Comments Posted By SJM
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It's amazing how far the English language can be stretched. Webster's dictionary defines a patriot as a "person who loves his country, and zealously supports and defends it and its interests." John Kerry has reduced this definition down to mean a "person who has worn his country's uniform regardless of how shamefully and how often he has zealously supported and defended the interest of his country's enemies." There have been three major enemies of our country in John Kerry's adult life. In the Viet Nam War he defended the VC; in the cold war, he supported the USSR; and now in the war against jihad, he is giving aid and comfort to the Muslims. I cannot imagine the kind of arrogance it takes for a man with that record to call our troops stupid and trapped and to deny Rush Limbaugh and others the right to speak about issues of national defense. Oh sure, Senator, they didn't wear the uniform, but they also haven't supported our enemies, either.

Comment Posted By SJM On 31.10.2006 @ 16:28

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