Comments Posted By jackson1234
Displaying 181 To 190 Of 190 Comments


Obama apparently believes he can keep the Clintons in check if she goes to State. As you point out he cannot. He also believes Clinton would carry so much bad water for him she wouldn't be any more viable than he if this Administration proves as disastrous as I suspect. Wrong again. I bet her noisy withdrawal from the Obama Administration would be textbook for how to do it for future Fifth Columnists.

Obama said he would meet with dictators,thugs and miscreants without preconditions. This is a good first start.

Clinton will challenge Obama in 2012 for the nomination. I wouldn't bet against her, either.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 18.11.2008 @ 12:06


Sen. Charles Schumer has announced the old John McCain is back. He has asked McCain to act as a liason between Congress and the White House.

Translation: you can go back to being a whore John.

My bet is this witless fool takes it, and reverts to form and bashes conservatism and Republicans. Hell, he'll probably trash the previous New John McCain. You know, we have a very good shot at retaking the White House if Obama does half as badly as I suspect. If McCain had won, we would have lost it in 2012. I never liked McCain even though I voted for him; it is nice to be able to hate his guts again.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 6.11.2008 @ 15:18

Despite her shortcomings, Palin displayed more competence as a campaigner, at least, than McCain could muster. This is anecdotal, of course, but insightful. After one of the presidential debates I attended, the Obamas mingled with the audience and probably picked up a few votes. The McCains couldn't get out of the room fast enough. The Palins were the opposite of the McCains in this sense.

Some of these leaks are transparent lies. For example, does anyone really believe the governor of Alaska--that is surrounded by Canada--if clueless about NAFTA? Of course the media breathlessly reports these leaks because:
a) they are newsworth and b)they play into the template they constructed about Palin. Because of the latter, don't expect much challenge to the McCain staffers' lies. Again, though, some are too transparent to pass the smell test. As you pointed out, the cloths "scandal" is an absolute joke even if true.

Although in the end I voted for McCain, because his policies were somewhat better, I can't say he was the better man. His post-market meltdown stunt probably marked the day he lost, and was quite typical of McCain. I expect in short order, this man very well may suck up to the same Democrats and media outlets that attacked him unrelentlessly and trash conservatives and Republicans like a trained monkey again. I know for certain his staffers will.

So, yes, let's get their names and cast them aside.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 6.11.2008 @ 12:03


Entitlements will implode. The American welfare state is too large, and too cumbersome, to continue let alone to bear the weight of what the left-wing soon will toss on its back. The Left never has reformed any entitlement program, unless one includes welfare reform Clinton accepted under Republican pressure. Conservatism will be renewed, and I don't mean the inevitable anti-Democratic congressional backlash in 2010 or 2012 or whatever--when the hollowness of the Democrats comes to the fore as these programs collapse or result in a tax burden that has to trickle down into the lower income levels.

The only reason I'm not dispirited is because that day looms large and fast approaches.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 4.11.2008 @ 14:58


It is more like endure the future. It will take less than a few kooks and liberals to dismember the United States. No, five United States Supreme Court justices will do a fine job of dismantling the last vestiges of property and individual rights in the not-so-distant future. Conservatives have been too focused on social issues like abortion to realize the real danger will be when a left-wing Congress, president and high court join hands to impose their version of utopia. That day draws nigh. It will be celebrated, eventually, by a woefully uninformed populace.

Shortly after the United Kingdom emerged victorious from World War II, I many patriotic Britons split betweeen those who felt as you and those who felt the slow decline of freedom was about to begin unabated. I think there is no question who proved right.

I have little doubt the Republicans will regain one or both houses of Congress in 2012. The question is whether it really matters now.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 3.11.2008 @ 13:11


Rick: regarding your editor's note at 31. I think it is precisely because clean coal technology is within a few years' reach that there is such a push to close down the industry.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 3.11.2008 @ 11:51

I can't decide which is worse: the rank stupidity of Obama's remarks, or that a man about to be elected or nearly elected president would gladly bankrupt an industry vital to American survival. I don't think anyone can honestly say at this point that they were surprised by these comments, but just to hear them confirms the worst about this bathetic man.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 3.11.2008 @ 11:49


The tracking polls have tightened mightily. Will a late break toward McCain be enough to win? Probably not, but it certainly will put a dent in the Democrats' congressional gains.

If the election had been held last week, the Dems would have realized their filibuster majority. In recent days, though, the seats in Georgia, Kentucky, and Mississippi have moved back solidy to the GOP. There also has been tightening in Minnesota and North Carolina.

The best case scenario for the Dems in the House is 25; the likely pick ups will be 9 to 15.

This isn't a case of disbelieving the polls. It is a case of believing them. The direction in recent days doesn't bear out the bloodbath scenario.

Obama's "address" is a wild card. It could boost the Democrats. Then again, it might have the same effect as his ill-fated European trip, or no effect at all.

It is unlikely McCain will win, but it certainly isn't beyond reason to believe he could, either.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 29.10.2008 @ 11:10


Here's a way to determine conservatism. If you vote for Barack Obama, for whatever reason, you are not conservative and have forfeited the right ever to claim to be so.

I imagine you will be proven wrong about Obama's ideological moorings, which sound in dimestore Marxism and collegiate socialism, but that is yet to be proved. So just say he is a very liberal senator, and a putative conservative votes for him as protest or whatever. That person is not a conservative. That's a simple enough test, and one that is better than whether someone is pro-choice to some degree or another.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 28.10.2008 @ 09:41


Why not take Obama at his word? He said the above in 2001 and again just a few weeks ago. Take the man at his word. He believes in redistribution of wealth. Is he a soft Marxist? Probably. Will the Democratic Party go down in flames with him in 2010? Probably. I think the larger issue is what he said about the Warren Court, which he didn't find "radical." That goes to the heart of governance vs. ideology. I can accept a soft Marxist who governs as a left-wing Democrat. I cannot abide a left-wing Democrat who will govern as a soft Marxist. That day draws nigh.

You have grossly underestimated how dangerous this man could be. The Democratic establishment has as well. Throw in a messiah complex and you have a Hugo Chavez wannabe here.

Comment Posted By jackson1234 On 27.10.2008 @ 13:20

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