Comments Posted By busboy33
Displaying 51 To 60 Of 657 Comments



I understand that your disagreement with Obama is purely because of his policies . . . but what should I as a citizen think when I see the Courious George dolls at McCain rallies during the campaign, the gorilla jokes (and the watermelon jokes, the welfare jokes, etc., et. al.,), the blackface cartoons, "Barack the Magic Negro" songs, and so on?

You comments on any racial bias against Obama sound like its all a plot of the liberal MSM to frame conservatives. And that just belies the facts on the table.
How could anybody think there was racism in the opposition to Obama? Honestly, with crap like that how could anybody NOT think that there was a racial component to the Obana opposition?

Am I wrong? Was all of that race neutral? Tell me that there's no racism involved in all this . . . but if you do, you're going to have to explain all that stuff to me. I guess I'm a little dense . . . but that sure sounds like some racist $h!t to me.

Now, you want to disagree as to how great an extent it plays into opposition to Obama, that's a different (debatable) question. Maybe its a little. Maybe its a lot. But your comments make it sound like allegations of racism are just laughable -- and claiming that with all this on the table is pretty uncredible to me.

Like I said, maybe I'm just a pawn of the liberal media. Maybe there's a perfectly non-racist explanation for all that. If there is, I'd love to hear it. But having seen all that (and still getting race jokes in my e-mail pretty much every day), simply saying "tut tut, only a silly liberal would think that" makes you look like either you are covering it up out of embarassment (you're not racist, many conservatives aren't, but there are some jackholes that are and they are making the party look bad) or you are complicit in the attitude, since I can't fathom you honestly didn't think those things were racist (which is the only other possible explanation I can see). I mean that as a compliment, because if you DIDN'T know that was racist then with all due respect you are a complete idiot . . . and I don't think you're an idiot.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 22.12.2009 @ 11:14


"The way this bill was passed (middle of the night, Christmas week, no time to read managers amendment, payoffs to buy votes) shows that President Obama and Reid didn’t have faith that the bill could pass on its own merits."

Exactly how long would you like the bill to have been debated? Heck, roughly how long?

Does the fact that Repubs have publicly and repeatedly stated that one of their goals was simply to stall for as long as they could get away with (not work on, not counter-propose . . . just stall) in any way merit for you "going forward"? Do you think that more debate would have pursuaded Republicans to support the bill? If more debate and delay would not have changed the votes . . . why delay?

"Here’s what’s going to happen: the jobless number will come down. We’ll have a recovery coming off a stronger-than-expected Christmas. (The stock market is already up.) More banks will pay back their TARP funds. Fewer mortgages will default than we fear. And about, oh, four months from now it’s going to dawn on people that the HCR hasn’t destroyed their world.
Then all you crazy people on the far right will have a hard time remembering quite what it was that so filled you with hate and rage."

No -- they'll just credit all that to the sound policies of W or Regan.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 22.12.2009 @ 08:05

"I have no doubt that many Republicans would have enthusiastically thrown themselves into the process. But the overreach written into the bill guaranteed from the beginning that the GOP would be on the sidelines."

"Sure, there would have been probably 3/4 of Republicans who would have voted no."

So even as someone that believes that the Reds would have put duty ahead of politics (which I will respectfully disagree with), you don't give them credit for more than 10 Senators that would vote for health care reform which you believe in as a Conservative goal (albeit in a different form) . . . and that's "many Republicans"?

If you think the goal is worthwhile and 75% of the Reds would STILL oppose it, then (respectfully) the problem isn't with the bill as crafted.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 22.12.2009 @ 07:56


"And this is my major beef with this entire project."

If your major beef with the project is that Matt Damon is an idiot, consider yourself lucky.

(just kidding)

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 13.12.2009 @ 18:06


So it doesn't actually achieve orbit? It's a ballistic shot just outside of the atmosphere, then falls back?

Well, its better than nothing. Baby steps, after all.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 12.12.2009 @ 18:06



When I was teaching at a State University, I begged the board to let me teach a Basic Logic and Reason class. I volunteered to do it for free, and provide all the materials. All they had to do was let me use one of the empty classrooms and allow students to show up. Absolutely zero cost to the school and to the students.

No dice. Apparently, a class in learning how to understand thinking was "unclassifiable" (I'm not making this up). What department would it fall under? How do you list it in a course catalog? Think of the administrative headaches trying to apply credits for Major and Minor concentrations! There had been no sub-committee formed to hold multi-year meetings into the concept. It couldn't be used to enhance their accreditation review package. What if students wanted more? Then they'd have to make more classes and print documents! And who would determine who had the authority tp print documents? It could turn into a major power struggle among the tenured faculty.

Better to ignore the topic. It was, and I'll never forget this until the day I die . . . "too dangerous".

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 12.12.2009 @ 18:16


"Wow, even the hardcore righties are giving Obama praise."

Sadly, no.

People who actually think are giving him respect for the speech. Hardcore Righties would trot out the same anti-Obama chant if he cured cancer (see comments #6 and #7 above for examples).

Remember -- he's evil, thinks of nothing but doing evil, drinks the blood of infants, and has spent his entire life plotting for the destruction of America. He is both a brilliant sleeper agent embroiled in a pan-government conspiracy and incompetent, stupid and naive (neat trick that). He's a Kenyan, a Chicago Mobster, a terrorist, a Mooslim, a fascist, a Communist, and probably a Satanist as well.

But aside from that . . . yeah, good speech.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 12.12.2009 @ 10:08

It was a good speech (if suprising given the venue), but actions speak louder than words.

I'm mystified at the Right's criticism of his approach to Afganistan. Before the election, he made clear he wanted to send more troops. Almost the first thing he did after the election was send more troops. His planning recently over the "surge" getting ready to go to me was impressive -- he wanted to make sure we had a coherent plan, and stayed on the process until he felt comfortable that we had (whether you disagree with the "plan", or even if we have one, the approach seems prudent, presidential, and appropriate to me).

Likewise his desire for mutlinationalism. Saying "we'd rather do things with multinational agreement and support" doesn't in any way equate to "we won't take a piss witout a UN resolution approving". Again, the approach makes sense to me.

So the whole "naive, bumbling babe that has no idea what he's doing" meme just mystifies me in terms of what its based on. He may be a rookie quarterback in this league, but he's making intelligent calls. I may not agree with the particular calls . . . but they do demonstrate a respectable level of ability and competence in my eyes.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 11.12.2009 @ 20:21



"My beef with the website is that the color scheme is such that it’s impossible for me to pretend that I’m not screwing around when I should be working."

A good point. The odd orange is certainly a . . . unique . . . color scheme in the interwebs.

On the plus side, RWNH has the most amazingly admirable lack of flash ads, pop-ups, and other obnoxious doo-dads that I know of. For that Rick . . . a deeply sincere thank you.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 11.12.2009 @ 20:28

Its not cheating if you didn't do it, so congrats.

I think I ended up coming here after some other blog referenced something you wrote . . . been so long I don't remember.

What's a feed?

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 10.12.2009 @ 10:45

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