Comments Posted By busboy33
Displaying 341 To 350 Of 657 Comments


@ Ms. Yockey:

"Ridicule on its face is a type of bullying."

I presume I'm misreading this, so feel free to call me stupid, but are you saying that ANY ridicule constitutes bullying? Regardless of the time/placc/manner details? Bullying to such a dangerous and offensive level that a person should be hounded out of their job for engaging in it?

"I’m shocked I have to explain to anyone that what Letterman did is bullying."

This might suprise you, but some people might take this sentence as passive-agressive ridicule (not me -- I put on my big boy pants today so I'm only crying on the inside). Do you decry the Conservative voices that savage Obama? They are CLEARLY ridiculing him (his wife, their heritage, etc.), so do agree they should be boycotted and protested into obscurity?

If not, what makes Letterman so unique? I don't want to come to the conclusion that this is a publicity stunt, but I am absolutely failing to grasp what made this comment rise to the level demanding public action.

If you are against uncivil discourse as a matter of courtesy, I am 100% behind you. However, given the coarseness of discourse in America today, engaged in by just about everybody, this individual example of rude humor doesn't seem to have any distinguishing character except for two features: (1) it involves a Palin, and (2) it involves the media.

If this is the ONLY example of ridicule that moves you to such extreme behavior, then why? You aren't swearing an oath to drive Rusty DePass out of his job for making jokes about Obama? Or Limbaugh? Or Coulter?

I mean it when I say I want to believe this is a principled stance, and not simply a publicity stunt. I truly do. But I'm not seeing it -- open my eyes.

p.s.: as to "why aren't more dudes clicking on the lesbian's site" . . . well, if you added "with steamy les pics" to the name of the site, I think you'd not only get those jumpers, but also a pretty good answer to the first question.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 20.06.2009 @ 19:10

John T:
Yes, it was the 14 year old there . . . not the knocked up one (y'know, the one that was in the news during the campaign)?
So the basis for claiming Letterman advocated child rape was that if he made a joke about a Palin kid being knocked up, and it would have been literally impossible for the one who was in the news essentially for being knocked up to have gotten knocked up under the factual circumstances presented, then he must have meant the other daughter?
Why are the outraged people so literal as to which daughter was there, but sure not literal about the rest of what he said. Letterman said "A-Rod knocked her up". He didn't say "I wish to engage in intercourse with minor children", he didn't say "I endorse and approve of people having sexual relations with minors." Literally, he stated a fictional situation . . . one that did not advocate, one that did not involve him.
I honestly don't understand this outrage. No question the joke was in poor taste, nor was it funny. Not because of pedophelia, but because I don't think making fun of the kid (the "choose abstinance just like I didn't" one) is nice. Its not her fault mom uses her as a prop and forced her into the public eye. Comedian tells a joke in poor taste. In other news today, scientists are reporting that water is apparently moist.

@ Ms. Yockey:
I presume you're dealing with your own blog, so I suspect you may never see this post, but should you read this . . . how is what happened "bullying"? I certainly can see that as being closer to reality than "advocating pedophelia", but I'm not following the logic. Letterman didn't say the comment to any Palins. How was he bullying them?

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 18.06.2009 @ 03:33

@ manning:

"First of all, conservatives must pick their battles properly, and not waste ammo on trivial events."

Exactly. Rick is absolutely right that sometimes a line in the sand must be drawn, but to quote my old mentor (who stole the quote), "you gotta pick the hill you're gonna die on".
The OP makes an impassioned justification for the Charge of the Red Brigade, but what is the goal? "Change". Kick Da Bums Out. Basically, Do What's Right. That's not a goal. That's not a plan. That's not a hill to die on. That's frustration lashing out, and that's never a reason to damn the torpedoes. We're Mad As Hell And We're Not Gonna Take It Anymore is a laudable sentiment . . . but it's not smart strategy unless its linked to some concrete effected goal.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 17.06.2009 @ 16:18

