Comments Posted By Patricia
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I see it a little differently. If McCain can align himself with voters, angry and scared, he will appeal to them more than the aloof Obama who is promising everything with vague platitudes. Whoever wants to win should let the guys clinging to their religion and their guns that they understand their anger and will do their best to keep them safe. Since yesterday, that seems to be McCain, calling out Obama and the Dems on this whole sorry mess.

Comment Posted By Patricia On 7.10.2008 @ 10:09


Why are we as a nation APOLOGIZING for the discomfort we cause to people who sneak in here illegally? Family reunification? Go back and join your family in your own country! Why do we have laws allowing in people from "underrepresented countries? Are we obligated to admit every person who wants to come here in equal racial proportion to their presence on Earth?

I will settle for a repeal of sanctuary law and immediate deportation of all who break laws and are here illegally.

I will settle for applying the law here equally against immigrants, from stealing shopping carts to evading taxes.

I will settle for the same immigration policy as Mexico and Korea.

Comment Posted By Patricia On 19.05.2007 @ 11:46

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