appropriate sex education, whatever that means) follows Gramsci's advise that children must be indoctrinated while they are very young or they are lost to the movement. Government that treats the citizens as part of a whole (communalism) and not as individuals. Cradle to grave nanny state involvement with the politburo making the decisions for the prolitariat. And the nation (voters) seems to be asleep on the job aided in their slumber by a all too leftist media.

We have heard Messianic orators before. It has never worked out for the citizens of those nations.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 23.02.2008 @ 11:37


Don't count out Texas. With a large Hispanic vote and Republicans who have already had their choice made for them by other states, GOPers are threatening to vote Hillary as a protest vote against Obama. Why do you think Hillary is pandering in the Lone Star state? And racial tensions between Hispanics and Black in the major cities of Texas are going to be a boost to Hillary, not Obama.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 14.02.2008 @ 10:18


And if there is anyone out there that still thinks that McCain can win against Obama, facts don't matter to them.

Democrats are going for "young" and "new". Something Republicans seem unable to take note of.

And with McCain telling us to "suck it up" and take one for the team, makes my head hurt even more than it did last night. Maybe McCain needs to "suck it up" and do one for the team. Like act like a conservative Republican and not act like one of the three musketeers standing on the podium with Joe Liberman and Lindsey (you are all racists) Graham.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 6.02.2008 @ 21:34


J, if you are so worried about the $120 billion/year being spent in Iraq to secure a nation that would be an ally in the war against terror smack dab in the middle of the Middle East, then perhaps you would not be against offsetting that cost by no longer giving billions ($7 bil a year in Texas alone) to illegal immigrants that we spend to provide them with medical care, housing, food stamps, WIC, TANF,education for their kids and the extra costs to police departments, jails, our court system and our prisons when they commit crimes?
But I always find that those who complain about what we spend in Iraq never mention what we spend on illegals. Why is that? Why do you resent what we spend on a people that were oppressed by a dictator but do not seem to resent what we spend on those who seem unwilling to make their own nation better and are free to do so?

If McCain takes the nomination, it will be fun to watch how the NYTs, the LA Times, the Boston Globe and other left leaning media turn on him as he goes up against the Democratic annointed one. He will no longer be the "favorite son", he will be the road block to the D's trip to the Oval Office. And they will slaughter him.

The Republican Party has been trying for the last decade to become the party of inclusion; you don't agree with us? Fine, we have a seat at the table for you and so we will not convert you, we will become like you so you feel more at home. This policy is what Reagan changed. But Reagan is gone, and the powers think it is time to go back to a kinder, gentler party, the party that gave us Gerald Ford and Bob Dole, both losers.

Either way, with HillBilly/Obama or McCain, those of us core conservatives will lose.

Now McCain is saying on TV that he will get OBL. If he has the knowledge of how to do that, why has he not shared that with President Bush? Is it not his duty to give closure to all the families of those who died on 9/11? My guess is McCain is so vindictive he would really withhold information from the adminstration to further his own career.

No, I will not vote McCain. Not on March 4 and not in November.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 5.02.2008 @ 10:36


OMG, Romney peeled the skin off his chicken, AND IN THE SOUTH NO LESS. Crucify him. Declare him unAmerican. If there was ever a lame statement, this one is for the books. So what if the press asked him about it? Just because most people in the south like their chicken deep fried with lots of batter doesn't mean all of US in the south intend to load up our arteries with chicken fat. Now we are to pick a candidate on his eating habits?

Judgemental as hell, arn't you? Or are you just looking for anything you can bash Romney over?

Care to discuss McCain's fact finding mission to Vietnam with John Kerry where he pandered to Kerry and turned his back on American POWs, or is that too deep for you?

Comment Posted By retire05 On 31.01.2008 @ 21:31

zwhite, so you think Romney is toast because McCain took 36% of the vote in Florida? And of that 36%, 17% declared themselves independents and 3% were Democrats? So now you think that Florida gave McCain a mandate? Who the hell died and made Florida the spokeman for the rest of the nation?

And maybe you should check out McCain's CU rating for 2006. It was 60%, not exactly a stellar showing.

The way I see it, since Rudy has decided to stand on the podium with McCain today while the Governator endorses him,
the fix was in. Huckabee took votes from Romney in Florida
and while Huckabee will stay in past Super Tuesday, you can
look for it to come out eventually (history has a way of doing
that) that he stayed for no other reason that to guarantee a
cabinet position and to take votes away from Romney.

I have watched the Republican Party move farther and farther to the left over the years. McCain is the culmination of that move.

You can look for McCain, after he is elected, to tell the American people the same thing he told John Cornyn when Cornyn
opposed him with a simple F-you.

McCain has been cozying up to Democrats since his days of the fact finding mission in Vietnam. Why does no one talk about how McCain turned his back on American POWs left behind to lock arms with John Kerry? How about Keating 5? His infamous temper? You really want this guy in charge of the football?

Comment Posted By retire05 On 31.01.2008 @ 14:32


Is there really any difference between left wingers just because of the letter behind their name? The true answer is "no".

John McCain will not be much different than his Democrat counterparts. What will be different is the reaction of the Republicans in the House and Senate. If a Democrat is elected, it will be acceptable for Republicans to try to block and fight what socialist program a Democrat POTUS is trying to foist on us. Under McCain, true conservatives will become the mavericks and will be considered traitors to their party.

Like the Democrat candidates, no one is looking at McCain's record and how he has twarted his own party, and their agenda, time after time. He is another "reporting for duty" candidate who is now claiming credit for the surge. Sorry, that dog won't hunt.

If left of center independents are the ones voting for McCain, what does that tell you? McCain is not carrying the vote of true conservatives. Those of us who buy into the platform of the Republican party are not behind McCain.

But the media is. We are being told to suck it up and just accept a man who considers John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, Russ Feingold, Mel Martinez and other liberals as his friends. He stands on the podium with Lindsey "we will tell the racists to shut up" Graham and I would go so far as to say that there is a good chance McCain will pick Graham as his running mate. So much for our borders. Odd that the McCain campaign told Martinez to stay at home while he was in Florida. Simply, McCain has to run from his record while he is in a state that is severly affected by illegal immigration.

So go ahead and vote for McCain if he is the GOP nominee. But don't whine to us true conservatives when he gives you a government that is more oppressive than you could have ever dreamed.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 22.01.2008 @ 11:35

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