There's a fine line between resolute determiniation and psychotic obsession. Don Quixote had that intense focus too.
Lady's on a one-woman crusade to get Letterman fired (for what? The Palin joke? Seriously?!?), and you admire her resolve. I see someone that's determined to fail, that likes the idea of gallantly struggling against impossible odds and dying a glorious Hollywood death so much she's chosen a pointless windmill to ram into until she gets dragged to the metaphorical hospital.
When I lived in Ohio (Dayton), there was a lady that would spend 3 days a week, 3-6 hours each day, dressed in graduation gowns standing at an intersection near U. Dayton. Sometimes she brought a sign about stopping the injustice, sometimes not. She'd been doing it for almost a decade. She lived almost an hour away (according to the scuttlebutt) but refused to give up on a complaint she had lodged against one of her Professors, who had given her a lower grade than she felt she deserved. Mind you, he gave her a passing grade, she graduated, she filed a protest and the college review system didn't find anything outrageous or unfair in her grade, but she was going to Fight The Goliath. And she would NEVER give up or give in . . . and spent a decade protesting when she could between working.
Admirable integrity and dramatic resolve . . . or unstable lunatic?

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 17.06.2009 @ 11:07


"Try to imagine Fox News broadcasting from the White House “Blue Room” during the Bush presidency, where he is making the case for war- prime time, hosted by Brit Hume, presented as news, no opposite viewpoints presented, and free air time. You would be outraged, and rightfully so."

. . .yes, I guess that's a silly scenario. Who could imagine Fox shilling for the Bush/Neocon Admin? Madness.

@Gayle Miller:
Make up your mind. Fox is fair and balanced, but they have a "message". If they have a message, then they aren't fair and balanced . . . they're pushing a message. That ain't rocket science.

The fact that you like the message doesn't make it fair and balanced . . . it makes it your preferred flavor of kool-aid. Enjoy it, but do kindly blow the "everybody is so bamboozled by the propaganda except me" line out your kiester.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 16.06.2009 @ 13:47


It may be a bit too nerd-tasitc, but the final fitfight between Neo and Agent Smith in the first Matrix movie was top notch.

Also, Uma Thurman and Darryl Hannah beating the brutal crap out of each other in Kill Bill 2.

Last, Bruce Cambell vs. his own hand in Evil Dead 2.

p.s. -- respectfully Mr. Moran, you can jump off a cliff for disrespecting They Live. Truly, one of the best horrible movies ever made, and one of the most laughably nasty extented fistfight scenes. Philistine.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 15.06.2009 @ 17:08


Rick, the fact that you can find somebody who said something doesn't make it reflective of "The Left". This is the internet -- you can find somebody to say anything. Usually with plenty of grammar errors too. Pointing to a blogger as the face of the Left is as silly as saying Randall Terry speaks for The Right -- more silly when you consider how many people identify with Operation Rescue as compared to identify with a blogger.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 14.06.2009 @ 02:21

"I didn't know how to stop"

I'm no blogger, but just off the top of my head . . . stop posting updates to the story?
Just throwing out ideas here.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 13.06.2009 @ 05:42


"Taking a dump into a water well just to hear the turds echo when they hit bottom is a pastime for village idiots"

Conceeded, but you have to admit that if I could play "Chopsticks" like that you'd be pretty friggin' impressed. And disgusted.
The balance between the two would depend on how well you can see my artistic genius, obviously.

Seriously though, I'm stealing that line. Whether I credit you, John Wayne, or Yogi Berra is going to depend on my mood at the time of use.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 12.06.2009 @ 22:49



". Von Brunn is (reportedly) linked to anti-government Tea Party protests. (Note: I’ve yet to see evidence of this alleged link, but let’s assume it’s true.)"

Sure there's evidence that "The Left" is pushing this -- Rick linked to a Tweet from the founder of the Daily Kos that's pretty unintelligible, but mentions the shooter and has the words "Tea Party" in it -- that's pretty strong evidence "they" are trying to make a link, right?

p.s. -- read the above with a helping of sarcasm.

Comment Posted By busboy33 On 12.06.2009 @ 10:19

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