Comments Posted By Martin
Displaying 21 To 22 Of 22 Comments


I think "Too Little, Too Late" is decidedly premature. Clearly, if Bush does not continue with frequent counterattacks, he and his party will suffer dearly. On the other hand, now that the Democrat mantra is reduced a few words repeated by dolts like Kennedy, Kerry and Sheehan, there is plenty of time to shoot back at a well-defined target and at least cripple it. Time will tell.

BTW: dmrsunz is good comic relief.
So much hubris, so little talent. My favorite in this thread: he criticizes another poster's debating skills by posting a laughably flawed argument in reply with poor diction and simple words mispelled (not typos).

Comment Posted By martin On 12.11.2005 @ 16:47


RE: CIA Partisans, Some Profiles

Mr. Rick Moran, (You have no idea how much I chuckle each time I read your last name) I saw a photo of a Neo Con holding up a sign pre Iraq invasion which read: "Support the war Morans". When I see your name I sense your affinity with him.

To the point, you stated in the above referred to post (The first post in this thread) the following, quote:

"The problem for Mr. McGovern is that the Butler Review discovered that the forged memo was not the entire basis for the intelligence estimate regarding Iraq and Niger. In fact, that body found that the President of Niger admitted that representatives from Iraq met with Niger government officials to seek access to yellowcake supplies. And of course, Bush never said that Iraq had purchased yellowcake, only that they “sought” the mineral. This was 100% true as confirmed by both the British and Niger governments."

The problem for you of course is that the Butler Review never made any link to the Niger President whatsoever. (Mr. Ibrahim Bare) As a matter of fact Mr. Bare was gunned down in a coup a few scant weeks later. Call your mistake what you will. Distortion, Fabrication, Deception, Lie. This is the type of behavior the Bush Administration has engages in, so its no wonder the GOP groupies have adopted the same deceitful conduct. Birds of a feather.

F.Y.I. Patrick Fitzgerald (U.S. Attorney) has cast a wide net in regard to the uranium lies and who took responsibility for the inaccuracies stated to the American public by the White House. The probe is not merely about who leaked the CIA agents name. Its also about the motive for doing so. I don't know where it is going for sure, but I have my suspicions. There are a few things I do know. Lies and distortions rarely work in a criminal court and in the best case scenario bloggers have little influence and those that can't get their facts straight influence fewer still. The best Neo fact distorters can hope for are nods of approval from fellow flightless birds.



Comment Posted By Martin On 28.07.2005 @ 08:31

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