Comments Posted By Joe Helgerson
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The permanent occupation of Iraq, thats what the GOP and Rick are hungry for. Sacrifice some more american boys for a lost cause. Bush and that idiot Rumsfield lost this war. No post-war planning,none. Bush should be impeached for that. Rick and the braindead gop can't admit defeat, so we stay so some more americans die from roadside bombs. Let this ole Wisconsin boy explain this to you one more time Rick, we could stay for 100 years, the Sunni insurgency and Sadr militia will fight us for 100 years, are you with me so far? Its their country, not ours, they've repelled invaders for thousands of years. They will just wait us out. But no, we can't surrender, what a bs storyline that is, like our troops will lay down their weapons and march into their prison camps, what a crock. We broke that country just like Powell said and now the neo-cons can't fess up that a ragtag insurgency just won't go away. Guess what Rick, most of the police and Iraq army are loyal to their militias, not Maliki. So we've trained and ARMED all these people who aren't loyal to us or their government, but we should stay, wow, theres some twisted logic. The Saudi's continue to finance the Sunni insurgency because they don't want their Sunni brethren to be cleansed by US and Iraqi army types. Oh, and we buy billions of Saudi oil, so by proxy, were supporting the Sunni insurgency.Eventually even braindead americans will see the futility of a no-win situation and get out. But more Americans will die in the meantime because of cheerleaders like you who are too proud to admit failure. Billions wasted, thousands of deaths wasted, but big he-men like you praise the conflict, as long as your not the one doing the fighting. The army's broken, warmongers like you are to blame, lets surge some more troops into hell, we'll show those terrorists who's boss. Bin Laden wants us to stay, thats why he taunts us, we've learned nothing in 4 years, we just keep dying.

Comment Posted By Joe Helgerson On 21.03.2007 @ 22:52


Wow the righties got their underwear in a bunch over this one,if Libby committed no wrongdoing why did he lie to the grand jury? You lie to cover something up. He lied 9 different times, that how many witnesses refuted his grand jury testimony. Not once, NINE TIMES! Do you think a light bulb might have gone off in the jurors mind after that? This thing was open and shut. Oh poor me was so overworked I forgot all nine times about something my boss was insane about. Good one. To this corrupt Bush adminastration: the walls are crumbling down.Cheney should resign but he won't, he's a whore for power. Keep slaughtering our troops in Iraq dick, your five deferalls proved you were a coward to fight for your country, but you can sure send other men off to die in a quagmire,nice job.

Comment Posted By Joe Helgerson On 7.03.2007 @ 22:57


Good news Rick but I still wonder how long Maliki would be in power without 150,000 US troops propping him in place. Could he stand on his own? After we leave how long before a palace coup? Seems like we might be tied down there for a long time. It just seems the balance of power in the middle east is so skewered with a foreign army in Iraq. Won't there be this huge vacuum when we leave? Who will fill it? Are we forced to stay? Will it break our army? Lots of questions.

Comment Posted By Joe Helgerson On 6.03.2007 @ 22:07


Libby lied to the grand jury and the FBI. People go to jail for those crimes. To say the dems have bad guys too is pathetic. Sure they do, does that make Libby innocent? Hell no! Get over it neo-cons, if you do the crime you better be prepared to do the time. Personally I think Libby was stupid, how could you think you could lie to the FBI and get away with it? The Bush administration should be known as "the gang that couldn't shoot straight. This one sealed Bushies legacy, what a bunch of dopes.

Comment Posted By Joe Helgerson On 6.03.2007 @ 22:18


Yes Rick we do bash GWB, probably more than what he deserves. But him being arrogant, abrasive, and that "decider" thing only opened him up to more bashing, deserved or not. Pakistan and AQ are a big problem. I'm wondering if we need to be putting all of our eggs in the Iraq basket. Iran knows we got our hands full next door, thats why their so bold. Rick with all these problems don't you think we need a draft, or at least some kind of national war effort? Sometimes I wonder if Bush has tunnel vision with Iraq and has lost sight of the rest of the Middle East?And thanks for not calling people that want an exit strategy from Iraq, traitors like some of your friends on the right do all the time.

Comment Posted By Joe Helgerson On 19.02.2007 @ 19:34


I guess the WP is just a "liberal rag" until they rip a democrat. Now they are leaders of lets try Murtha for treason crowd. This is just another wag-the-dog so we forget what a fiasco GWB has made in Iraq. The rewriting of history has begun. The Democrats snatched away victory from Bush as Bush was leading the victory day parade in downtown Baghdad. That dog ain't gonna hunt. IMHO the GOP needs another thumping in the 08 elections. They seem to have learned nothing from the last thumping. Murtha actually fought in combat, something bush, Cheney, and Rummy never did. If they had I think they would have avoided a pre-emptive strike on Iraq. The everything is Murthas fault has no credibility.

Comment Posted By Joe Helgerson On 17.02.2007 @ 14:29


The left attacks the right, the right attacks the left,its oneupmanship gone astray. Like the other commenter Rick, I like your blog till you start that" the loony left thing".Theres plenty of loons to go around on both sides.Everyone demonizes the other side, while Washington sinks further into the muck and no one notices because they"re battling each other. The only concensus I see between the warring factions is, Iraq's a mess.

Comment Posted By Joe Helgerson On 8.02.2007 @ 22:18


Rick I've only visited Pandagon a few times, no opinion really, but as a Catholic, Bill Donohue seems disturbed everytime I've seen him on tv. Like hysterical-gonna have a heart-attack, filled with hate kinda guy. So please don't invoke that loony tunes name. He's a nutjob imho.

Comment Posted By Joe Helgerson On 7.02.2007 @ 23:13


But Rick, if we have to be a buffer between Sunni and Shia, won't we have to stay for decades. I've read that Arabs will feud with each other for Hundred's of years. This is a neverending blood feud. Your right, our military can't solve this problem. When will enough already be enough?

Comment Posted By Joe Helgerson On 2.02.2007 @ 21:45


Find one wacko journalist on the left showing his ignorance....then take the broad sweeping brush, and paint anyone against this disaster of a war as, hating the troops, hating America, roll out all the rightwing propaganda, and feel smug about it. C'mon Rick, your better than that. Arkin's an idiot, lets have a real discussion about an exit strategy, please.

Comment Posted By Joe Helgerson On 1.02.2007 @ 22:22

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