Comments Posted By cedarhill
Displaying 11 To 20 Of 41 Comments


Rick is again wondering around in the nonsense of political science instead of actual science. Makes more interesting, if tortured, reading. I'm always amazed at folks that presume to insert what they think into those of us that walked the streets of American in 1964 selling cans of Goldwater for 50 cents. What a bunch is BS about what conservatives of that time thought about the environment. Anyway...

If anyone really wants to DO something about this one should support Simcox's challenge of John McCain. You want your agenda advanced? Convince the emerging candidates.
Rick, put your efforts where your mouth is. He's currently working on his issues. Tell him what his issues should be. If you really, really want to change things then you'll work with people like Simcox. McCain is vulnerable on the controlling issue of our times - energy.

Carbon is the foundation of all that's good on Earth. Energy is life. Cheap energy is prosperity. Controlling CO2 is suicide; if there is a crime against humanity, this is it. Go educate yourself. Go read up on abiotic energy. Go read about advances in nuclear energy. There simply is no way that green anything is sustainable. You're just another journalist ignorant of science, the scientific method and have now delved into the arcane art of pandering.

What do I care about a Senate race in AZ? Ridiculous.

When you get your Nobel prize, come back and see me.


Comment Posted By cedarhill On 22.04.2009 @ 04:33


After reading some of the posts here Rick is just going through a mid-life crisis. He'll be OK in a few years.

What I find interesting in these arguments on both sides is the use of the term "risk". With the jihadist, there is a probability approaching 1 that given the opportunity he will kill again regardless. It's like a Terminator movie - it's what they do; their purpose in life. Go read al-Qatar sometime. These are not your Germans of WWII, or the Indians of the Old West, or the Cubans of Castro or even the huffin-puffs of Chavez. They're simply cold blooded sectarian killers. Your spouse, your kids, your friends - their heads will casually be loped off while you watch. They follow no rules of warfare, they wear no uniforms, they provide no protection to those they capture and they dream about nuking your hometown.

Not doing torture or hard questioning or whatever one choices to call it is OK with me. Some actually still believe there are absolutes which our laws and theories of governing should be crossed. But it seems to me to be disingenuous to use "risk" as if it's something that can be somehow managed. It would be more honest if one has sat their child, or grandchild or other loved one down and simply said "Honey, you may be killed in cold blood by Mr. Mohammed X but that's ok. It's a price you will have to pay so we can live free."

In context of who these guys are, the question becomes why should they be captured at all and, if captured, why not just summarily execute them? At least you'd be assured they would never kill again.

Comment Posted By cedarhill On 18.04.2009 @ 05:39


So this is what happens with 24 withdrawal as Jack is held in FBI headquarters. Makes the fans want to go out and just kill all the pirates.

At least that's better than all the snipping.

Comment Posted By cedarhill On 13.04.2009 @ 14:43


Must have been my reception. I heard Obama doing what he always does - a series of straw men, a series of misdirection, a series of lies and an ample helping of the fear of "do this or else doom". What was absurd was his reference to the narrow prosperity of the past. I'd say that almost 3 decades of prosperity will not be matched in anyone's lifetime. It's all blathering.

The Dems in Congress today bought into his budget. Reid is going to fast track nationalized health care. Meanwhile Soros is making billions a year on all this misery.

As some have been saying since last summer, Obama will implement everything in this Congress. Public open really be damned since they won't get another opportunity regardless. Everything will be either be done outright, slipped in, regulated in or executive ordered in. All the moderates and blue dogs and screaming bloggers notwithstanding. It's just like the answer to why Tiger Woods married a supermodel - because he can. And he will.

Comment Posted By cedarhill On 25.03.2009 @ 18:55


Obama is a socialist. Period. Anyone thinking he's somehow saving capitalism is still feeling tingles all over and not really serious about analyzing what Team Obama is doing.

Regardless of what one believes capitalism is or isn't socialism is far worse by any objective measure as it's been implemented. And that's the kicker, how it works in the real world. It has no incentives except for those running the system. It dictates outcomes, methods and every meaningful aspect of ones life. Capitalism rewards those that put in 18 hour days over a period of ten years. Socialism usually puts those persons in prison.

