Comments Posted By q_mech
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Richard Bottoms: "It is George Bush who is responsible for making a mess out our response to 9/11."

How ironic that you would show the strain that the military is under as some sort of anti-Bush sentiment, and how telling of your level of understanding of the situation. The problems that the military is having in terms of personnel and equipment are a direct result of Clinton's evisceration in the name of his fabled "peace dividend", which never materialized. Do you remember this piece of history that occurred during your lifetime, namely how Clinton slashed our military's ground strength by about 60%? I recall it quite well. I have a National Guardsman nephew in the Middle East right now, helping to pay for Clinton's foolhardy shortsightedness.

You are clueless, Dick.

Comment Posted By q_mech On 28.09.2006 @ 13:12

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