Comments Posted By anon
Displaying 31 To 40 Of 61 Comments


The problem is two-fold: there are nutters out there like Robinson calling themselves "conservatives," and then there is a national media only too happy to put the Robinsons of the world front and center as representative of conservative thinking. The thing that always drives me nuts is that there is often an underlying truth to many of these hyperbolic rants, but it gets lost in the unhinged hysteria. For example, some of what Obama is doing -- taking over car companies, appointing "czars" to bypass Constitutional checks and balances, limiting executive salaries in the private sector, threatening state governors who oppose his policies, etc. -- likely is un-Constitutional, which we should be discussing, but we don't because these nutjobs make such charges seem so incredulous with their absurd rhetoric. I still say, though, that righties do a far better job of calling out their nut cases than lefties do. Who's the last liberal nutjob a la Robinson that any liberal site criticized or condemned? Most of 'em get a slot on "60 Minutes."

Comment Posted By Anon On 19.07.2009 @ 12:43


I'd be happy as heck if this were dead in the water, but I don't believe it is. A loss here will be crippling for Obama. He is not going to let this slip away. Reid and Pelosi will put out the fires like they always do -- with threats and graft. This little break just gives Obama and the media more time to sell it, and more time to trot out the sob stories. Obama WILL get his nationalized health care. I have no doubt about it. They simply do not need any GOP support at all to pass it.

Comment Posted By Anon On 19.07.2009 @ 08:54


The problem with journalism today is a simple numbers game. Like academe, the field is simply overrun with Democrats and leftists. This, then, feeds on itself as leftist hires leftist, and they become ever more narrow and anti-intellectual in their world view. Surrounded at home and work by like-minded folks, they are never challenged, never have to defend a position, and thus become unable to distinguish opinion from fact, and erroneously assured that their views are mainstream -- and "correct." A national election is held, and you have national journalists saying "I can't believe George W. Bush won. I don't know a single person who voted for him." Cronkite changed as his profession changed. As it became perfectly acceptable to assume that "everyone" felt the same way he did -- because nearly everyone in his world did -- Cronkite started letting the water cooler talk spill over into his public talk. Like so many others in his profession, he didn't think his leftist views were all that startling, because, after all, everyone he knew felt the same way, and for liberal elitists like Cronkite, "everyone I know" means "everyone."

Comment Posted By Anon On 18.07.2009 @ 17:12


Boy do I ever agree with you about Huckabee. I remember seeing a family photo of his back during the primaries. It was Huckabee, his wife, and two (or maybe three) adult sons, and dad and the grown sons had matching striped hillbilly shirts on! The boys (men?) were fat and vacuous, like their brains had been fried by too many Cheetos and too much internet porn. It had a real "Yup, I married my sister and these here are our worthless kids" feel to it. Positively creepy. I have this sense that something is just not right about that man and his family. Anyhoo…I could vote for Romney, but since I believe Hillary will be Obama's running mate in '12, I think Romney's VP choice is going to be really important. Hillary is definitely being groomed (by way of an utterly inconsequential SoS stint) to be Obama's number 2 in 2012, so Romney will need someone who can go up against her in voters' minds. Who will that be?

Comment Posted By Anon On 10.07.2009 @ 16:27


Until the Republicans win back the House or Senate, nothing the Obama administration does will ever be investigated. The Chicago Way also means protecting your own, and democrats protect democrats. Period. These investigations will go nowhere. Obama and his media will play the ridicule card on Grassley, to great effect. If investigating potential wrong doing in the Obama administration or corruption in the democrat Congress is a priority for you, let it go. It simply isn't going to happen. Obama is the Teflon president writ large. We're just going to have to let his little presidency play out, unfettered by any checks and balances, and hope the voters decide they don't like Obama's kind of authoritarianism. But perhaps they will like it, in which case it will continue. Obama won't be brought down -- or even bruised -- by any scandals with this Congress, so quit dreaming. It's probably not good for the heart or the blood pressure.

Comment Posted By Anon On 18.06.2009 @ 11:09


What's all this snark about "so you want the fairness doctrine then?" No one here has said that. People are expressing their outrage at this media corruption and the ensuing hypocrisy from the left. If a Republican did this with Fox News, the left would be having an apoplectic fit. This ABC programming will be left-wing, pro-Obama propaganda masquerading as news. That just needs to be said. That's all. No calls for regulation, just what I hope will be a thunderous, far-reaching acknowledgement that the ABC news network is in the employ of the Obama administration and therefore should be ignored or ridiculed when reporting on any aspects of said administration. For the record, under the Obama administration I imagine that a "fairness doctrine" would bring us more of this type of corrupt left-wing propaganda, not less.

Comment Posted By Anon On 16.06.2009 @ 11:45

Lionheart, Presidents always have a bigger soapbox than anyone else. That's always been the case.

But the real question is: okay, let's say that you all are right. So the solution is more regulation? What new laws would you suggest?

Comment Posted By Anon On 16.06.2009 @ 10:53

This seems to be an over-reaction. ABC News is a private entity. At worst, we have a private entity exercising its right to free speech. So what?

Furthermore, ABC News is claiming that it will pick questions that represent a diversity of views. Now, you can claim that they are biased. Fine. So what do you propose? Should we have a government body to oversee the fairness of the news? Now that would truly be scary.

Note that I'm making no claim that ABC News is unbiased, fair, or whatever. You can attack them for that all you want, just as the left attacks Fox News.

Comment Posted By Anon On 16.06.2009 @ 10:16

The only thing that can be done is to continue to beat the drum about the leftist media propaganda machine. Maybe call it a "vast left-wing media conspiracy." There's no stopping such propaganda except by revealing it for what it is -- and convincing enough people to understand that when they turn on network "news" they are tuning into the Obama White House and the reporter on the screen is lying to them. Can that be done? I don't know.

Comment Posted By Anon On 16.06.2009 @ 09:57


A powerful remembrance. Such courage, indeed. It makes one feel quite small and weak to imagine what these men did in our name. As to your final question -- "Can we still summon forth the will to perform great deeds in a cause that reaches far beyond our narrow little corner of planet earth in which we live and love and die?" -- I've thought for a while now that the answer to such a question is…no. We are a house divided, and our children learn nothing of liberty in their public schools. Few could even tell you what D-Day is, and they've been taught to believe that it's entirely reasonable for some to question whether the Holocaust ever even occurred. The newest rage in social studies education (my own daughter went through it this year) is to study WWII from the Nazis' perspective, because they were victims, too, you know. No oppressors; just victims all around. Whatever shared values we once had as a nation have been replaced by the twin ideologies of multiculturalism and cultural relativism. There is no more "evil" in the world, just "another way." Our children have been taught good and well that the promotion of democracy or liberty or freedom or whatever you want to call it is simple, petty imperialism, and that people living under tyrants prefer that to any interference by Western principles. This country can't come together and even identify a common enemy let alone fight one. We aren't victims of hubris, as you say, but rather ignorance. So, no, we will not rise up again to confront tyranny. We'll embrace the tyranny, think it was our own great idea, applaud its commitment to "the people," and then stand around naked, shivering, and impotent as it drives us into the ground, wondering how in the hell it all came to this and thanking God our grandfathers aren't around to see it.

Comment Posted By Anon On 6.06.2009 @ 15:14

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