Comments Posted By Tim
Displaying 31 To 40 Of 65 Comments


Thank you for this post, Rick. As a dem, there was a time when I couldn't say what you just said on a righty blog without being called a left-wing socialist. I'm glad to hear that someone on the right can see this for what it really is.

Comment Posted By Tim On 22.12.2008 @ 12:43


From Newt Gingrich:

"I was saddened to learn that at a time of national trial, when a president-elect is preparing to take office in the midst of the worst financial crisis in over seventy years, that the Republican National Committee is engaged in the sort of negative, attack politics that the voters rejected in the 2006 and 2008 election cycles.

The recent web advertisement, "Questions Remain," is a destructive distraction. Clearly, we should insist that all taped communications regarding the Senate seat should be made public. However, that should be a matter of public policy, not an excuse for political attack."

For once I agree with him..

I agree too. No call for trying to drag Obama into something he probably is clean on.

Emanuel and "Advisor B" - that's another question. Emanuel is probably safe but people are going to ask why he didn't go to the feds when it became obvious Blago was going pay to play on the senate seat.


Comment Posted By Tim On 16.12.2008 @ 18:00


Gayle Miller - Wow!

That's some pretty upstanding stuff...

What are you smoking?

Nevermind....I'm impressed. That's what we need now... Bravo!

Comment Posted By Tim On 10.12.2008 @ 03:30


Sorry Chuck I realize now you were quoting Rick... YEs - incredibly misleading. A very sorry argument. But being misleading seems to be the #1 tool for republicans:

"Homosexuality is threat to convential marriage" LOL!!!

"Iraq was linked to 9-11" Wha-Wha

"We need to deregulate and let the markets police themselves" - Woops!

"Driling for oil will end the energy crisis" - Tell me in 20 years...

"Hey! Let's put social security and health care on the stock market!" Let's not and say we did.

Wrong Wrong incredibly wrong. Wrong then, wrong now..

That's why you're L-O-S-I-N-G!

Comment Posted By Tim On 14.10.2008 @ 14:45


I am 58 and a democrat, just to let you know. I saw what happened to politics in this country and it started with Rush Limbaugh. But rightwing extremism has existed since the 1960s. I was an office flunky for the St. Louis Globe Democrat in 1970 and I opened the mail. I read many a letter that could now appear on any of the most extreme sites of the right. At that time the left was also extreme. I met Abby Hoffman once and he was a fairly sleazy guy who thought he was right about everything. To me it is this absolute need to be right, hooked up to a person's ego, that creates the people who now dominate the discourse. This is truly sad. I am mainly on the left, but support the 2nd amendment and feel I am fiscally conservative, though I believe there is a need for regulation. I once worked at the Chicago Mercantile Exchange and have seen the greed and stupidity that can come into a free market. Meanwhile I have many gay friends in committed relationships and know many people who work in the anti-sexual violence movement, so my social politics are different than what prevails on the right. I have voted for republicans in my life. In Illinois we used to have many middle of the road republicans. I voted for Obama over Allen Keyes. Frankly, that was easy. If I were a libertarian I would probably vote for Bob Barr. People in themiddle are sick of this warfare you folks keep talking about. IF this really is warfare, then why don't you get your guns out and declare civil war. I've lived with Bush, and spoken out about his policies that I think are un-american (torture, call it what it is), and I have done what I have done. Just don't tell lies, or mis-state things for your political purpose. That is what is really wrong. The idea of destroying the other side. That has to stop. We all want a strong opposition in our land. That was what was wrong in the Bush years. The democrats were way too weak to balance things. How do you make the Republican party strong again? Give up Rove and tell the truth and move more to the center. Yeah, I know. You don't want to give up your principles. What a sad place America has become. It really did used to be a better place for the average person. Well, more polite, anyway..

Comment Posted By Tim On 14.10.2008 @ 10:29


I love your last paragraph...

"In short, conservatives worst nightmare would be upon us; an ultra liberal president who can do anything he wants...."

Those same conservatives brought us the worst nightmare we are all currently living in. Through support of Bush and the current crop of Republicans in our government, those conservatives, you conservatives - brought everything we have right now. And please Rick, don't footnote that with "rightly or wrongly". You own this. If the economy was flying high right now, you know you'd be tripping all over yourselves to take credit for it..

...Obama will win. And this country is going to be better for it. Really should be sitting this one out. At least long enough for America to forget what you've done to this country.

You know who you are...

Comment Posted By Tim On 6.10.2008 @ 17:47


Gayle Miller:

You're mindlessly parroting McCain's "Country First" marketing slogan.Please give yourself more credit than that. Even our host, Rick Moran agrees this was a "gambit". That's what it is..,And please stop with the "barry" and the "BHO" and the "Hussein". We all know what his middle name is and he's doing quite well, thank you. Don't cheapen your cause with silly name games. I refer to Sen John McCain by "Senator" which he is and deserves to be acknowledged. Why am I even saying this?? My bad..

Surabaya Stew....Actually tomorrow night's debate has been planned for years. This production started in 2006.

