Comments Posted By Todd
Displaying 11 To 20 Of 58 Comments


"It is bad enough the President of the US puts the prestige of his office on the line in order to gain an advantage for Chicago to get the 2016 Olympics."

Good grief, are you guys still hung up on that?? Do you have the same criticism for the King of Spain, the President of Brazil, and the Prime Minister of Japan? Of course Chicago didn't make it out of the 1st round--it was a bad venue!

"Every petty tyrant out there with a grudge against the US will be gleefully looking for any way to bring the young POTUS down..."

How is that different than what you all are doing?

Comment Posted By Todd On 9.10.2009 @ 10:16

Yeah "ed.", I'll take advice about serious blogs from you...

Truth is, this is very good for the country, but that doesn't matter now to most GOPers.

Comment Posted By Todd On 9.10.2009 @ 09:40

I knew your heads would be exploding over this. Ah, gotta love the GOP patriotism. Guess who else agrees that it was undeserved? The Taliban and Islamic Jihad. Otherwise, the reaction has been pretty positive:

Better read more lefty blogs. The serious ones have a lot of questions. The Obamabots like you are predictably uncritical and blind.


Comment Posted By Todd On 9.10.2009 @ 09:24


Thank you pacatrue. Yes, "ed." seems to be actively trying to DECREASE his readership (weird strategy at a time when there are a zillion blogs to choose from). I've come back for one reason only--to show how Obama's election has helped us all. I still maintain that our "superpower" status is tenuous at best (if it remains at all--this giant economy "ed." talks about is mostly on paper and we're broke). However, I thought this was great: The GFK polling group has reported that we are indeed the most admired country again after being in 7th place last year. Here's how the huge jump was explained:

"What’s really remarkable is that in all my years studying national reputation, I have never seen any country experience such a dramatic change in its standing as we see for the United States in 2009,” explains Simon Anholt, NBI founder and an independent advisor to over a dozen national governments around the world. "Despite recent economic turmoil, the U.S. actually gained significant ground. The results suggest that the new U.S. administration has been well received abroad and the American electorate’s decision to vote in President Obama has given the United States the status of the world’s most admired country.”

I don't understand why conservatives want him/us to fail--this helps us ALL. This is good news for ALL Americans--liberal, conservative, or otherwise.

For more info on this, go to:

Ok "ed."--I think I'll scurry off now to find a blog where the editor himself doesn't freak out on the commenters with juvenile name-calling, etc. if his opinion differs. Michael luna, good luck to you if you're gonna continue to subject yourself to such nastiness.

Comment Posted By Todd On 6.10.2009 @ 20:22

Looking through the comments, I can only conclude that it is indeed the editor of the blog since the only two comments more/less hacked with italicized aggressive responses were mine and one other more liberal commenter. That's fine--it's your blog. However, I'll not be back. I mistakenly thought this was a forum which, although conservative, would also accept different views. You certainly don't have to agree with me just as I don't have to agree with you, but to so rudely attack a select few of your readers (and in this case one who often donates to blogs he likes) is quite uncool.

I find it easier to simply add on to a comment so that I can address the specifics without having to go back and forth. You have insulted me plenty in some of your comments and I find it ironic that my "aggressive" response offended you so. Don't want to be offended? Don't give offense. Duh.

What offended me about your comment that I responded to was its utter stupidity. Your only critique of the litany of evidence that I piled on was that you've talked with people in other countries and that makes me wrong? That too, is idiotic.

Do you deny that America's economy is $13 trillion? Do you deny it is (nearly) twice as big as any other economy in the world? Prove otherwise.

Do you deny our cultural dominance? Prove otherwise.

Do you deny our conventional military supremacy - even fighting two wars? Prove otherwise.

Do you deny anything I wrote in response to your ridiculous, uninformed statement that America now resides in a "multi-polar" world? If we do, it is because we have a president who chooses to make it so, not because it is true in any relative sense. Prove otherwise.

I see that challenging you angers you and causes you to scurry away. Fine. About what I'd expect from someone who spouts nonsense and can't back it up.


Comment Posted By Todd On 6.10.2009 @ 08:05

Does the "ed." signature mean editor? Is it the editor of this blog?

