Comments Posted By Richard Bottoms
Displaying 21 To 30 Of 362 Comments


I have to believe that sometimes even YOU don’t believe what you’re saying.

Yes, what difference could there possibly be between an administration that repeatedly offers it's hand to the other side, and one that wasted a period national unity, letting partisanship get to the point to where a legless vet with one arm is accused of being in league with Bin Laden and war critics become traitors to because that's how you win elections.

The economy is going to take off like a rocket come summer and the GOP will be left with the birthers and 4,000 year old Earth crackpots who believe Sarah Palin could go toe to toe with a resident who pwned the GOP like he did last week.

I'm betting the freak show wing of the party is upset with Michael Steele for putting their meeting in Hawaii. He's eliminated their ability to attack Obama for going home on vacation.

Comment Posted By Richard Bottoms On 31.01.2010 @ 07:50

If his prescription for the country was so sure fire, he could have pushed through an entire rewrite of America during the last year.

Unlike the previous occupant of the White House, this president expressed and paiently worked to have a meaningful bipartisanship relationship with the opposition. Nothing much happened because they, preferring instead to focus on saying "No" until November 2010 in hopes it would win back Congress, did zip.

Obama seeing that this approach was getting him "jack" and "s***" from the GOP has decided to amp up the volume on their empty agenda while at the same time preparing to take his 51 votes and this start passing stuff.

If may have escaped your notice, but the money in the pipeline for infrastructure, support for main street, and other stimulus related projects start getting spent right about now. Public projects in an election year.

What a concept. The American public won't stand for their roads getting fixed and firefighters keeping their engines running if ObamaHitlerMao is the reason.


The proposals Obama will be making over the next few months will be things the GOP will find very hard to boycott 100% unlike things like the stimulus.

Will they oppose the war they championed? I hear voting against send money to the troops always goes over well. Denounce tax cuts and nuclear energy? How about blocking $30 billion in loans for small business?

Not on your life. That is unless they find themselves boxed in by their teabagger hordes and their own rhetoric of ObamaHitlerMao they've used the last 12 months.

That being the case, if they vote for Obama's proposals the teabaggers will s***, if they fail to bring home the bacon, moderates will wonder if they've gone nuts, and if the support the programs Democrats get the win

Rock, meet hard place.

When the shrieking hordes of "patriots" having just discovered after eight years that now they hate deficits start acting a fool, brandishing their pistols and Uzis at townhall meetings the reaction won't be quite so supportive as the folks who just want work to get done in Washington ask themselves who is really nuts here?

The teabagger convention is headed towards a spectacular flop and Sarah Palin's 15 minutes for anyone other than her most ardent fans is rapidly coming to a close

What's clear is your side truly believe Obama couldn't stand on his own in front of the best the GOP has to put up against him, that without his props and adoring audiences he'd fold. You were found to be well and truly wrong. And I daresay we won't see an event like this happening again any time soon.

At least not one starring Mike Pence vs Barrack Obama in which Pence gets his behind handed to him.

Comment Posted By Richard Bottoms On 30.01.2010 @ 20:52

He needs Republican cooperation to achieve anything in what is becoming painfully clear is a lame duck presidency.

I don't know if you've noticed, but we have larger majorities than Bush did. Now that the GOP has added their Senate seat they can't continue the game of opposing everything Obama wants to do.

The Republicans had a narrative of a TelePrompter addicted fraidy cat and that was demolished in just one hour.

Bet that president Obama will continue to ring the GOP's bells on a host of issues. Outside of health care there are few issues where they can vote no just to embarrass the president when in fact it's an issue they and their constituents normally would support.

You really think they'll vote against $30 billion for small business and elimination of Capital Gains just because Obama proposed it?

Obama was exactly right that the GOP rhetoric designed to appeal to teabaggers boxes them in more than him.

With the continuing embarrassment of racists like Councilman Bob Kellar and the certainty of teabaggers making a spectacle of themselves once the weather warms the midterms are shaping up to be nothing like the rout of 1994.

Yeah, we'll lose seats but Congress will remain in Democratic hands which means by 2012 with the economy humming whatever nutcase you guys run will get sliced to ribbons in the debates. And the whole pack will spend more than two years disavowing one crank after another as the teabaggers start whipping out their sidearms, wacko signs, and rhetoric.

Comment Posted By Richard Bottoms On 30.01.2010 @ 17:13

Man I am so glad that so many Republicans are steadfast in their determination to be perceived as racist jerks.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Republican gubernatorial hopeful Meg Whitman is severing ties with an elected official who described himself as a "proud racist."

