Comments Posted By larry in los angeles
Displaying 21 To 27 Of 27 Comments


Sorry about the typo on line 7 of the text. it should read "down another 400 points".

Comment Posted By larry in los angeles On 6.10.2006 @ 11:11

To: Marv the Bush lover

Well lets look at the facts. On January 22, 2001, Bush was hours into his fraudulently gained Administration and the Dow was trading at an intra day high of 10,749 points and would reach 11,299 by May 21. On September 5, 2001 the Dow’s intra day high had dropped to10,140 (1159 points lower ). By the 10th of September, five days later and one day before 911 it was falling like a rock, down another 600 points to 9,740 (a drop of 1559 total). That’s a 14 % decline on his watch. This was after most of the tax rebate checks were mailed, after the Fed rate drops and the lowering of the estate tax. Bush had signed a 1.3 trillion-tax relief deal. From September 11th thru September 21 the Dow fell another 1200 down to 8,484 from where it rallied 1,775 points to 10,259 by January 4, 2002. The drums of war began to beat against Iraq and the rest is history, not conspiracy. I invite you to check the Fed’s and Dow charts. If you check history, economies tend to rally after disasters because the rich are forced to spend money thereby putting currency into circulation that otherwise would have sat in some investment fund. Take your rose colored glasses off. Stop drinking cool aid from the Republican punch bowl and breathe a little truth. I suppose the next thing you’ll tell me is Bush’s tax cuts lowered the deficit.

Banned but not out.

Comment Posted By larry in los angeles On 6.10.2006 @ 10:50

To: Marv and SDN

Apparently I blog among the ignorant. Yes it is true that the markets were in a tailspin by the time Bush was selected. That dive was caused by none other than Republican Alan Greenspan when he raised interest rates up to 6.5% during a time when inflation was lower than it is today. Alan did it to get George in the White House. If you brainiacs check the records you will find that the markets dropped right up to 911 and rallied after the attack on America. The rally ended when Bush started to talk about going to war against Iraq. This may be hard on the Republicans reading this. It’s called the truth. Once Bush was in that grand office Alan lowered rates down to 1% so that Bush could claim that his tax cut brought the economy back. The con was on. A Republican killed the Stock Markets to get another incompetent Republican in White House. Republicans always abuse the power they have in order to gain more power. But a funny thing happened on the way to prosperity. The rich folks took those tax cut and invested them overseas. The Con did not bring the economy back. Lies and Swift Boat Vets (one and the same) did finally make Bush legitimate four years later. The media was complacent in that con in that they switched the topic to non-actionable “values issues” late in the 2004 Presidential campaign. Check the records! Larry doesn’t forget.

To: Drewsmom

You might want to ask Bush that Question. Oh! and, just say no man.

To: Larry

You’re right. There is a new Larry on the Internet and he doesn’t make excuses!

End of story!

Comment Posted By larry in los angeles On 4.10.2006 @ 21:23

to: 6nikkolai

I challenge anyone to prove that any of the general and/or specific points that I wrote is wrong. Snide remarks don’t count.

Comment Posted By larry in los angeles On 4.10.2006 @ 14:04

To: Rick

For the record

Democrats don’t hate Bush. They hate what he is doing to this country. They hate the fact that six thousand Americans (in six years) have died since this media hound of a selected President took office. They hate the very things that Republicans love Bush for. They hate the fact that this President opened our borders, busted the budget and got us into a war that caused gasoline prices rise. Republicans love Bush because gasoline prices are dropping and he promises to cut the deficit that he created in half.
The Dow hit a record high (11,727) yesterday (Tuesday) but it is not a big thing. Since Bush43 took power the Dow has gained about 1,250 points (roughly 11%) in almost six years. Republicans love this. Under Clinton the Dow climbed 7,000 points as it more than tripled in 8 years. By contrast it gained about 1,000 points (46%) under Bush41 (in four years) and 1,400 points (a 2.4 fold increase) under Reagan. This means that under Bush43 the Dow is having its worst performance in twenty years. Neil Cavuto is touting this new high as proof that the Bush43 Economy is firing on all cylinders. Intel, GM and Ford may differ. The Dow hitting this new high nearly six years after Bush took office is proof that this economy sucks. New highs were hit every year of Clinton’s Administration. It only took twenty-one months for the Reagan Administration, four years for the Nixon Administration and a couple of months for the Bush41 Administration. In the last fifty years only Carter saw a worst performance. Republicans hated Bill Clinton because he won two elections, balanced the budget, saw 20,000,000 jobs created on his watch and saw poverty and crime drop. Republicans love Bush because three million jobs were created in six years and they were able to propagandize America, which resulted in putting the most incompetent boob in office in my lifetime. This truth is seen as Bush Bashing. That lie of a movie, “Path to 9/11” is seen as great truth by the Right. The Right needs lies. It’s the only way that they can get elected. The Right sees the truth as liberal bias. There lies only work because the media bends over and lets them have their way with them. I used to think that Republicans were mostly harmless. Individually this is true. Incompetence needs a monopolistic well-established network to make incompetence succeed. In mass their group think Fascism has caused nearly 100,000 deaths around the World in the last six years. All this carnage on a pack of Bush lies. They have only just begun.

