Comments Posted By mantis
Displaying 1 To 5 Of 5 Comments


You are oblivious to your own rank, partisanship.

What rank is that? Am I a captain of partisanship, or something?

Playing the race card is a favorite pastime of some on the left.

And of some on the right. So what?

Apparently, you are unaware of how the term “racist” is misused - either that or you are so besotted with ideological juices that you actually believe you can change the definition of “racism” any time you choose.

I'm aware of how it is misused. My argument is with your assertion that people gave Blank a pass, and would normally have accused him of being racist for mentioning fried chicken. I never claimed that people don't accuse others of racism where none exists. And FWIW, Sharpton and Jackson are race-baiting jackasses.

Comment Posted By mantis On 15.10.2009 @ 13:08

It depends on who makes the “fried chicken” remark.

No, it depends on what the person said and in what context. If Blank had said "If Michael gets shiftless and lazy and eats fried chicken and watermelon in prison every day and comes out at 250 pounds, he’s not going to be able to play football," you can be damned sure people would have complained.

But because no one wanted to be in the position of defending the monster Vick, Blank got something of a pass. (As well he should have.)

Just because you make that assertion, doesn't make it true.

You are oblivious to your own rank, partisanship. Playing the race card is a favorite pastime of some on the left. Apparently, you are unaware of how the term "racist" is misused - either that or you are so besotted with ideological juices that you actually believe you can change the definition of "racism" any time you choose.


Comment Posted By mantis On 15.10.2009 @ 12:20

What is unmanly is coming to my site and accusing me of that, hiding behind a made up name, sitting safe and secure at home with the full knowledge that you’ll never have to prove how “manly” you are because you’re too much of a chickenshit to challenge me in person.

Are you seriously trying to dare a commenter into a personal physical confrontation? On your blog? Wow. When do you finish junior high school, anyway?

Comment Posted By mantis On 15.10.2009 @ 12:15

Now, anyone in public life who utters the words “fried chicken” as it relates to a black man is usually skewered over an open spit.

Rick, he didn't say if Vick "eats fried chicken and watermelon in prison," he said "fried chicken and french fries." As in fatty foods that make you fat, and thus, not a very good athlete.

You may not have noticed, as being on the right compels you to spend most of your time fluffing your imaginary victimhood, but black people do not get upset at the mere mention of fried chicken, but rather when people decide to caricature blacks into well known stereotypes. Like when, say, someone like Rush Limbaugh says the "NFL all too often looks like a game between the Bloods and the Crips," or that basketball is "the favorite sport of gangs." See, black people are all gangbangers! That's offensive. Saying that a football player shouldn't get fat if he wants to get back in the league is not racially divisive. It's not really hard to understand, unless you're an asshole.

Might I suggest remedial reading course? I'm sure you can find one on the back of a matchbook somewhere:

But because no one wanted to be in the position of defending the monster Vick, Blank got something of a pass. (As well he should have.)

It depends on who makes the "fried chicken" remark. If he is of the correct political persuasion, no problem. If political gain for your side can be achieved by casually tossing around the "racist" charge, the hue and cry ensues.

You just can't take "yes" for an answer.


Comment Posted By mantis On 15.10.2009 @ 12:11


What a surprise, Rick getting all apoplectic about others doing exactly as he does.

Comment Posted By mantis On 27.11.2007 @ 15:03

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