Comments Posted By Richard Bottoms
Displaying 171 To 180 Of 362 Comments


Conservatives working hard as ever to ensure that 20% of the population will never vote Republican:

In an appearance at the University of Arizona College of Law, Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia said that if he were on the court in 1954, he would have dissented in the landmark Brown vs. Board of Education decision that ended school segregation based on race.

Appearing on stage with Justice Stephen Breyer, Scalia cautioned against "inventing new rights nobody ever thought existed." Scalia said he advocates an "originalist" approach to the Constitution, warning against an "evolutionary" legal philosophy that he described as, "close your eyes and decide what you think is a good idea.''

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 27.10.2009 @ 13:00


The argument that certainly isn;t winning is the country is better of with Republicans running the show.

Just %20 of the populace are willing to branded Republicans.

People know now from the GWB experience that when you care enough to send the most incompetent to Washington, look for the GOP label.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 26.10.2009 @ 20:05

George Bush earned every bit of his derision. His slate had been wiped entirely clean on September 12th, 2001. By the time of the election the Iraq war was already a shambles and Bush's malapropism had been on display for a full term.

It was he alone who took an 80% approval rating and a free hand to do anything at all to fight terrorism to the beginnings of even Republicans getting the message of incompetence.

Obama has been at the job a little over eight months in the middle of the worst economic crisis in history save for the Great Depression, not to mention two wars on the brink of failure.

There is no comparison to the mighty Wurlitzer of paranoia and fear being cranked up by Faux and the GOP versus what Bush had to endure so early in his presidency.

Even as he gets the blame for events put in motion before he even took the oath of office, he doesn't seem to get any of the credit. I understood Obama had wrecked the stock market. Now the Dow is hovering around 10,000 again that line of attack seems to have disappeared.

Obama isn't perfect, but he isn't, thank God, George Bush.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 26.10.2009 @ 11:29


Truth is the first casualty of war, so the Obama administration’s fight against media dissent is a fight that harms truth.

Faux News is a dedicated propaganda arm of the Republican party. That's the truth.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 24.10.2009 @ 14:33

I am stunned to find out Faux is lying about how they were excluded from an interview and "saved" by the full throated defense of their brothers in arms.

Adding to the Fox News v. White House feud today is a dust-up over an interview with pay czar Ken Feinberg. Turns out, it was a sort of miscommunication, but the White House adds that if they had left Fox out it would be a case of "Not that there's anything wrong with that!"

The version Fox has pushed all day is that the network was excluded from an interview roundtable with Feinberg yesterday, and that bureau chiefs from ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN came to Fox's defense.

TPMDC dug into it, and here's what happened.

Feinberg did a pen and pad with reporters to brief them on cutting executive compensation. TV correspondents, as they do with everything, asked to get the comments on camera. Treasury officials agreed and made a list of the networks who asked (Fox was not among them).

But logistically, all of the cameras could not get set up in time or with ease for the Feinberg interview, so they opted for a round robin where the networks use one pool camera. Treasury called the White House pool crew and gave them the list of the networks who'd asked for the interview.

The network pool crew noticed Fox wasn't on the list, was told that they hadn't asked and the crew said they needed to be included. Treasury called the White House and asked top Obama adviser Anita Dunn. Dunn said yes and Fox's Major Garrett was among the correspondents to interview Feinberg last night.

The not really for primetime players caught with their pants down... again.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 24.10.2009 @ 10:03

Let Obama keep it up and make Fox the “channel of choice” for the nation.

No one who isn't already watching Faux News is going suddenly switch because Obama is fighting back.

Media Matters' documentation of the extensive collaboration between Faux and the the Republicans as far as message is concerned is more widely disseminated than ever. Rick is correct however, this will die away after this weekend, but the marker has been laid, finally that the channel is nothing but a cheerleading squad for the Republican party.

In the ongoing war of words, the administration has finally stopped bringing knives to a gunfight.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 23.10.2009 @ 20:50

Is there anyone truly afraid that the Obama FBI is going to start wiretapping their newsroom and that a plumbers unit will be sent to break into the houses of Rupert Murdoch and Robert Ailes? If the answer is no, that comparisons to Nixon are silly.

Obama administration officials will snub interview requests and say mean things about Fox. Oh the horror.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 23.10.2009 @ 18:28


If increased competitiveness isn’t the answer, what is?

Increased competitiveness and capitalism are part of the answer. A reflexive GOP response of tax cuts, tax cuts, tax cuts won't do it.

We could try building two or three fewer F-22 type planes (that are going to engage in dog fights with whom Al Queda?) and create a real system for retraining. Tell Exxon that they will have to struggle on without subsidies for exploration and direct that money to helping to bring about 4G & 5G networks everywhere.

I’ve worried about my job being outsourced as much as anyone. But I’ve concluded there is no such thing as job security anymore.

Want a more secure job? Make health insurance universal and comprehensive like in every other advance country on the planet so workers can pick and move anywhere there's a job without worry about pre-existing conditions and things like wildly unfair denials of coverage for rape victims????

Change the education system so that the scam that is the current vocational school patchwork ceases being a bad joke burdening the poorest among us with loans they can never repay for courses that well over 50% of students never finish.

End payday lending.

Lots to do, none of it having a thing to do with lightening the tax bill of the top 5% even more.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 23.10.2009 @ 03:21

What is needed there is a bipartisan radical shake-up of the whole system.

I agree.

Hopefully when Obama is done with the health care debate and has made his choice on Afghanistan he can turn his attention to education. Both parties have failed inner city kids especially. The Democrats need to stand to to the unions and the Republicans need to forget about eliminating the Department of Education and public schools.

I am confident that sometime within the next three years there will be a major shift as important as health insurnace for all is going to be.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 22.10.2009 @ 22:02

I think it is entirely possible significant number of black Americans will one day ‘rediscover’ the GOP.

"Good luck with that."
~ Wolverine

Anything is possible, nothing in the current trajectory of the GOP suggests it happening any time soon, any more than it is likely that gays will suddenly discover tax cuts trumps all.

You can't beat something with nothing. Surely in a country of 250 million people there' some black man or woman who the GOP can make into a member of Congress. Commit the money, resources, and staff and make it happen.

Earl Graves Jr. publisher of Black Enterprise has been a Republican as far back as I can remember. I've even heard his name so much as floated as a possibility. Ever.

Bet you had no idea there's a forty year old magazine dedicated to black entrepreneurial activity? I've been reading it since I was in high school, hope to someday be in it.

I don't anyone of the GOP beside Michael Steele has ever heard of it.

Comment Posted By Richard bottoms On 22.10.2009 @ 18:24

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