Comments Posted By Travis Monitor
Displaying 11 To 20 Of 175 Comments


"But calling the shooter a “terrorist” animated by radical Islam to carry out jihad against those who he perceived to be an enemy wouldn’t have helped the families in their grief nor would it have said anything profound to the nation."

It would have communicated something very simple and profound: Obama gets it (finally). Everyone in this country is putting two and two together and knows it was an act of terrorism, but not the President. Hiss 'cracking under stress' was clueless. The failure to use that "T" word or acknowledge that it was malice aforethought, animated by Jihadist sentiments, that led Hasan to commit terroristic murders shows that Obama doesnt get it. Are we even fighting a 'war on terror' still or is it now 'an international action against man-made disasters' or some such euphemism?

"It may be hard to comprehend the twisted logic that led to this tragedy. "
The cynical retort would be - not to someone who's read the 9th surah of the Quran and actually paid attention to what the radical Imams and Bin Ladens have been saying. It is quite easy to understand the evil intent generated by radical Islam against the West.

As for the speech, except for euphemizing terrorism, it was good enough that it rose to the level of GWB speeches that were given under similar situations. Does David Frum have a secret employer? ;-)

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 11.11.2009 @ 21:38


#19: "Now, they’ve lost alot of those critical moderate Reds and Independents who were alienated by the strategy."

Here on planet earth, independents went 2 for 1 for the Republican candidate in Virginia this week.

#22: "This what happens when nobody reads the bill and it is rammed home by our liberal establishment. A sad day indeed."
The 'free rider' issue is exactly what was observed in Massachusetts. People not getting insurance, and then, thanks to mistaken-intended regs forbidding exclusion for pre-existing conditions, people sign up at least minute. A system where everyone tries to game it to get something for nothing is a system that breaks down quickly.

Not only are insurance mandates a vile intrusion against personal liberty, they apparently DONT WORK. The Mass. lab experiment should have been observed a few more years before taking it national.

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 8.11.2009 @ 22:00

"Again, Busboy makes excellent points. Trimming the fat is exactly what the GOP could have done. But that would have required them to act like adults."

Nope, you are both shallow FUD-spreading maroons. The Republicans had a solid alternative to the faux 'stimulus' boondoggle, it would have cost half as much and been earmark free and was real stimulus, not just a spending spree ... it was shot down. Republicans had amendments on cap-and-trade in boxer's committee - she shut them out of the process so completely they boycotted her charade.

The Republicans put alternatives to healthcare forward. Multiple bills, lots of interesting ideas that could lower healthcare costs (somethings the Dems did nothing about) - Democrats ignored them. In Senate and House committees, they were shut down, cut off, ignored, and in rules committee, they simply squashed GOP amendments like so many bugs.

It's an absolute and utter farce to speak of GOP 'engagement' with Democrats when the most partisan Speaker in our lifetimes Pelosi runs the House like a prison warden, stripping away Gingrich-era rules that had opened up the House. Obama himself wont really listen, with his "I won" attitude.

This is Democrat 'bipartisanship': voting for the left liberal Democrat bill.

When Democrats offer up a crap sandwich, dont be surprised that the choice of what garnish to put on it is not enough inducement to eat it. You Democrats will have to eat the crap sandwiches all by yourselves.

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 8.11.2009 @ 21:53

"What makes a president is rescuing the economy from what even the previous administration admits was the brink of absolute disaster."


Obama is a complete and total FAIL on the economic front. We now have more than tripled the projected job losses and the 'jobs saved' is a cruel joke. Meanwhile, hie supports job-killing bill after job-killing bill. He has harmed the economic futures of me, my children, close friends who just this month lost jobs, and harmed millions of other Americans. And they/we are starting to get ticked off about it.

This healthcare deform bill harms us more. For me, their gutting of health savings account is a kick in the groin. Of course, there are literally hundreds of such kicks to the groin that the Democrats engineered, along with billions in corrupt payoffs (eg for AARP) in this bill. The tax hikes are a socialist scheme sure to backfire, harming both the treasury *and* the economy.

It's almost as if BHO wants so hard to be another FDR he is personally engineering another depression ... or maybe he's just plain ignorant about economics. (I'd argue the latter, since he was so clueless he didnt even know what "PE ratio" meant! that's mind-boggling ignorant!)

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 8.11.2009 @ 21:39


Mr Ed - Point taken viz #27. However, while I was intending on making fun of his name/moniker, inferences about Mr Bottoms proclivities were not intended beyond the conclusion that he's acquired the habit of smearing right-wingers through over-consumption of MSNBC propaganda.

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 6.11.2009 @ 23:01

"Richard bottoms and all the others who insist on mislabeling the movement - they are TEA PARTIES not tea baggers (which is a perjorative descriptive term for gays)."

Dick Bottoms is just showing off his intimate knowledge of gay sex acts. A guy with a name like Dick Bottoms should be a bit more careful with using gay-innuendo smearing technique, doncha think?

Sad to see the depths to which the left will descend to avoid real reasoned debate.

Heh - this may be one of the more ironic comments I've seen here in a long time. Please don't speak of "reasoned debate" after accusing someone of being a homosexual.


Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 6.11.2009 @ 16:58


"No one who gets the endorsement of the NRA can, by any stretch of the imagination, be termed a “radical leftist.” "

Ahem, a correction: liberal Democrats, including pro-abortion, pandering big spending liberal Democrats, can get the NRA endorsement. Liberal Democrat Chet Edwards (D-TX) is one. For the GOP to nominate a candidate (Dede) who's about as liberal as Chet Edwards, who's in the 25% ACU/ 75% ADA range (not a 'radical' but a liberal), is a shameful exercise.

Dede has proven every conservative critic of this bad nomination choice correct, and did so the moment she endorsed Owens. She had no party loyalty after all, and not a conservative bone in her body. She thinks liberal pandering is good politics. She was a bad candidate and in no way reflects the good principles this party stands for. Good riddance to rubbish like her from the GOP.

The meme that a Hoffman win = 'nutroots takeover' is lame, even more hilarious is the comment that a conservative winning a district the Dems want to steal = 'crippled GOP'. Hint: A Conservative win is a GOP win. Hoffman will fit the district just fine. The blowout of three victories for conservatives/Republicans on Tuesday (Hoffman, Christie, and McDonnell will all win) should be a shot across the bow of the powers in DC. The American people are NOT happy with what the Democrats are doing and the people WILL have the last word.

No - you are not correcting me. "Liberal" is different than "radical leftist." There is a difference and Scozzafava is not one of the latter and neither is Chet Edwards. It is wrong to call Scozzafava a "radical leftist" period.


Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 1.11.2009 @ 23:24


I always felt that the problem with liberalism is that:
It treats adults like criminals,
criminals like children, and
children like adults.

Nanny-statism is along the same lines. Govt = Daddy, so eat your veggies and let Govt tell you what to do - infantilization of laws.

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 28.10.2009 @ 21:38


"Obama has been at the job a little over eight months in the middle of the worst economic crisis in history save for the Great Depression"

... a crises aided and fomented by the economic mis-management of Democrats in Congress and Obama's administraton. 4 million jobs lost since Obama was elected, and they wont return soon. Yeah, keep blaming the guy who's out of office, that's a real winner of an argument.

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 26.10.2009 @ 19:38

"Iraq, Afghanistan, nukes in North Korea, an Iranian nuke effort, massive deficits and the biggest economic collapse since the Great Depression."

Enough about Obama's record ... let's talk about Swine Flu.

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 26.10.2009 @ 19:33

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