Comments Posted By Emily
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I think it's odd when people talk about the "religious right". While a number of Christians agree on certain issues, there is not even remotely a "united" movement on either side that stems from Christianity. Christians come in all forms, from left to right and everywhere in between. I, as a conservative Christian, am not about to declare someone un-Christian just because they don't like Bush. Nor do I expect everyone on the right to be Christian. I wish people would get a grip and realize that America isn't about to fall into fascism or religious fanaticism politically. Whether the president is Christian or not, I believe that in the end, the majority of the American people are still the ones that truly have final say, at least given some time. These "checks and balances" are things that the country was founded on. I can't understand why people think that we have moved so terribly far away from that. And I can't believe that people would actually believe that a religion as politically broad (not nearly as unified as people like to think) as Christianity would be able to "take over" the government even if they wanted to (which I'm pretty darn sure is not the case).

Comment Posted By Emily On 5.05.2005 @ 02:20

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