Larry in LA
Banned but not out

Comment Posted By larry in los angeles On 4.10.2006 @ 13:27


Actually, I am quite the nice, polite, quiet, rational sort of guy, not given to conspiracy theories. To actually go on talk radio and communicate to America goes against my humble introverted nature. I only do it because the lies told by the Right that are apparently effective in getting incompetent and ineffective Republicans elected; are also simultaneously good at getting Americans killed. The Right-Wingers that infest our public airways have called me some of everything legally possible. I struck back and they turned into a bunch of girly-men "victocrats" and demanded that I apologize, because I dared say the word lie! Those sissies can’t stand up to a plainspoken American. One on one or as a group I can beat them down with the truth. They know this. They need lies to get Republicans elected. Their banning me was simply an excuse to get me off the air because America is in an election season. They do this every time it gets close to vote casting time. Now while you may call it my conspiracy theory- they call it good strategy.
So you’ve struck your first unwarranted direct blow against me. I’m a big guy. I can take it. Consider it a freebee. To all lying Right Wingers- the gloves are off, the truth is on.

To: All others
Re: Chris Wallace’s attempted ambush of Clinton

What a partisan slime ball Chris Wallace is. The Clinton interview came on the heals of the chock-full of lies Republican infomercial called the “Path to 9/11”. The FOX News hit-man was in control of that interview with Clinton and he could have kept control by using the first half of the agreed upon allocation of time to ask questions that related only to Clinton’s recent fund-raising activities. Chris could have then asked single point questions, one at a time about any other subject matter during the time that remained. But that’s not what he did. In his eagerness to nail Clinton on the Bin Laden issue he jumped into Right-Wing Super Hero mode (trying to please his e-mail groupies) and hit Bill with a haymaker loaded with four or five items. This roundhouse also had a nasty accusatory twist to it. What a disrespectful thing to do. As the former President was systematically chewing up Chris’ knuckle sandwich and spitting it out, one bone at a time, Chris (in obvious pain, vainly) tried to regain the upper hand by interrupted Bill time and time again. Then the cable goon tried to toss another three point loaded sucker punch into the mix only to get his head chewed off. He finally conceded and tucked the remainder of his crooked tail between his wobbly legs and cowardly finished the interview, a shaken and smaller nub of a Conservative Attack Hack Dog. He got his posterior kicked but good! What was left of Chris (the punk formally thought of as a man) could only muster a cheep shot directed at Bill, after he left the premises. Some hours later the pathetic Airheads on “Fox and Friends” had to come to Chris’ aid and lick his wounds. They are real good at that. The rest of the media joined in on the orgy, servicing the exposed area where Bill left his shoe imprint on Chris’ back-side by calling the dung slinger “professional” in his antics that attempted to directly blamed Clinton for Bin Laden having survived the Nineties. The Conservatives blamed Bubba even as the Right ridiculed Bill for every bomb he dropped. Chris came to that interview with a load of bull and Clinton made him eat it.

Larry in L.A. (Banned but not out)

Comment Posted By larry in los angeles On 27.09.2006 @ 00:30

Finally I can breath after six years of propagandic stench excreted by the Bush Administration and the Right-Winger cowards that propagate our media. The filthy scoundrels and Chris Wallace were walloped by truth. More democrats should visit talk radio, FOX, ABC, CNN, MSNBC and NBC to beat back the Conservative foul odor that permeates our land. The Wingers on talk radio are banning me (Larry Elder), or hanging up on me (cowardly Dennis Prager) and or not taking my calls (Al Rantel) because they can’t deal with truth. Today Chris had a problem. He didn’t have a hang-up button to silence Bill and he got stomped on. Meanwhile the lovesick Bush supporters want to dump the UN because they were not dumb enough to back Idiot George’s Iraq final solution.

Comment Posted By larry in los angeles On 24.09.2006 @ 19:18

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