Comments Posted By busboy33
Displaying 571 To 580 Of 657 Comments


On this you are right Rick.
If he would just be honest with us about the situation, I think the American people would give him more time and latitude. I wish they wouldn't but they probably would.
He can't do it though. I don't think its in his character to admit a mistake, and laying the cards on the table would lead to the obvious (and at this point irrevelant) conclusion that he blew it. Big time. He'd rather go down clutching his dream than open his eyes, let go of the "beacon of Democracy" genie that naver came out of the bottle and swim for the shore thru the mud.
Sad thing is, his denial kills soldiers and civilians.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 13.09.2007 @ 23:45



Nobody on the Left is suprised -- we've been saying for years this was an extended quagmire that doesn't offer any hope of quick solutions, and has slim chance of long-term solutions. The Right is the camp that has been preaching "last throes", "turning the corner", "Mission accomplished", "few more months to see real progress", etc.
Why? Either our Administration is blatantly ignorant, or they've just been lying to buy time. Starting this off with "Hell, this is going to last for decades, cost trillions of dollars, and more American deaths than you can stomach" wouldn't have got the American people behind it -- so they lied. And keep lying. Few more months. Just a few more. We're almost there. Victory is just about in our hands. Don't give up yet!
There is no plan for victory -- this is only a plan to stall and hope victory happens.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 12.09.2007 @ 12:32

Mr. Moran:
What on Earth makes you think liberals are happy when soldiers get killed?

"And playing into the enemy’s hands by pointing to a mass casualty attack – each, single attack – a crowing (actually being glad) that “the surge isn’t working” makes you and the terrorists partners."

As an opponent of the war, I'm not glad when our boys get killed. It pisses me off to no end, because they should never have been in harms way in the first place. I'm furious at the Administration stalling for time, when stalling equals dead American soldiers. That's a peversely sick attitude you have, not the Left.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 11.09.2007 @ 02:33


While I would have preferred OBL die on a spike in the public square, I'll be happy enough if he is finally rooting in hell. Here's hoping its faked.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 10.09.2007 @ 12:31


The worst thing is, I'm putting money down on a majority of the commenters here going on about how this shows the Democrats/Clintons/Liberal Hippies work for the Triad.
Nevertheless, interesting article. Asian Mob connection or no, Mr. Hsu certainly seems like a pretty shady character.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 9.09.2007 @ 23:45


This is a joke, right?

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 7.09.2007 @ 23:26


Nice one.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 9.09.2007 @ 13:55

"Thanks Rick. Comment 24 and 25 (for example) are a clear indicator of the truth of your post. If people can’t see the shadow of Stalin in the far left’s actions toward people that don’t tow the party line, you are blind."
I'm sorry, I don't know what you are saying. I presume that "the shadow of Stalin" refers to some effort to persecute those that "don't tow the party line"; if I'm wrong please correct me.
If my reading of your post is true, it seems you are implying that not liking Ms. Malkin is the same as persecuting her. I assume thats not what you meant because thats just crazy. I don't like Mr. Rivera either, but I'm not persecuting him . . .I just think he's a twit. As I said before in my post, I don't like Ms. Malkin because she is often rude and condescending, traits I'm not particularly fond of.
Again, I'm sorry if I'm mis-reading your post, and I am assuming that I am misreading it, especially since attacking someone (I take the implication that I represent "the shadow of Stalin" as a personal insult) who doesn't like a particular person and using that to demonstrate the "far left’s actions toward people that don’t tow the party line" seems like pretty blatant hypocricy. The party line here (in these comments) is clearly admiration of Ms. Malkin. I disagree. You insult me for not towing the party line. I'm clearly missing something here.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 7.09.2007 @ 23:48

Is it acceptable to dislike her, not because of her ethnicity (which I was totally unaware of) but because she can be nauseatingly rude and obnoxious?

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 6.09.2007 @ 22:28


I am pretty suprised that someone who dodged court before got bail -- thats the sort of thing the judges I know deem worthy of an all expenses paid stay at the Grey Bar Hotel until the matter is sorted out.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 6.09.2007 @ 22:30

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