Comments Posted By Travis Monitor
Displaying 161 To 170 Of 175 Comments



Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 9.11.2008 @ 23:31

Really it doesn't matter if Obama is a 'good man' or not. So was Carter a "good man", a good man and Sunday school teacher but the worst President in my lifetime. I kept hearing President Bush call these people that worked for him "a good man" and they ended up being the poster-child stellar examples of incompetence that doomed Bush to basement popularity ratings.

"Good man" types get people killed, jobs lost, businesses bankrupted, and makes the misery index rocket. If Obama is indeed a "good man" then God help us all.

I find the question of Obama's intent no more than a back-story. Goldstein is probably more correct on who Obama really is, but intentions never matter - results do. It's his agenda and policies that will harm us, and THAT'S where we need to go hammer and tong. Attacking Obama personally will send the Obamanuts on hunts to call the critics racists, etc. So let us be smart in our critiques.

My honest fear is that obama will surpass the horrible Carter, due to Obama's ever more radical/left-liberal impulses, combined with an arrogance that surpasses any President in our lifetimes. Am I to stand mute while our property is plundered, our freedom threatened, our prosperity turned to dust, and our children sucked into creepy semi-totalitarian Obama Youth Corps programs?!? I think not!

Let's lay aside any aspersions on Obama's character for now, but focus on Obama's already discreditable policies. In 2 days the stock market dropped 10% and lost $1 trillion - a huge vote of NO CONFIDENCE in Obama's economic plans. Who will stand up with me and say "STOP OBAMA'S SOCIALISM" to oppose bailouts without end, tax increases without purpose and spending without accountability?

Obama put forth in his the nutty idea of a Federal community service requirement for K-12. Against federalism, and indentured community servitude - no thanks, I will oppose this and defend against the oxymoronic forced-service.

He is putting the hyper-partisan Rahm Emanuel as COS, sending a clear signal to the Republicans "Screw you, get to the back of the bus."
And he put a pro-fairness-doctrine liberal on the FCC transition - Our First Amendment right to listen to unrestricted political programming is under direct threat!

At this time, we now hear that Obama will reverse drilling policies and restrict domestic drilling further. At a time when we NEED MORE DOMESTIC ENERGY, he is deliberating harming our ability to produce it (and windfall profits tax will make it worse too). Obama's policies means a higher energy trade deficit and higher energy prices.

And so it goes, barely a few days into transition, and the word "SOCIALISM" is clearly and sadly becoming *NOT* a hyperbole when describing the Pelosi/Reid/Obama planned future.

We do the country a grave disservice if we stay mum while the worst policies of this Obama administration are proposed and enacted. I protested the Bush policies that I thought were wrong even though I voted for him, and I will protest every Obama policy I think is wrong. Remember, he ran for the job - he serves us, not us serving him, so anyone who suggests that is 'unfair' or 'not giving him a chance' I say this: If he cant stand the heat, he shouldnt have run for head chef of the kitchen.

Don't forget - the libs told us - DISSENT IS PATRIOTIC!

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 9.11.2008 @ 23:28


"Much of what Obama says is inspiring even to a conservative like me. People should be looking at what he has done, how he has voted and what he says outside of infomercials and stump speeches."

While the first time it sounded okay for him to throw thse 'conservative' talking bones, now I find obama's attempts to pander to the middle repulsive at this point, because I know how fundamentally dishonest and manufactured it all is. They are empty talking points, but the real left ideology of 'share the wealth' and 'bitter clinging' shines through; at heart, he's a leftwing activist who pals with extremists and radicals - those are his roots. The rest is campaign shinola from Axelrod Productions.
The Obama campaign is massive bamboozling operation, and his real record of left-liberalism (ratings like Americans for Tax Reform 0% and NEA 100%, NARAL 100%, prolife 0% ratings), support for the worst kinds of judges, the worst kind of immigration policies, tax policies that in the past 12 months he was for increased payroll, income and cap gains taxes, etc.

My mind boggles at the stupidity of middle-of-the-road and conservative voters to suspend basic common-sense faculties by ignoring his real voting record, his extremist and corrupt associations and activities, and his far-left promises made not long ago in campaigns. They are falling for the oldest trick in the book, enabled by a very biased media and a huge campaign bamboozling operation. Obama is the least experienced and most left-wing presidential candidate ever.

not looking forward to living in a George Orwell or Ayn Rand novel in the upcoming years of this Republic. Just hoping people wake up by Tuesday and decide to "Stop Obama's Socialism."