The Whitman campaign issued a statement Saturday disavowing Santa Clarita Councilman Bob Kellar. The statement comes one day after state Democrats called on the former eBay chief executive to distance herself from Kellar.

During a recent Tea Party-style rally in Southern California, Kellar blamed illegal immigrants for harming the economy. His videotaped remarks were posted on YouTube and caused an uproar.

No, I don't believe all Republicans ae proto-Klan members, but enough of them in high profile positions are that it makes it hard for your party to ever shake that association in the minds of anyone with brown skin or a Jewish name.

Thanks, I really appreciate it.

Comment Posted By Richard Bottoms On 30.01.2010 @ 16:16

This could be done in every district of every state in the country, regardless of the specifics of the incumbent.

You mean regardless if they are a fringe teabagger or Darwin denialist, that's all it will take to win? After Obama's smackdown of the GOP yesterday I think that conventional wisdom will be found wanting. But feel free to try it, especially if the economy takes off this spring as it looks like it might.

That whole ObamaHitlerMao thing has been played out.

Comment Posted By Richard Bottoms On 30.01.2010 @ 14:31

I was encouraged with what I saw at the televised retreat yesterday. For the first time in a long time, the Republicans actually presented viable alternatives to many of Obama’s prescriptions for the country.

Yesterday was great for the Republicans, except for the hour or so where Obama b**** slapped the entire GOP brain trust.

Many of the GOP's toughest firebrands probably went in there actually thinking the president is helpless without a TelePrompter only to have Barrack Obama slice them up with a razor.

Reminded me of that scene in "The Harder They Come". The organizers of the 2012 presidential debates ought to sell tickets to what will be an inevitable bloodbath of whatever ideologue the GOP puts up against Obama.

Comment Posted By Richard Bottoms On 30.01.2010 @ 13:19


They’re not going to jump up and down for them — and I’m sure most believe Obama’s sincere in his hatred for banks and big business.

Except that Obama doesn't hate banks or business. Just customer gouging that would make Tony Soprano envious and business practices that would be applauded by the Yakuza.

Miss a payment and your interest rate jumps to 33%? Pay late on one card and all your other cards jump their rates too? Returned check fees of $30 or more?

I know the Libertarian view that whatever the market will bear should be the bottom, but is there nothing short of ordering a hit that would make you accept some role o the government in regulating business practices?

The GOP has as it's mantra whatever is good for the Fortune 500 is okay with us and the little guy should stop complaining.

Why should a company that ships jobs overseas get government welfare? Why not make the banks, whom we just saved with taxpayer money pay at back with interest?

Obama wants $30 billion in support for loans to small business and the Republicans sit like they are chiseled in stone.

One would suspect the only agenda the GOP has is to oppose everything and try to reap the rewards in November. That may actually work this year but in 2012, I suspect the American public will question four full years of legislative obstruction.

Comment Posted By Richard Bottoms On 28.01.2010 @ 13:24

with the targets on their backs, along with banks and big business

I hear bankers are real popular these days. What is the president thinking with a strategy of forcing the GOP to defend AIG and Citigroup.

The American public will rise up as one to defend the perks and salaries of the country's financial wizards by damn.

Comment Posted By Richard Bottoms On 28.01.2010 @ 11:21

Earth to Obama…where are you?

As far as I can tell, he's hard at work fixing the problem George Bush caused. He pile $1 trillion on top of the $7,000,000,000,000 your boy racked up before leaving office to save us from financial Armageddon and now he's owrking to pay it back.

Stock market, up thousands of points, interest rates still practically zero, two major auto companies saves, Iraq almost done, and Afghanistan 15,000 troops larger with more on the way.

We've one failed attack, but prevented several more and we're blowing the hell out of Bin Laden's people.

Health care reform is on the verge of passing after 100 years and veterans are finally getting the attention they deserve.

Sounds like a record of failure to me.


His only failing was in reachin gout a hand to the party of No, again. But I understnd why. Because when the economy does turn around and the troops start coming home the GOP will have nothing to run on except bile and birth certificates.

Yeah, he's boring. And a smart manager. I know we've lacked the latter for eight years and maybe the former's not so bad.

Comment Posted By Richard Bottoms On 28.01.2010 @ 10:05


The Tea Party Movement is an American tradition. It comes from a tradition of local home rule, and individual interests were more important than are community interests.

So, you guys were looking for your keys and wallets for eight years?

I realize that you have our best interests at heart and are thus riding to the sound of the guns, but what the hell were you doing from January 2000 through November 2008?

Hmm. What could have changed???

Comment Posted By Richard Bottoms On 28.01.2010 @ 14:35

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