Comments Posted By drewsmom
Displaying 71 To 80 Of 304 Comments


Sorry to hear about that. We are finally getting some much needed rain here in the South but it won't make up for the drought we had all summer.
Ain't Mother Nature funny, and no algore, don't get excited, just climate change pure and simple. Read more about what other scientist said yesterday and again, wish ya well Ric.
My son and I have discussed what we'd do if another terror attack happens but weather is not too much of an issue here since we live in such a hilly area not even tornados form well here, we are blessed.

Comment Posted By Drewsmom On 31.08.2007 @ 05:37


The dems on this post are really silly.
Everyone knows the media is biased towards the left, all but Fox, and thank God we have one balanced one on TV.
The left owns the print media, we ALL know this and any attempt here to dispute that blantant FACT is hogwash and we aren't falling for it guys, give it up.
Where is the coverage on hill's funny money scandal, just 24/7 on sleezy craig.
GET REAL. !!!!!

Comment Posted By Drewsmom On 31.08.2007 @ 05:44


Wonder85, you took the words right outta my mouth, mr. kkk byrd should say NOTHING.

Comment Posted By Drewsmom On 31.08.2007 @ 05:57


We Republicans should stop trying to ban Abortion and let the Lord deal with these people when it is their time to stand before him. We can voice our concern over this practice and yes, BAN PARTIAL BIRTH MURDER, but the dems think nothing of killing their young so there isn't much we can really do about this practice except voice our concern.
I say let the gays do their thing, as long as they aren't bothering me and give em rights but NOT MARRIAGE, just rights as far as contracts and money like other couples have.
Conservatives should strive to do what they know the Lord wants them to do and let the dems deal with the consequences of their own actions.

Comment Posted By Drewsmom On 31.08.2007 @ 06:03

Abortion is morally wrong in my opinion, I'd never get one, could not do it, but if others do it they will have to answer for it when the time comes, its not place to prevent them from taking a life but I can speak out about it EVERYDAY and will.
larry craig is gross and a liar and thanks to him and others its given our party the hipocrite lable.
If there are more conservative gay guys and ladies, come on out, it seems to help the dems to be openly gay and barney can run a prostitute ring outta his apartment and still go on an win, win, win and be respected. I just hate the double standard the msm shows and reports but HATE FOR THE REPUBLICAN PARTY can make you say and print anything.
I do see that nobody much in the msm is talking about hillary's $200K contribution from that what's his name?
Talk about covering for the dems. !!!!!

Comment Posted By Drewsmom On 29.08.2007 @ 05:49


The main thing we hear and read about are soldiers and people who against the war, period and should you first vet the story.
Oh, I forgot, nobody checks facts anymore.

Comment Posted By Drewsmom On 22.07.2007 @ 05:32


leo, hark, I think I hear kos and democrat underground rat calling your name, PLEASE GO HOME.

Comment Posted By Drewsmom On 22.07.2007 @ 05:38


This is a hopeless situation, the dems only want victory in 08, not victory in Iraq so like I've said, lets bring our troops home. The PM of Iraq has said we can leave anytime we want, lets take him up on his offer and sit back and watch em wipe each off the face of the earth, thats what he wants so be it.

Comment Posted By Drewsmom On 16.07.2007 @ 04:31


No, Joe, think you got it wrong. Bush is just doing what he bleieves it best for our country but the dems DO NOT GET IT. THEY HAVE WANTED TO CUT AND RUN FOR AGES, they are WIMPS who don't know how to FIGHT WARS --- PERIOD, but this lady wants our troops home with enough left in the area to clean up messes and kick random ass every now and then but again, the DEMS DON'T GET IT -- THEY NEVER HAVE AND NEVER WILL.

Comment Posted By Drewsmom On 7.07.2007 @ 20:27

Rick, its been awhile since I posted on your blog, been going thru a really bad time but now everything is going better and I'm posting on you blog and Sistertoljah, two of the very best out there.
This is the way this dumb blonde feels.
It's time to come home. An Army recriter came by and talked to my 16 year old about intellegence jobs since my son is an absolute geek, this would fit him to a T, either Army or Navy or Air Force intel. Anyway, he let it kinda slip that come Sept. we are gonna start pulling out regardless. I asked him if this was just a fluke so I wouldn't be scared of MY KID having to go to Iraq and he assured me it was not. Sorry dems, but I do believe our Military when they make statements.
In my humble opinion I'd like to see all the moderate few muslims in Iraq be helped outta the country and the place leveled. Also we need to be assisting the Iranian folks to overthrow the mighty midget wack job of a leader they have and also be helping oust hugo the great.
As I said, I am just a dumb blonde.
Hope you are doing good Rick and I'll keep coming back stating my opinion.
P.S. Unlike Mama sheenut I'd stand by my son if he wishes to go into combat to fight, whatever he wants to do to serve his country is fine with this Mom.

Comment Posted By Drewsmom On 7.07.2007 @ 06:27

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