Comments Posted By Terrye
Displaying 11 To 18 Of 18 Comments



I am tired of people like you too. I am tired of people who talk about international law, but don't think that it mattered whether or not Saddam broke it daily. I am tired of people who talk about innocent people being killed when in truth they could care less about those people and have proved it time and again. And I am tired of people making outrageous claims they refuse to even attempt to back up. I am tired of people whining about how they got robbed every time they lose an election and yet they have no respect for the will of the people in a country like Iraq.They actuallly had an election, that should count for something.

This is not a question of refuting bad news. I am not saying the news of out Iraq is wonderful, but 550,000 dead in two years is insane. It is a bizarre claim.

Isn't 50,000 bad enough?

Comment Posted By Terrye On 11.10.2006 @ 16:47


I am not the one living in the time warp, it is all those movie stars doing their power to the people shtcick living in a time warp. And yes, the people who run Sudan are going to go right on doing what they are doing because no one will stop them and if Bush even tried we can only imagine the screeching that would ensue.

For years I listened to people like Clooney bitch because the US supported dictators, the US takes a dictator out and they bitch even more. Now who is living in a time warp and who has shown the most indifference to the fate of the Iraqi people?

We have a bogus report but no bodies and the left gets indignanat and self righteous and yet when people find real mass graves with real remains of real dead Iraqis, the antiwar folks could care less.

Comment Posted By Terrye On 11.10.2006 @ 15:40


I care about how those people die. I care enough to know that fanning the flames by putting propaganda like this out there will only make it worse. And the people most intent on fanning those flames often as not are not even Iraqis. Iraqis are just cannon fodder for the left. Just like those poor people in Darfur. We all know what is going on there, what has been going on for years. Clooney and his ilk will posture and preen and act like they give a rat's ass and demand that something be done. But if Bush sent in the military how long do you think it would be before we started hearing no blood for oil and seeing our soldiers portrayed as wanton killers?

We send those young men and women into harm's way to difficult and dangerous work in dangerous places, it would be nice their fellow Americans did not treat them like cold blooded mass murderers. This kind of propaganda puts Iraqis and American servicemen in more peril because it feeds the antiAmerican Arab press and plays to the paranoia of the Arab political world. Way to go.

Comment Posted By Terrye On 11.10.2006 @ 14:34

If I remember correctly went into Kosovo to stop a killer and yet that killer was not as bad as Saddam. The difference? The presdient had a D behind his name.

It is and was a safe bet that people would die in Iraq whether we went into that country or not, it is a violent place. So yes, the president was warned of that, he was also warned that Saddam would get back to wiping out the Shia and the Kurds and the Marsh Arabs as soon as he was free to do it. There were no shortages of warnings.

But this study is stupid. Here is an example why:

From 1940 to 1945 Bomber Command dropped 955,044 tons of weaponry on Europe(some of this was mines and the land total on Germany is less than this figure).

It conducted 391,137 sorties.

The area bombing campaign was by today’s standards indiscriminate bombing of cities.

593,000 german civilians died (AJ Levine, The Strategic Bombing of Germany 1940-1945, Prager, 1992, p.190) .

Think about that.

Comment Posted By Terrye On 11.10.2006 @ 14:01


Fine, why not make it 6 million?

I am simply pointing out that there are morgues in Iraq, there are doctors in Iraq, there are communities in Iraq and no one has come up with any numbers that are even near this. Now the lefties will get all exicted because it serves their purpose, they could care less if it is true or not. The fact that it is absurd on its face means nothing to them. Reality is incidental.

If this is true then the suicide bombers have killed 84,000 people. Now considering the fact that if there is a car bomb in Iraq and it kills ten people reporters from all over the world do a story on it,do you think they just over looked all the others?

And a third killed by bombing raids, that would be about 200,000 people have supposedly died? Where? That is more people than Hiroshima, Nagsasaki and Dresden. I am simply pointing out that if they are going to claim all these people died then it should follow there would be some evidence beyond their pissy little survey. Like dead people. And graves.

I do know that when Saddam would fill a mass grave the liberal mass media just pretended not to notice, but as a general rule the media has not been nearly so forgiving of Bush as they were Saddam so it would seem to me they would have come up with some pics of hundreds of thousands dead in bombing raids.

After all the people who make the claim are the ones who are supposed to back it up. I know we never ask the UN and the Clinton people to back up their claims that Saddam had stockpiles of weapons of mass destruction and look where that got us. They just pretend they never said it. puhleaze.

My guess is this will just be spread all over the Arab media and will inspire more violence and will probably help get some more Americans and Iraqis killed but only we right wingers seemed to care about that. Gas on a fire is fine and dandy with the antiwar movement it seems.

As for whether or not this is all our fault, how about blaming Saddam? He could have done the same thing Kaddafi did and he would still be running his country. Or how about blaming the Democrats and the UN who would not give Bush1 support to go on in back in the first Gulf War and take Saddam out? If they had there would have been no question as to where the weapons were, no Food for Oil scam, no hundreds of thousands of Shia killed in uprisings, etc.

But then being a liberal means you never have to say you're wrong or you're sorry. You just preach and point fingers and make outrageous claims you can't back up.

Comment Posted By Terrye On 11.10.2006 @ 12:51

I don't believe that 600,000 Iraqis have died since the invasion at all. Not just how they died or who they were, but that they died at all.

I am sure that this study did conflate all the dead, but keep in mind that Iraq has a population of about 27 million. Where were all the funerals? If my math is right that is about 570 a day, every day. Where are they?

Comment Posted By Terrye On 11.10.2006 @ 08:56


The sad thing is these people think they are funny or smart or whatever, when it truth they are just hateful.

Comment Posted By Terrye On 31.08.2006 @ 16:41


Nice daydream.

Comment Posted By Terrye On 8.08.2006 @ 18:30

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