Bald Ninja, On your McCain Selling points:

This is the way I felt about Sen. McCain in 2000. I hoped he would get the nomination in case Gore lost. He didn't get nominated..we all lost. To all my conservative friends here...I admit it. McCain would have been a better pres than Pres. Bush. But McCain is different now. He's blowing it...

Hey Rick... I happen to be a web designer. How about threaded comments? There's a plugin that
could do this easily for you...

Comment Posted By Tim On 25.09.2008 @ 21:58

"Actually, all recent polls show the Palin choice a net plus for McCain with independents – only 18% believe her to be unqualified while she has helped McCain to scoot out to a 11 point lead among indies."

Yeah but isn't that effect on the wane? With every day and every interview, she looks worse. She's been stumped twice by reporter questions. The lack of access to her is getting the press a bit worked up. And having the McCain campaign intercede in the trooper investigation just looks terrible. Look for her numbers to go way down. A net plus is exactly that. Those bumps don't last an entire month

Your other point, Rick:
"...this is far from a panicky move by McCain. It was a calaculated risk. There isn’t as big a downside to the play as you might think because SOME people are going to give him credit for it."

It was a calculated risk that was easily rebuffed and answered. Not a good sign of McCain's risk taking. Those SOME people are already in the can for McCain. MOST people are eager to see these two debate. And which is it? A calculated risk or actually doing something instrumental for the bailout that requires him to suspend his campaign? Sen. McCain doesn't have much experience in this area as a life-long fundamental de-regulator. He also doesn't know much about the economy according to him.

Also, McCain really didn't think about the $5.5Million loss that Ole Miss will incur if he cancels his appearance at the debate. The senator didn't even communicate with the debate organizers before making his announcement on TV. That's terribly irresponsible.

Barack Obama says a president needs to be able to handle a few things at once. I like that attitude. The country needs more exposure to these candidates, not less.

Comment Posted By Tim On 25.09.2008 @ 12:45

Great analysis, Rick. I agree 100% Now how about that?

No, Mark. That's not the way this is playing out at all. Nice try, though.

This is yet another impulsive gamble and gimmick by Sen. McCain. The first one was picking Sarah Palin. That one is already wearing thin with the public. She's not ready to lead anything and was a terrible choice.

This debate gamble is seen as panicky and opportunistic. So far McCain is showing himself as a really bad leader. Two swings and a miss so far. His swing is getting more wild each time. He could tone down his wild reactions to events and run his campaign more steadily but I believe it is too late. He's lost this election already.

Actually, all recent polls show the Palin choice a net plus for McCain with independents - only 18% believe her to be unqualified while she has helped McCain to scoot out to a 11 point lead among indies.

And as I said above, this is far from a panicky move by McCain. It was a calaculated risk. There isn't as big a downside to the play as you might think because SOME people are going to give him credit for it.


Comment Posted By Tim On 25.09.2008 @ 10:05


Rightwing Nuthouse to the rescue! Sorry, Rick but you are just a full-time McCain apologist spinner... And with this befuddled former fundamental de-regulator you're going to have your work cut out for you. Worse than the fact that McCain can barely think straight, is his campaign staff who is literally throwing rotten spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks. I'll stick with Obama's comprehensive plan to save our economy. Your candidate can get a 9-11 commission to tell him what to do or fire the Pope ooops I mean Chris Cox - whoever! Spain, Mexico? What's the difference?

I really take exception to you saying that Josh Marshal's site should be dressed up like a clown. TPM may be wacky at times but the core of it citizen reporting and facts and footnotes and official documents to back up what they say. They dig, you spin and apologize. That makes you a sad clown. You must be pretty determined to see your party win at all costs to the American public because you, Rick Moran are a smart man and a brilliant writer. Your job just requires too much creativity and far-reaching spin to make a point. If McCain wins and I'm sure he won't - he would be smart to put you on his staff.

And the following article on an Obama presidency destroying America? Pure poppycock. Absolute diatribe, a filthy representation of the facts.Pure spin....pure fiction. We know better so please - don't give yourself a heart attack trying to spin McCain's disastrous campaign...

See my "Blogs and the 2008 Election" post above. Marshall's site has degenerated into highlighting the latest insignificant, irrelevant slip of the tongue or the latest Palin rumor all day all the time. This guy got an award for journalism and he's practicing partisan hackery.

Where do I ever say an Obama presisdency would "destroy America?"

This is a quote from that article. You tell me where I say that Obama would "destroy America:"

"Yes, an Obama victory would be bad for America. But if this country can survive a Jimmy Carter, a Herbert Hoover, and a George Bush, it can certainly survive an amateur and fakir like Obama. It will be his incompetence that probably saves us in the end. He has yet to prove himself a success at anything except getting elected. He was a failure as a community organizer, a failure as head of the Chicago Annenberg Project, a failure as a state senator, and a non-entity in the short time he has been a US senator.

With a record like that, how much do we really have to worry about?"

As any fool can see, I say exactly the opposite - that an Obama presidency will NOT destroy America.

I know you're stupid but I had no idea you lacked basic reading comprehension skills. Try a JC in your area. I'm sure they can help.


Comment Posted By Tim On 21.09.2008 @ 15:00

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