Comments Posted By John
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Here are two articles from the dailytech website.

Comment Posted By John On 3.03.2008 @ 01:26


I don't know Mr. Obama and I don't care to know him. He is probably a nice guy and the fact that he is black means nothing to me, I just don't believe we are ready for a muslim president yet. I don't like the remarks his wife made about not being proud of America until now. We sure don't an attitude like that in the Whitehouse.

I want someone who is not going to back down to anyone who lays a hand on this country.

Obama is not right for the presidency. I want a president who is proud to wear pins and has been proud of America and who doesn't dress up like a Muslim in other countries.

BE PROUD, I AM. I AM AN AMERICAN & I have been through all the problems we have faced. I will never turn my back on this country. The first time I laid eyes on the Statue of Liberty, it brought tears to my eyes.

Let's not ruin our country by electing a Muslim and if he is not a Muslim, he isn't trying to hide it at all.

Comment Posted By John On 25.02.2008 @ 18:14

Thank you Hillary Clinton for the photo if you took it. It is better to see what Obama is really like before he is elected president.

If Obama is elected president I will find me another country to live in.

Comment Posted By John On 25.02.2008 @ 17:44

Barack Hussein Obama could be the


Comment Posted By John On 25.02.2008 @ 17:38


Do we really want a man running this country with Muslim Background. I hope you haven't forgotten that it was Muslim's that attacked this country in 2001. Once a Muslim always a Muslim.

We just got rid of Saddam Hussein and now you want to put Barack Hussein Obama in the Whitehouse and his wife has not been proud of this country until now.

Something is wrong here. I'm an American and I love this country regardless of what shape it is in. I've been to other countries and I know first hand that there is no other country like the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

People, we need to wise up and think about what your doing. Obama is telling you what you want to hear now but when he is office, things will get alot worse

Comment Posted By John On 25.02.2008 @ 11:01


When it comes to health insurance, the plan that would hurt our economy the least is Hillary Clinton's plan. Everyone would have health insurance. WA, NJ, NY and a few other states who have already tried Obama's proposed health insurance plan of not mandating coverage. These states have driven out of the better insurance companies. When anybody can get health insurance without having to go through medical underwriting, people won't get coverage until they absolutely need it. Usually because of a serious illness. This causes health premiums to sky-rocket. That's because insurance companies are only paying claims for unhealthy people. The plans in these states tend to not be that great either. If everyone has health benefits, the premiums would be less because healthy people would factor in on determining the premium.

Comment Posted By John On 5.06.2008 @ 04:11



I have to agree with your listing of Martin Luther King's speech as the best of the bunch. But, and this is a big but, reading it doesn't do justice to his speech. For the full impact, the speech has to be heard.

Thanks for the list.


Comment Posted By John On 19.01.2008 @ 03:02


I think everyone needs to take a deep breath...even Rick. It does no good to demonize social conservatives for Huckabee's practice of identiy politics.

Social conservatives are one of the three legs to the conservative movement (along with fiscal and foreign policy conservatives). Every individual is going to have a different set of priorities. For some, social conservatism may be their priority, while they are indifferent to fiscal and foreign policy. For others, the priorities will be different.

All three groups need each other and, really, have no where else to go. As reported in the Corner:
"Richard Land, the top public policy official of the Southern Baptist Convention, argued that just as small-government and foreign-policy conservatives could not win a primary without evangelicals, "I don't think evangelicals can win without most of the rest of those coalitions."

As a former military - evangelical - economist, I strongly believe in all three legs of the conservative movement. I have no problem with people criticizing Huckabee's use of identity politics or his demagoguery. I find Huckabee's quote above particularly distasteful considering its inaccuracy - I think any rational person would have to admit that President Bush is the leader of the party, a social conservative, and an evangelical christian - so its not like social con's have been told to sit down and shut up as Huckabee contends.

On the other hand, many people are starting to attack all socail conservatives for Huckabee's success at the pols. This only causes anger and is counter productive. Rick seems so fit to be tied that he contradicts himself - first saying that he would "care less if the evangelical social cons threw a tantrum and walked out" and then lamenting what would happen if they did.

It is widely known that Huckabee's core base is evangelical christians but that does not mean that they mindlessly support all of his positions. Chances are they do not even KNOW most of his positions just as Gulianni or McCain supporters probably don't know all of their positions. Huckabee is a very good orator and comes across as very likable. He is focusing on social conservative themes and trying to ignore/deflect everything else. The MSM is happy to let him do this and, unfortunately, in the big scheme of things, not too many people read National Review, Powerline, Townhall, Rightwing Nuthouse, etc.

As such, I would suggest that everyone continue to educate voters about Huckabee's record but don't attack all of his current supporters as idiots. It's just not productive.

Comment Posted By John On 14.01.2008 @ 17:30


Very well said, Rick. Granted I'm coming from the other side of the fence, but I think you're correct that there is a strain of culture that is hostile to Christianity and Christians.

I would add that the leaders of the that charge are in the publishing world. There have been at least a dozen atheist manifestos published in the last two years. Dawkins, who is probably the best know, has compared himself to Churchhill, implicitly at least comparing his Christian "enemies" to Nazis. Harris, who I genuinely respect for some things he's said, has unfortunately suggested that some beliefs are so dangerous we should kill people who hold them. This is not responsible talk (not to suggest that everyone on my side of the aisle is responsible all the time, because God knows they aren't).

Anyway, thanks for what you wrote. I wholeheartedly agree.

Comment Posted By John On 11.12.2007 @ 21:41


Hahahahaha, it is funny to watch stupid people try and use engineering terms. What makes it even better is the self contradictions.

"The towers fell due to an unusual method of internal explosions... Only WTC7 had implosive and explosive devises."

Is it more likely that an incompetent administration failed to prevent 9/11 or that a brilliant administration planned 9/11 and then smoked A LOT of crack in order to plan and do everything else that it has done since. Anybody?

Do you know how amazing it is that all the building right around the towers didn't fall down? Does anyone realize exactly how much force that much falling concrete has? Do you know how much a block of concrete weighs? Now drop it from almost a quarter mile up. Truthers, I want you to pick up a freshmen engineering physics book and look it up before you say another stupid thing. And please don't insult everyone else's intelligence by trying to claim Newton was in on 9/11 by creating those calculations.

The fact that the administration has screwed us royally with relationship to our bill of rights is the nature of politicians in this country.

Comment Posted By John On 23.08.2007 @ 17:39

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