Socialists have learned that one must always practice deceit in implementing the system. Thus the use of odd phrases for simple things. We have "toxic assets" when what they simply are are loaning people too much money they could never pay back. Calling them toxic not only confuses the issue but provides misdirection as well.

Then there are the "regulations" tossed around to impose wage controls. Regardless of what it is called, it's wage controls. Period. Price controls are not far behind. Nationalization is in the mix. Rick is absolutely correct about the techniques used the main one is fear.

Obama is simply who he is. He will behave as he has been trained and raised. It is shocking that so many refused to believe his history. It's even more shocking that some that "wanted him to succeed" are now surprised that he seems to be succeeding. Surprised, one presumes, that his success is not what most would applaud.

Obama may or may not be competent. He may or may not know how to run a twiddly-wink enterprise. He may or may not be a lot of things but he is a socialist trained in the socialist methods. He's just doing the only thing he knows.

The only way Obama will win is if the voting majority in 2010 have bought into his socialism. I don't see that happening. I see more and more signs of buyers remorse. Americans usually only pay real attention to the change in their pockets. They're waking up to the fact that Obama has his hands not only in their pockets but all over their body as well. But you know, Obama won't care - he is what he is. If a backlash builds he'll turn into a vicious, cornered, bitter, angry President not fearful of using his powers to punish those who oppose. The Bush years will actually look like Nirvana to the Left by the time all this shakes out.

Comment Posted By cedarhill On 22.03.2009 @ 17:15


Followup from the real world.

Will Tony and Jack release, inadvertently a virus that kills mankind? Will they detonate a nuke over New York. It sure looks like 24 is trying to reprise all their plot lines including resurrection. All while they do ads to control global warming.

How about Jack Bauer simply commit suicide in order to end this year's nightmare and deep six the series? Maybe Fox be kind and banish it to the realm of reruns? Or perhaps Obama's teleprompter?

Comment Posted By cedarhill On 18.03.2009 @ 16:08

Over at Powerline they have a transcript that shows regulators had the power, knew they had it, had the resources and just "made a mistake" in not shutting it down in 2004.

What strikes one in all this is we would be net better off if AIG had went into bankruptcy. The Fed could still have intervened and floated them. No one would have gotten bonuses. Liquidations would have been priced, records would be open to the public, etc., etc., etc.

So where are we today? Not much if one measures things by solutions. And now we have Barney (Fife) pointing his empty gun again and the moonbats in full flight.

Comment Posted By cedarhill On 18.03.2009 @ 16:01


I think you're right about it being a godsend to divert attention from what he's up to.

Since AIG exec's gave millions to Dems, it shows how willing he is to lose their donations since he evidently feels the entire economy is his anyway to do with as he wishes.

Comment Posted By cedarhill On 17.03.2009 @ 14:43


Interesting. Suppose Obama's cap-and-trade fails. Does that mean Obama fails? Suppose Obama's nationalized health care fails. Does that mean Obama fails. Thus, by circuitous logic, one must support Obama's initiatives so that Obama can "succeed" and somehow America "succeed". Pure claptrap. Obama is directly responsible for the decline in the equities market. Period.

What does one suspect pension funds invest in? Beach sand? The next show to drop due to Obama will be an emergency in the pension funds. Obama will have "succeeded" in collapsing them and will "reluctantly" agree to bailing them out or some scheme to further his agenda.

You make no sense since your proof is fully flawed. There are alternatives which will work and have worked. Obama will not, on his own, turn to them. Your problem is your presumption that Obama's policies will somehow work. All the proof points to just the opposite.

When someone is pulling the trigger to a gun and you happen to notice the barrel is pointed at that persons head do you try to stop the person? In your logic, you will have caused the person to "fail".

Obama's proposed policies, as the markets have shown, are failures. Thanks for supporting them.

Comment Posted By cedarhill On 8.03.2009 @ 15:50


Chipping works. Great post.

The process will really begin, imho, when the March 401k quarterly statements are delivered. The first 401k statements of the Obama presidency. No amount of rhetorical blathering by Obama, Congress or the media will change those numbers. A lot of folks don't even check their accounts except when they get their statements. It will be a shocking time for many.

Comment Posted By cedarhill On 7.03.2009 @ 18:45

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