I was hospitalized 3 times during 2009, for a stroke and for two surgeries related to that event! In all cases, my care was first rate. The hospital staff was caring and professional and highly skilled. I am anything BUT rich and this class envy crap has got to stop! I don't have anything special in the way of coverage - HMO coverage is what I've got, the cheapest coverage available.
Haters will always and forever find a reason to continue and expand on their nonsense. It should stop here and now!
Comment Posted By Gayle Miller On 5.01.2010 @ 11:30
Merry Christmas and blessed New Year to you and yours, Rick.
Comment Posted By Gayle Miller On 15.12.2009 @ 13:34
Teabagging is a perjorative term and has no place on a civilized forum. If Rick wants to walk off the cliff, we need to be supportive of his choice and have a nice fluffy pillow awaiting his arrival at the bottom of the cliff. That's what friends are for.
Why not call yourself an anarchist or fascist Rick? Apparently you didn't even consider those appellations! Oh ye of small imagination.
Comment Posted By Gayle Miller On 14.12.2009 @ 14:57
It was the worst thing you can say about a presentation like this - absolutely boring! Seriously - it's a good thing I have a timer on my TV. I dozed off halfway through (maybe sooner - I'm old and my memory bites).
In the meantime, Merry Christmas to All of you and Happy Hanukah to all as well. I made latkes yesterday just for the sheer bloody fun of it and mandelbrot as well. I figure anything that is that much work is suitable for holidays only!
Comment Posted By Gayle Miller On 14.12.2009 @ 11:00
I literally fell across you from someone else's list of favorite blogs. And now, I have you listed on my site as one of my favorites. I resist from time to time the urge to remove you - but that's the nature of a real relationship, don't you think?
Comment Posted By Gayle Miller On 10.12.2009 @ 09:59
President Obama is clearly woefully ignorant of our nation's history else he would not feel the need to apologize to a nation that has accomplished all that this nation has accomplished. To those nay-sayers who operate out of hatred (primarily of GWB and the excellent Mr. Cheney - as baseless as it is pathological), I say that you clearly aren't paying attention to all the good this nation does and all the good our people do. Whenever any nation anywhere in the world is in trouble from a tsunami or any other natural disaster (even in nations who are clearly and vocally inimical to us), we are right there to help in any way we can. Americans are uniquely charitable to their fellow humans and if this weren't such a good place in which to live, why would so many employ whatever means available to come here - legally or not?
As to whether or not President Obama will hesitate to use nukes should they be required, I don't have the same confidence that Eddie does in the President's "stones" - Mr. Obama honestly believes that everything is negotiable (and I'm not doubting his sincerity in that area). It's his background, kids. Negotiation is a lovely thought but a naive one. You do not stop a bully by negotiations. You stop a bully by smacking the living crap out of him. You UP THE PRICE of being a bully to a price the bully is unwilling to pay.
As to bombing IRAN, the Mullahs are smart enough to bury their machinery and manufacturing locales far underground and it is well known that we don't have "bunker busters" of sufficient power to do the job. So now what?
Bottom line: I do not believe that President Obama is anti-American, as do many people on the right side of the aisle. I do, however, believe that he is naive, unprepared and incapable of performing his office as the American people deserve.
So go ahead, pile on! I don't give a rat's eardrum what y'all say. That's what I believe and that's that.
Comment Posted By Gayle Miller On 9.12.2009 @ 16:03
As long as you're already in hot water, why not dump in some Calgon and make it a relaxing experience?
Comment Posted By Gayle Miller On 4.12.2009 @ 11:33
Even the Catholic Church does not insist on "heroic" measures. That would be my guide. I have had a good life and a life filled with laughter and love. And I think what it comes down to is one's belief structure. I believe that I will be going to a better place, a higher existence - so death is not frightening to me. And on some mornings, when the arthritis in my spine is especially intrusive, it is almost but not quite attractive to me. But I realize that there are still things I want to accomplish and a beloved cat to care for (nobody else would want him - he has a somewhat tetchy disposition - kind of like me) so I take my tylenol and soldier on. But at 67 years of age, I see the finish line in sight and it doesn't worry me much. Just don't want to kick with a dirty kitchen is all!
Comment Posted By Gayle Miller On 23.11.2009 @ 14:40
Why is it, pray tell, that liberals feel it necessary to traffic in pure, unadulterated hatred of those of us on the right? Richard bottoms is a good case in point. I don't hate the Left (or even Mr. bottoms as he styles himself) - I think they're demented loons but I don't hate them - and yet there is no vile canard too low for the Left to utter about us. It's pathetic, really! Sorry Richard, I'll continue to cling to my religion and my guns and save your sorry ass right along with my own if that's okay with you.
Comment Posted By Gayle Miller On 18.11.2009 @ 14:24
Just for the record, my CAT is smarter than our current President. Sam learns his lessons well. When told that something is off limits to him, he listens, he processes and (sometimes) he acts on that knowledge - all of which seems to be beyond our current President whose knowledge of history is pitifully sparse! And his ability to act on the lessons of history is even more sparse. He is a narcissistic tool of Warren Buffet and George Soros and is the Manchurian Candidate in every way. Do not insult an American woman by comparing her to that cretin in the White House.
Comment Posted By Gayle Miller On 17.11.2009 @ 08:57