Comments Posted By Sirius Familiaris
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You failed to discuss the media's impact on the American public and the insurgency. By any objective measure, the constant emphasis on failure, scandal, etc., has simultaneously sapped American will and encouraged all manner of thuggery in the Iraqui theater.

We can overlook neither the failures in leadership on our side nor the egregious transgressions of a press that wields its privilege. While we can hold the President in particular and Republicans in general responsible for their mistakes, there is no way of containing the threat posed by MSM propagandists. And Democrats know this, which may go a long way toward explaining their extreme cynicism on not just the war in Iraq, but on virtually every issue of national security that has arisen since September 11.

In any case, Democrats will have their cake and eat it, too. The self-appointed guardians of truth in the press will see to that.

Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 28.03.2007 @ 15:03


Would someone mind telling Senator Upchuck that he was elected to represent the people of the state of New York, not to serve as the numero uno attack dog for the Democratic party?

Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 14.03.2007 @ 15:31


With all the other parallels so glaringly obvious, I always wondered why the writers didn't simply finish the conceit by naming the character Charles Milhous Logan.

Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 13.03.2007 @ 11:09



You made two mistakes in your response...

1) You assumed I was referring the CIA specifically, which I wasn't. I was referring to individuals working within the security establishment who think it's their privilege - by virtue of their morally superior political orientation, apparently - to play politics. Check it out for yourself - Plame and Wilson never were disinterested parties in this so-called scandal. Both of them were/are active in Democratic party politics and generous contributors.

2) You assumed that everyone who works in the security astablishment are all dyed-in-the-wool patriots. While I can accept the notion that most people who work for such agencies are motivated by factors other than mere necessity, the most egregious acts of treason also tend to be committed by members of the IC, which makes sense due to the nature of the business. Do the names Robert Hansen or Aldrich Ames ring a bell?

Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 8.03.2007 @ 09:13


Are you suggesting journalists never speculate?

My point was that it may not be wise to turn a blind eye when bureaucrats (or journalists) assume the prerogative of formulating and implementing foreign policy as though they were elected officials.

Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 7.03.2007 @ 16:32

...he may have been the front man for a faction at the CIA who opposed the President’s policies in Iraq and, in fact, may have interfered in the 2004 election by leaking embarrassing and damaging analyses at key points in the campaign.

A thought that should give pause to even the most reactionary leftist...the possibility of veteran security establishment technocrats ham-handedly attempting to swing the outcome of a Presidential election during a time of war is the stuff of banana republic cabals, not American democracy. Leftists would do well to remember that as they continue celebrating Wilson speaking lies to power.

Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 7.03.2007 @ 10:31


Don't expect any response because I'm posting so late to this thread, but here goes...

As tasteless as Coulter's joke may have been, it pales in comparison to what liberal opinion mongers say about conservatives on a daily basis. And nary a word of condemnation is spoken when they blithely campare us to Nazis or casually discuss the advantages of assassinating democratically elected leaders.

In any case, as conservatives, the knees shouldn't start jerking all around the 'sphere when Coulter, Robertson, et al, make some incredibly dumb comment. Until there's some understanding arrived at by which all participants in the great conversation are judged according to the same standard of propriety, I won't lose any sleep over anyone.

But since I'm not naive enough to believe that liberals and conservatives will ever be held to the same standard in this country, I'll defend Coulter's right to use the word faggot in any context she pleases.

Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 5.03.2007 @ 18:57


Right, Drango. Worst President ever, the country can't possibly survive this administration, he took all our civil liberties, blah, blah, blah...

Might I be so bold as to offer some perspective onthe current state of affairs? Democrats said far worse things about another Republican President during a time of war a long time ago, and some even actively cooperated with enemies of the U.S. in order to compromise that war effort. For no other reason than said Democrats not getting their way and elevating the party's interests above those of the country as a whole. Is any of this beginning to sound familiar, Drango?

In any case, if you don't know what I'm referring to, google "Abraham Lincoln" and/or "Copperheads". A little knowledge of this nation's history might lead you to conclude that a) the country is bigger than its President, regardless of who he is and b) Americans have survived far worse than executive malfeasance and incompetence.

Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 28.02.2007 @ 12:36

Since the beginning of the Bush adminsitration, we've seen leftwing journalists, academics and politicians ascribe evil intentions, incompetence, or both to nearly everything the President has done or tried to do.

Lakoff appears to be just one more hyper-reactionary leftist trying to bolster his reputation among his fellow "Bush=Hitler" echo chamber denizens. And if the idea of the President identifying threats to the U.S. and formulating responses is so horrifying to the good professor, perhaps he should begin lobbying his Congressional delegation to introduce a constitutional amendement that grants control of the military to Congress.

Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 28.02.2007 @ 10:43


Sickening in its implications, shocking in its hate directed against the Vice President, I wonder if anyone on the left will denounce this calumny as so many on the right do when one of our unhinged brethren steps over the line?

Dehumanizing your opponents enables you to do just about anything to them. I learned that from discussions with several people who had the misfortune of growing up under the watchful eye of the Stasi.

The fact that these people continue peddling their Bush=Hitler tripe and their mouth-breathing audiences keep eating it up indicates that leftist ideology trumps humanity every single time. At least that's what history teaches us, withour exception. I seriously doubt any of these people would recognize real tyranny if it landed on their faces and started wiggling.

But, if the American people see the error of their ways and deliver the House, Senate and Presidency to Democrats in 2008, they'll succeed where everyone else has failed, right Puff Ho's?

Comment Posted By Sirius Familiaris On 28.02.2007 @ 09:54

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