Comments Posted By Steve
Displaying 71 To 80 Of 177 Comments


I walked out of this movie it was so filled with liberal poop. Chase, fight, chase, fight, zzzzzzz, also it was BORING! I should have gone to see Homer Simpson.

Comment Posted By Steve On 14.08.2007 @ 06:15


The Left hates Rove cause he kept beating them at presidential elections. The Left can't believe that the whole country doesn't buy their BS, so the elite liberals envision conservatives as stupid Nascar fans or farmers. When they can't beat farmers, they believe their must be a diabolical genius behind the curtains who's orchestrating the hacking of voting machines and intimidating voters in order to win. Notice how during the mid-term wins by liberals that there were NO voting machine errors, NO voter intimitdation. Look for that to change when conservatives win again in 08.

Comment Posted By Steve On 14.08.2007 @ 21:21


If liberals are convinced that Iraq is in a civil war, and that the war on terrorism is just a bumper sticker, why are liberals not calling for the UN to rush to the aid of Iraq? The UN wants to rush over to the Sudan and referee that civil war, why not Iraq? Why are liberals not screaming that the UN is failing in it's duty to Iraq?

Come on, everyone knows why. Liberals want the US to lose in Iraq, it is pure political yardage for them. They would rather US soldiers die than pressure the UN to assist Bush in winning or at least resolving the conflict.

If the US pulls out, and vast bloodshed occurs, liberals will not scream for the UN to help then either. They will continue to milk the yardage by blaming the bloodshed on Bush. Thats why liberals are so adamant that Bush pulls out before the end of his term. Otherwise, the tough options, and consequences, might land on a liberal administration...oh my God.

Clinton and Gore called Saddam the most dangerous threat to peace in the world when they were in office. Doesn't anyone remember that?

Comment Posted By Steve On 9.08.2007 @ 11:00


It's all about the willingness to believe in that which you want to believe. Liberals eat up stuff like Beauchamp's lies, they blast it across many blogs as an "Even if an ounce of it is true, I told you so, soldiers are animals". It's a news feeding frenzy of reinforcement.
The Kooks On Steroids (kos) crowd will believe the story no matter the retraction, and normal people won't care. They don't believe anything that comes from liberals anyway.

Comment Posted By Steve On 7.08.2007 @ 14:57


Obviously, this post from Moron is the article that will finally secure victory in Iraq!

After all, what is the point of pursuing minor stories and soaking in them when it won't win the victory? So clearly this story MUST be the one that wins the war and brings vitory.

Right? Moron? Otherwise why did you write it? What would the point be?

Duhhhhhhhh...right Stevie. And I think the last time someone called me a Moron was a little girl in seventh grade.

Congrats, you've made the big time.


Comment Posted By Steve On 7.08.2007 @ 12:13


Kos is no political force to be reckoned with, despite all the hype or visiting liberal vip's like Clinton. They are just the same liberal keyboard commandos that there always has been, who have always voted they way they do. They are not changing any independent voters minds, certainly not changing any conservative thinking. The kooks on steroids (kos) are just imagining that someone is listening to their liberal groupthink. They are interpreting the website hits of their own making as new interest in themselves. It's the old liberal chant "we are correct, and the rest of you are ignorant, and no opposing views are allowed". Don't complain, it keeps them off the street.

Comment Posted By Steve On 7.08.2007 @ 15:50


To say Reid is empty suit is insult to empty suits. You've captured his total lack of ideas brilliantly with the way he trolled for best of nutroot blogs of past speeches to craft his opening web of lies.

And Levin, what a craven coward, already conceding defeat to Iran and Syria while refusing be a part of negotiating terms of withdrawal (surrender) since that’s above his pay grade. The Dunkirk image is brilliant, too.

This will surely backfire and get them on record as aspiring to defeat without compunction.

With Petreaus’ plan, our troops are wiping out the Sunni and Shi’ite terrorist groups and Democrats are terrified Bush is going pull this off. That’s what this all nighter was about.

Comment Posted By steve On 18.07.2007 @ 09:32


Iran will not use nuclear weapons in an unprovoked attack. Let's be completely clear here. The only country to use nuclear weapons (against civilians, TWICE), is us. Us, as in U.S. It only makes sense in a world where the lone superpower is the one toting the nukes to be able to defend yourself with a nuclear arsenal. It is not in Iran's national interest, in ANY way, to attack Israel. Nevermind what the zealots are spouting (and there are zealots mouthing off in EVERY country), they are NOT in control of that country. The vast majority of Iranians are moderates who just want to live their lives and enjoy some modicum of peace and prosperity. The LAST thing they want is to use nuclear weapons in some sort of unprovoked attempt to wipe a country off the map (that just happens to be close enough to them to cause a nuclear winter) and bring on the wrath of the entire civilized world.

I mean, come on, really? REALLY? Please... enough about war and can we please talk about the real issues instead of being completely distracted again. Things like the economy, healthcare, education. Remember them? Oh no, we were so busy fighting a conventional war on two fronts against an IDEOLOGY (hello, the war on terror can't be won using cluster bombs against perceptions) that we didn't have time for them until Bush can now make his getaway and we're left with the remains.

Comment Posted By Steve On 5.12.2008 @ 00:05


the audacity of the idea that the government has the ability to produce the kind of information utopia that you speak of is downright laughable. since grade school we've been fed half-truths and bad science wrought by a do-gooder government or political hack including stuff like "recycling will save the planet" or "embryonic stem cell research funded by the government will allow chris reeves to get up and walk". frankly, science must compete in the market the same as anything else and stand up to scrutiny of experimentation and skepticism provided by various institutions, including those of higher learning, privately-funded think tanks, special-interest research, amateur experts etc. using government as the means to produce information that is used by government to enact policy is flawed, pure and simple, besides the fact that government is at its core political, it is the most susceptible to legislative whims, politically correct, swings of power, and regulatory immobilization.

the notion that the government has been struggling, thumb-plugging the dikes against an impending healthcare plague while conservative skeptics and gwb have been jackhammering the levies is so hyperbolic that someone just might as well invoke godwin's law.

Comment Posted By steve On 11.07.2007 @ 09:09

i think that ned's exactly right. you've taken a particular instance and made a generalization. it's ridiculous to claim that bottom-level research or information isn't politicized in the first place, especially when you have people of a certain ilk flocking to government service for various reasons, not the least of which is a belief in the all-encompassing infallibility of government. and off the top of my head i can think of ridiculous abuses of political power from the previous administration. i mean using the irs to gather evidence against your political opponents, arbitrarily firing apolitical government employees, misrepresenting commerce department numbers to enhance the wealth effect created by the farcical clinton economy, doj cronyism on a level not achieved by this administration. all of these don't exactly fit into the apolitical mold that you've constructed, but then why be conservative unless you fundamentally mistrust the enormous government bureaucracy as politically warped when the motives are there to abuse the system. the intrinsic problem with liberalism is that it supports the enlarging of the government morass until the liberals have been thrown from power. this article represents the apex of acquiescence to the meme/s of the msm. and for the sake of argument, let's assume that you're correct that no one has politicized apolitical institutions to this degree before (patently ridiculous but let's just say) this is a perfect argument for the pruning of the government vines ie. getting rid of government agencies which do nothing but overregulate and produce politicized misinformation.

Comment Posted By steve On 11.07.2007 @ 08:32

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