Comments Posted By Richard Bottoms
Displaying 301 To 310 Of 362 Comments


You know Richard, at the risk of repeating myself, your canard is rather self-serving in that YOU HAVE NO INTENTION OF VOLUNTEERING FOR ANYTHING since you’re probably too busy availing yourself of every right and opportunity that this “evil military industrial complex” affords people like you.

I served 13 1/2 years in the United States Army as a proud soldier. I tried to re-enlist in 2003 but was told I was too old.

Comment Posted By Richard Bottoms On 1.05.2007 @ 12:06

What should be clear is that our enemy (whatever you want to call them) cannot beat us unless we let them.


All the more reason to wonder why the US Army was never increased in size to cope with the threats worldwide, why those injured in battle still are not dealt with adequately by the VA, why reseves of every vital store of the Army is in short supply, and why the leader of this nation refuses to step forward and ask for the sacrifices needed to win.

I'm thinking politics. The politicis of preserving tax cuts for millionaires and $2.00 gas rather than going on a wartime footing.

When George Bush really gets serious about the war he launched you let me know.

Comment Posted By Richard Bottoms On 1.05.2007 @ 10:44

And despite all the media negativism and the self-righteous rancor of those do-nothing-but-complain pacifists and Bush-haters, I still believe this was a necessary and noble cause in the general War on Muslim Jihadism despite how its being spun by those who live to blame America.

So we'll be hearing president Bush call for all able bodied men and women to go down and enlist any day now?

Comment Posted By Richard Bottoms On 1.05.2007 @ 10:21


The only choices are go large or go home.

When George Bush goes on television to announce an immediate hike of 50 cents in gasoline taxes, support for much tougher milage standards on automobiles, and requests every able bodied man and woman who believes this war must be won right now head down to the Army recuiting centers I'll believe he understands the stakes of this war.

We must cut back on oil comsumption and yet six years after 9/11 no call to action from the White House.

The military is strained to the breaking point of soliders on their third and fourth deployment. Yet the man in charge has yet take ask the young to take up the fight nor will he cut back on the tax breaks for the rich to pay for it.

Those of us who understand this are called defeatists.

Meanwhile the current "plan", just enough to lose, goes on.

Comment Posted By Richard Bottoms On 29.04.2007 @ 19:40


Some of us have been saying for four years that Iraq cannot be saved until the president learns to accept the reality on the ground and not believe in rosy predictions.

Some of us have been saying for three years the Army needs to be bigger, the National Guard is carrying too much of the load, that fancy new weapons are eating up funds best soent on pay, material, and force protection.

Some of us have been saying for two years new leadership from the finally departed Rumsfeld to many current generals needed to be put into place.

Some of us have been saying for a year time would run out and that the stubborn head of our country would never admit his mistakes or undertake any substantial, plausible move to fix things in Iraq. Just enough troops to lose as even the Natial Review has pointed out.

Some of us have been saying since the surge was proposed that there weren't enough troops to sustain it, that Bush would not send enough troops to be effective, and that preparing for the collapse damn well better get underway because a rout will be the most horrible thing anyone has seen since the fall of Saigon.

We are vets. We take no joy in this current state if affairs.

But we sure as hell told you so.

Comment Posted By Richard Bottoms On 28.04.2007 @ 18:06


Sloan stated today, “Since the FBI has known about Rep. Foley’s emails since July, the question arises: Did the administration help to cover up Rep. Foley’s conduct and leave a potential sexual predator on the loose? Was the administration more concerned with protecting a powerful ally in Congress than with protecting children?”

FBI in the soup?

I love the smell of napalm in the morning.

Comment Posted By Richard Bottoms On 2.10.2006 @ 12:04

But how do you “save” an IM? I’m sure there’s a way to do it but it can’t be easy.

Yahoo IM:

Start IM
Check: Yes, save all of my messages


I was browsing at Stop Sex Predators and went into the comments on the story about Foley's e-mails.

Who's Michael Rogers? This is Michael Rogers:

As many of you know, Rogers is the host and agent of a widely publicized "outing campaign" at targeting closeted gay Republicans.

By the short hairs

I know not everyone can have an understanding of how the basic technology of the internet works. But let me assure you a grade schooler could set up the system necessary to watch dozens of sites for any mention of a particular phrase or name and receive an alert via Text Message or Pager.

Hell, it's what I used to do for a living in 2000 before the dot com crash.

Simply put, "Mr. Rodgers" has a bunch of filters running on 10, 100, 1000 websites, blogs, news sites looking for any scrap of info on a list of closted Republican gays and the minute he finds something out go the alerts.

Then, as oon as the story broke the kids, who know enough to save their IM's come forward and kaboom.

As for setting up a website to publicize something, registration of a site takes 10 minutes or less and with today's tools, just about as long to put some content up.

I've built sites around breaking stories and had them running in a matter of hours.

It. Is. Not. Hard.

Just like the NSA scoops up communications for their ends, so are some progressives doing the same. All legal too.

So sorry to bust the conspiracy bubble, but Mr. Rodgers did what I have been urging our side to do for years, just for this type of situation.

How do I know monitoring like this works?

Well lets just say there was this young man who spend all his time recording talk radio programs, almost obessesively, until one day he heard G. Gordon Liddy threaten ATF agents with being shot in the head. Three phone calls later to CBS, NBC, and ABC Liddy is in the soup.


Comment Posted By Richard Bottoms On 2.10.2006 @ 11:22


Any investigators out there?

Denial is not a river in Egyot.

Yes, the public, I men those other than the 49% who are the Republican Kool-Aid drinkers, are going to care about where this info comes from more than the fact that it is all true.

Hastert is toast.

The seat is lost and you guys are going to get roasted over an open flame.

Comment Posted By Richard Bottoms On 1.10.2006 @ 14:21


In this case the emotion “LET’S SCREW THE REPUBLICANS!”

It's so much more effective when you srew tehm with the truth.

Foley's a creep and the leadership didn't do enough to find out how much of one.

Anyone who has ever been on the receiving end of the attentions of one of these predators, and that would include me, could see from the so-called innocuos email he was hitting on this kid.

And if they were so sure it was not a problem, why not inform the Democratic member of the oversight group. No, they instead informed the National Republican committee. So Ken (I'm not gay) Mehlman has some explaining to do as well.


Comment Posted By Richard Bottoms On 1.10.2006 @ 14:27


The Democrats would not allow the Repbulcians to keep sensitive files from them.

he bottom line is the Democrats seem to have failed in their oversight function.

Right. Oversight of a body they don't control.

Uh, I need to get back to planet Earth now.

Comment Posted By Richard Bottoms On 30.09.2006 @ 16:06

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