Comment Posted By Todd On 6.10.2009 @ 07:27

Justice (#21), good points. I'm a frequently relapsing political junkie (I'll be blog-free for a few weeks, but I always end up back on the e-junk, like now)---wish I could kick the habit for good since the anger and hatred only bums me out.

Comment Posted By Todd On 6.10.2009 @ 07:23

"I could go on but you get the picture."

Yes, you could--and I'd disagree with you on pretty much each of the points you made.

Btw, I've been to 49 different countries in all parts of the world (I live abroad now), and I can tell you firsthand that the world sees the US quite differently that you do.

"Why do American liberals reject the facts staring them in the face?"

Right back at ya...

Comment Posted By Todd On 6.10.2009 @ 07:18

Doug King, you bring up an interesting point about religion. Again, it is an ideology and not a reality. Moreover, at least in the case of "Christians," you have public piety espoused by people who are often involved in very unseemly behavior. I'd say that spirituality, more than religion, plays a larger role in Lefties' views--many people I know, anyway. For me, I'm a Jesus fan as he was one of the most liberal figures in all of history. He healed the sick (for free), fed and clothed the poor, decried wealth and materialism (camels don't fit through eyes of needles usually), was completely against violence, was for the separation of church and state, counseled us all to love others as ourselves, taught that ALL humans are God's children, etc. These "Christian" conservatives can call themselves whatever they like, but it doesn't mean they follow the teachings of the Christ. Similarly, bin Laden is not a true follower of the Prophet Mohammad, etc. Prophets are teachers, and in the case of Western religion, there are a lot of failing students.

Comment Posted By Todd On 6.10.2009 @ 07:12

Monitor, typical rightwing response: twisting words, skewing context, personal insults. First off, I didn't say anyone was a Stalinist: I said that the squelching on internal dissent coupled with anti-intellectualism was indeed used by the USSR in the 30s-50s. It's historically true and it's definitely comparable to what the GOP is doing right now. Also, did I not decry ideologues? I think I did. You actually proved my point about GOPers who work toward bipartisanship as being treasonous collaborators. You also invoked Godwin's law in an inapplicable context.

"Conservative heathen rabble"--I don't even know what that is and I didn't use any term remotely like that.

American economic supremacy? Are you serious? That's long past--irrevocably so (even some conservatives admit that). The best we can hope for is to maintain economic viability. America is no longer the sole superpower in any respect except for our nukes. I think this is actually good news for our country and the world. A multi-polar world is rapidly developing and while I know that hardcore Righties don't want to accept it, it may very well be what saves us and ushers us safely and prosperously into this new century.

American economic supremacy? Are you serious? That's long past

Huh? Who? WTF? A $13 TRILLION dollar economy is "long past" being supreme? Are you nuts? Our economy is twice the size of the nearest competitor - Japan - and even bigger than the entire EU put together?

Our productivity is the wonder of the modern world. We produce more, using fewer resources, than any nation in the history of human civilization. Even with our shrinking industrial production (about 18% of GDP) only China manufactures more stuff.

Should I even mention agriculture? Or our conventional forces which are so far superior to any other nation's that even fighting two wars, our navy and air force leave every other nation in the rear? (Our 29 squadrons of the most modern, the most deadly fighters in existence alone could destroy any air force in the world).

I realize there are many who would celebrate America's decline. But when the thugs of the world go to sleep at night, who do they worry might lob a cruise missile into their bedroom? France? Russia? North Korea? They worry about us - and goddamn well they should. They don't believe in our "decline" like eager American lefties who think it good that we might be humiliated in Iraq or Afghanistan. Iran does not believe we live in a "multi-polar world" - except Obama has unilaterally declared it to be so, voluntarily subsuming American interests in favor of the interests of other nations - something he was not elected to do.

Give me a break. Your statement is false in so many ways as to be laughable. Stop with the wishful thinking and get real. Russia's conventional capability can barely be projected into Georgia. China would have enormous difficulties invading Taiwan across a spit of water. We can still get 100,000 troops - a medium size American city - and move it 5,000 miles in less than 60 days.

Militarily, economically, cullturally, politically, diplomatically (even under Bush) we are still the only superpower. Every other country in the world knows it and acts accordingly. Why do American liberals reject the facts staring them in the face?

I could go on but you get the picture.


Comment Posted By Todd On 6.10.2009 @ 06:39

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