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 1.11.2008 @ 17:07


As a conservative, I’m now more comfortable with Obama on security"

WHAT?!?! Obama got schooled as a complete and utter moron who compounds his errors by being stubborn about them, who falsely used Kissinger as a reference which Kissinger says is wrong, and who had 3 positions on Georgia and basically just ended up coming around to McCain's first instinct.

Obama is the least qualified candidate for President in a long time and will indeed be dangerous for our long-term national security. it boggles my mind that we'd pick the neophyte who was wrong about the surge over the maverick McCain who was right about the surge, right about Fannie Mae, right about 9/11 commission, and right about many other things..

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 28.09.2008 @ 00:17


“Obama who was not a Christian until he came to Chicago, used Wright to get into the good graces of the black community. Once Wright called him out as nothing more than a politician he threw him under the bus.”

"Are you saying that he worked in the community for almost 15 years in order to get into their good graces so he could get elected? That demonstrates a great deal of forethought and planning on his part, you know, if he actually did that."

Obama was a leftwing community activist. He worked with ACORN and other groups. He worked with Ayers on the $100 million Annenberg challenge grant that wasted millions on infused leftist ideology into the schools. His core is about advancing the left agenda. If being in a Black Liberation Theology church that just happens to preach black panther style worldviews and calls it Christian, so be it. All for The Cause. (And the cause is more Marx than Jesus, to play on words by jean francois ravel.)

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 28.09.2008 @ 14:34

The Couric interview was a splice job. they engaged in journalistic malpractice.
Worse than gibson's gotcha journalism, they are now into lying-journalism. Mismatching questions and answers to make her answer sound non-responsive. CBS needs to release the full unedited interview; they have done another "Rathergate" in their desperate attempt to help Obama win the election. They excised moderate comments and misamtched questions and answers.
Pink Flamingo."If you read the edits, Palin does not look like an idiot. That's the whole point. Couric had to make her look bad."

It gets worse. American Prowler reported: "...CBS New anchor Katie Couric ordered staff to drop all references to "Governor" or "Gov." from her interview with Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin."
And "Producers and editorial staff at both NBC and ABC report that fellow staffers have openly ridiculed Palin, her professional and personal background and her family during production meetings, in the editing bays during video editing for nightly news stories, and while covering Palin at political events...."

This is journalistic malpractice, with a clear intention and agenda of diminishing Governor Sarah Palin that apparently has worked.

Our media has all the credibility of the USSR's Pravda.

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 28.09.2008 @ 14:30


"so an army of ghosts marched into South Ossetia?"
The only people marching were Russian. And Russia's version of events is about as convincing as Hilter's claim that Poland attacked Germany on Sept 1939.

South Ossetia 'leaders' spent most of their time in Moscow. And they have a strange reluctance for real independence...

I thought paleo-cons were at least smart in their cynicism, and not dumb fools for the KGB/Putin/Pravda propoganda machine.

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 17.09.2008 @ 00:05

“... as is your silly claim that Georgia first attacked. You apparently can see through liberal media bias but not Pravda/Russia PR stunts and lies?”

I’ve done a great deal of homework on this one. You might want to do the same."

I guess your homework hasn't extended to learning that the Georgia Govt has recorded radio and telephone messages proving that the Russians set this whole thing up and had moved armor prior to the hostilities. Also, the timeline proves the Russians were preparing this for weeks prior. You dont suddenly have two divisions in a foreign country within 2 hours of a miniscule firing of a few artillery shells and call it self-defense.

Georgia produced telephone intercepts on Tuesday it said proved Russian armour entered Georgia hours before the start of a Georgian attack that Moscow said forced it to send in its troops.

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 16.09.2008 @ 23:59

#11: "She didn’t even know what the Bush doctrine is"
And you do?!? Come on tell us what it is?
Or are you going to screw it up and get it *wrong* like Charlie Gibson did (the tool!)?

Get schooled. Read Krauthammer. Palin got it more right than Gibson.

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 15.09.2008 @ 23:25

Retort to #9:

Obama’s got nothing. Zero. Nada. As evidenced by the fact that you folks on the Left spend 99% of your time attacking McCain / Palin, and 1% touting your candidate.

Of course any touting is such laughable hype, it's understandable that you are reduced to negative mudslinging. All the claims that McCain is doing so is .. projection.

Comment Posted By Travis Monitor On 15.09.2008 @ 23:24

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