Comments Posted By mannning
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Sorry, I do not know why this post repeated.

Comment Posted By mannning On 14.09.2009 @ 12:41

mannning Said:
12:22 pm

This complaint over kooks needs a longer perspective and less anguish on the part of conservatives. By legitimizing the kooks through serious commentary and woeful thinking about their influence, it raises the temperature of the argument without changing the kook’s mindset.

Every movement has its fringe people, and they will try to be heard, but there are simpler methods of muting their message, such as ignoring them, or making one-on-one comments to them about the negative influence they project.

Reason will prevail in the end—conservative reason, that is! The simple and accurate messages of dissent, based on facts and reason are the answer, and the kooks will probably be won over to such messages before long because they will come to realize the truth of what is being said by every conservative.

So what we need are those simple, direct,truthful and potent messages. Why not turn the discussion around to exactly that creative problem?

Comment Posted By mannning On 14.09.2009 @ 12:39

This complaint over kooks needs a longer perspective and less anguish on the part of conservatives. By legitimizing the kooks through serious commentary and woeful thinking about their influence, it raises the temperature of the argument without changing the kook's mindset.

Every movement has its fringe people, and they will try to be heard, but there are simpler methods of muting their message, such as ignoring them, or making one-on-one comments to them about the negative influence they project.

Reason will prevail in the end---conservative reason, that is! The simple and accurate messages of dissent, based on facts and reason are the answer, and the kooks will probably be won over to such messages before long because they will come to realize the truth of what is being said by every conservative.

So what we need are those simple, direct,truthful and potent messages. Why not turn the discussion around to exactly that creative problem?

Comment Posted By mannning On 14.09.2009 @ 12:22


You castigate Limbaugh, Hannity, Beck, Savage, et al, over and over, as if your voice could reach their audiences to deflect the messages, or at least to influence your own audience against their so-called "pop" and inflammatory commentary.

I suggest that the conservative movement needs a bit of inflaming and enthusiasm to get some real motion going in preparation for the elections next year. There has been far too much passivism, wringing of hands and intellectual congestion, if not misdirection, of late.

Not all members of the movement have the insight, information or analytical abilities seen here, and those people do not read your blog either. They do listen by the millions to Limbaugh and company, and follow the leads they hear: witness the turnout in DC.

Calling these commentators out is not exactly a smart maneuver on your part, but, then, it seems that you are trying to plow new, more centrist, intellectual, and secular conservative ground anyway, and the idea of trying to build a more cohesive, right-of-center and religious conservative thrust seems to be, and is, anathema to that direction.

I further suggest that more simple, accurate, and direct messages of opposition to Obama, his apologetic foreign policies, his czar-ridden administration, ACORN, the Democratic-controlled Congress and their profligate programs is what brings out the most voters to the side of conservatism.

The simplest message of all is:"Throw the liberal bums out!"

Comment Posted By mannning On 13.09.2009 @ 12:38


When this demonstration gets ignored and belittled, what do you think the conservative movement will do next? I'd say more demonstrations, and then even more.
If Congress uses the Democratic majority to pass Obama's flawed Healthcare bill despite the protests and poll numbers against it, the demonstrations will become even larger and more "animated". Such a bill, if passed, would seal the deal for conservatives in 2010 and 2012.

Comment Posted By mannning On 12.09.2009 @ 14:57


"All I’m saying here is that there is a role for government and today’s problems can’t all be solved by insights from a rural society 233 years ago."--funny man

Quite so! That is why we have provisions in our Constitution to amend it. I would want this to be the only way our fundamental law of the land could be modified, but the Supreme Court and other federal courts have found numerous quasi-legalistic ways to alter the law without going through the constitutional process. This is because they know that their versions of the law would not pass muster with the public and states going the prescribed path.

Then, too, we have the Congress that passes laws for a presidential signature to ratify. Large political majorities can result in new laws that require vetting by the Supreme Court sooner or later, and often a likely repeal once the other party takes power.

Some laws are far too difficult to unwind or modify, however, and result in personal entitlements that have swamped the entire federal budget---that is the case now(reference Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security, Stumulus, TARP, and, perhaps soon, Obamacare).

Fiscal responsibility is not evident in these controling bodies of ours.

Comment Posted By mannning On 2.09.2009 @ 15:32

It would seem, busboy, that the current Democratic representatives are signed up, along with Obama, to this spend x 10 program that will cause our children's children heartaches, and will cure what you think are real problems in the nation, but for how long? Until the bankruptcy of the nation takes solid hold inside of a few years.

To me, this is criminal. They are raising the expectations of people in trouble today, only to short them in a little while as the credit of the nation goes South, the deficit blooms, and the service costs explode.

This is not fiscal conservatism in anyone's book. It is buying votes and support with future dollars that accrue to the deficit we aren't even trying to reduce now!

The suspicion exists rather strongly now that the whole plan is akin to the Marxist idea of disassembling the society, or rendering it fiscally impotent, in order to have the mandate from the public to remake government in the image of centrally-controlled collectivism or social progressivism---poorly-- noticed little step by little step.

Comment Posted By mannning On 1.09.2009 @ 13:25

The obvious steps, busboy, are to drastically cut spending by the government, to rein in entitlements significantly, and to desist in any attempts to legislate further entitlements or cap and trade nonsense. This might well mean pulling back on troop levels in Afghanistan, hurrying up the Iraqi retreat, and stopping any infrastructure expenditures for either nation. We should stop payments to the UN and NATO as well. Any thought of national health care will have to be minimized or only slightly adjusted until we get control of the economy. The fact is, we cannot afford the current level of spending, whether we have a tax increase or not. This administration and Congress must reverse its course of spend, spend, spend. spend, and tax later. There is really no alternative, unless you sign up to a totally broke nation.

We should streamline government as well, such as devolving education down to the states, and killing duplication in agencies, commissions, committees, and bureaus (of which there are some 1,177 in being, according to the LSU website).

The difference between Republican and Democratic deficit spending is one of degree. Bush was a total piker compared to Obama by about 7 or 8 to 1, I believe, so the deficit is far and away owned by Obama and crowd, marking his presidency forever, and perhaps putting the nation into bankrupcy. Just the service on our debt will reach over 700 billion dollars per year!

If you have ever had a monitary judgement from a court in your favor, you know that the larger problem is to collect the money. If your debtor cannot pay you, the judgement is effectively null and void. This is what will happen to new entitlements from Obama and Co. You will be owed, but there will be little or no money for you to collect. So the nation will slide even further into debt. Good luck with that!

Comment Posted By mannning On 1.09.2009 @ 12:24

I ask the question: how do you, RM, know the true, long-term intentions of Obama and his minions, and Congress? Are you not flatout guessing from very limited information and a lot of faith in the system?

Who is to say that the signs we see of the current trends of this Democratic-dominated and leftist administration and Congress are actually benign to the US?

Comment Posted By mannning On 31.08.2009 @ 20:17

Well, busboy, I suppose there are weak, moderate, and strong ideologues on all sides. Some of them will be in positions of power, I suggest.

Obviously, I would want MY ideologues to be running things, not those of the main opposition. We have such a situation today, where leftist ideologues (if not something entirely different and unfathomable!)have the say, and it ain't pretty, in my opinion.

How do you reconcile a national debt of 17 Trillion dollars (or lots more!)in 2019 from this administration, with common sense? My answer is--you don't. You get rid of them ASAP.

Comment Posted By mannning On 31.08.2009 @ 20:10

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