This was a brilliant piece until you went off track with "It wouldn’t be my first choice but then I don’t think Saltsman the guy for the job anyway." If you're going to defend this as excellent satire, then man up and defend sharing the satire.
Comment Posted By mark30339 On 27.12.2008 @ 14:18
To pay for the post-partisan Obamutopia, I suggest a 100% surtax on every taxpayer that can't prove that he's been a registered republican for the last 5 years. So figure out your regular tax, write a check, then write a second check in the same amount dedicated to deficit reduction. Registered republicans will be required to prove they are productive, they create jobs and they forever waive any right to participate in any federal bailout. Somehow we have to arrange our politics to be: if you voted for it, you pay for it. And before the lefties ask me to pony up for the Iraq war, give me the well deserved jumbo discount for ZERO domestic attacks by AQ since 9/11.
Comment Posted By mark30339 On 3.12.2008 @ 15:15
Welcome back Rick. Clearly your batteries are charged, your scope is polished, and you return fully armed into this target rich environment.
Comment Posted By mark30339 On 1.12.2008 @ 13:32
Sorry, the TN health insurance plan is at
Comment Posted By mark30339 On 22.11.2008 @ 21:16
So the circular firing squad continues. Rick's post at American Thinker was far more constructive (see, but way too short. With respect to health care, single provider care is still a distance away. A great compromise is in Tennessee, see
Comment Posted By mark30339 On 22.11.2008 @ 21:14
Will anyone at least convene a grand jury to investigate campaign finance fraud with the various John Galt donations? Indict Galt and his ham sandwich too!
Comment Posted By mark30339 On 19.11.2008 @ 17:34
Good luck on the new computer Rick. We shall see of HRC is really asked, and if she really accepts. The move reveals more hypocrisy, because it was her foreign policy that BHO campaigned against. But the move is shrewd, it probably blocks any chance of her challenging him in 2012 and it lets him blame foreign policy failures on her. It also removes her from the Senate so she can't tweak his initiatives there (and he doesn't have to publicly object to hers). It's probably good for the country, although the Clintons considered militant islam a criminal justice problem instead of a national security problem.
Comment Posted By mark30339 On 18.11.2008 @ 11:48
Look, the next administration will not be remembered as the Great Society, it will be more like the Great Gullibility. The question won't be the quality of the dissent. The big question is who will report the hypocrisy? The media reports now are that this president has a challenge as daunting as FDR's. The derangement begins there, and then it will continue with a welcome expectation of FDR style socialism, with a government board dictating industry after industry. Ed Morrissey at likes to talk about how we have to move on, all the Obama flaws are now "baked in the cake." But the gullible electorate doesn't appreciate that the One LIED about his support for killing the live births of failed abortions, he LIED about his support of sex ed in kindergarten, he LIED about giving 95% a tax cut. Call me deranged if you want, but if you're gonna eat Ed's cake, you might as well drink the One's Kool-Aid.
Comment Posted By mark30339 On 14.11.2008 @ 09:15
When Paulson said he needed to set up a reverse auction for all the troubled mortgages so a market for them returned, and institutions could cash out their losses, Rick waivered and withheld support. Paulson, Bush, Pelosi and Reid all said a plan would be put together. The markets trusted those assurances. Rick waivered. I chastised Rick for his stuck posture, and referred him to Paul Samuelson who favored creating a market to let institutions cash out their losses. Well Paulson is screwing us all; Rick was right all along. Institutions are getting sweetheart equity boosts from Uncle Sam and never mind about that orderly reverse auction of toxic assets. Rick, I owe you a round of drinks. Paulson, since you're gambling on the public tit, why not help out Las Vegas Sands Corp/Venetian/Palazzo and get some comps for all of us.
Comment Posted By mark30339 On 12.11.2008 @ 22:08
Ron C Said:
"mark30339 wrote: 'and his share of the US national debt may exceed what he’ll make in a lifetime.'
Take heart, his actual share of the national debt will be closer to $10 TRILLION/300 million = $32,716 per person."
Thanks Ron, I have probably exaggerated. But your numbers are incomplete. The public debt is 10 Trillion as you say, but the unfunded liability for Medicare is about 38 Trillion and about 12 Trillion for Social Security (if you use the accounting private pensions are required to use - see So by my count, the estimated present value of the US Government's debt obligations is 60 Trillion. Divide that by 136 Million taxpayers and you get $441,000 per taxpayer.
Comment Posted By mark30339 On 4.11.2008 @ 11:52