Comments Posted By astonerii
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Want to clarify, if those are his issues on a federal level, then my argument stands. If on the other hand, he wants to take the federal government out of all those issues, I am willing to look at him closer.

Comment Posted By astonerii On 15.02.2010 @ 22:17

"Like most GOP governors, Pawlenty is a font of new and innovative ideas when it comes to applying conservative principles to a governing philosophy. Education, health care, mass transit, and other issues important at the state level were addressed to varying degrees by Pawlenty by growing government as little as possible."

That just lost my vote. If his experience is in education, health care, mass transit and are addressed with growing government as little as possible, I do not want him any where near the levers of power in the Federal government.

Education, is a local issue, at worst case scenario the state could be involved at the college level, but should not even be looking at the k-12. Any spending by the state should only come in the form of buildings at the most and never under any circumstance cover any salaries, upkeep and never ever come with any strings for what the school teaches. Anything more than that, and you are not talking about a conservative, even if you live in California or Massachusetts.

Health Care, again, why is this a government issue at all? At the federal level the only thing the government should thinking about on the issue of health care is Veterans. That is all, not even for federal workers, wages should pay federal workers, the few that there should be, enough to pay an insurance company for coverage. If you are talking about anything more than this, then you are not talking about a conservative, even if you live in California or Massachusetts.

Mass transit in all ways shapes and form = socialism. Do I even have to say anything more than this to prove that if you are talking about mass transit, you are not talking about a conservative, even if you live in California or Massachusetts.

If there is any talk about growing government, you are not talking about a conservative, even if you live in California or Massachusetts.

My, what a great conversation we had here. It is obvious when you talk about 'conservatism' in your state that you are not you are not talking about conservatism. What you are talking about is socialism, and I think Americans on a whole are already completely sick and tired of that direction of movement. I have heard Pawlenty enough on this person to know that I will sit out another election if he is in the same position as McCain was on November 4th, 2008.

Comment Posted By astonerii On 15.02.2010 @ 22:13

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