Comments Posted By Dale in Atlanta
Displaying 101 To 110 Of 138 Comments


Rick: Hi, as I said, you are correct!

And that's why I threw this in there:

"Isn’t it a crime by the way, kinda like shouting “fire” in a crowded theater? If not, it should be!"

I actually wasn't sure, but post 9/11, it makes sense that it is, especially with the Anthrax incident, etc.

I admire your last point; you're a better man than me, that's obvious; I do have trouble distinguishing sometimes; I know, it's my cross to bear....

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 27.09.2006 @ 23:04

Rick: okay, you know what, I like your blog, and you're a great writer/analyst; and I post here alot.

Technically, you ARE correct! Okay, but like a few of the other posters, considering who this was, and the hate and venom, and anti-Americanism, that he spews on a daily basis, I do find it a tad difficult to garner any sympathy for the Buffoon!

Do I appreciate the "practical joke" played on him? NO!

Would I do that to him? NO!

Would I like someone to do that to me? NO!

Isn't it a crime by the way, kinda like shouting "fire" in a crowded theater? If not, it should be!

But anyway, isn't this the same Idiot, Olbermann, who when Santorum released the report the other month, about the "older" CW Shells found in Iraq, Olbermann spent his whole show pooh-pooh the old and degraded WMD's, and said that basically, if they were on his set with him, there would be no danger at all?

This was the "tough" guy who was basically asking for someone to bring a "degraded" Sarin/VX shell on his program, to prove it was no threat!

He sure doesn't sound like a reincarnation of the "Scud Stud" now!

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 27.09.2006 @ 22:55


"Salty Party Snax Said:
8:55 am

Dale: Nah, it means I called you a liar and a jackass.

Which you are."


Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 28.09.2006 @ 09:31

Salty Party Snax:

Ah, that sting in any Rebuke, is the Truth!

Benjamin Franklin..

For YOU, that means, the truth hurts, doesn't it??

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 28.09.2006 @ 07:55

Mom: hi, thanks for the kind words.

You're right of course, about the Jacobite Left in this country, including Buffoons like Salty Party Snax, John Kerry, et. al.; I feel your pain, and empathize.

The best thing to do, that I've found on other Blogs, is to actually ignore them, completely!

It's not like you're dealing with Rational people, you know?

You can't reason with them, you can't talk to them, they're kinda embarrassing, and you feel pity, contempt, and awe, all at the same time, when watching or listening to them.

Their self-hate, hate for America, patriotism, Bush Derangement Syndrome; they fantasy world they live in, where "good" is "evil", and "evil" is "good", just because Bush is President, borders on Pyschosis!

I have a couple of friends who are Psychologists, and they say the browse Blogs, both Left and Right, for fun, to see what type of mental illnesses people display by their writings.

They say "Right" leaning Blogs have some real "nuts" on them; but "Left" leaning Blogs, for the most part, show people who are seriously disconnected from Reality; and I couldn't have said it better myself!

That's why I've had the discussion here, and on other Blogs, about the completely unhinged Lunar Chiroptera who inhabit Blogs like this, looking to start "discussions", so they can rant about their paranoid Delusions about how evil Bush is, how evil America is, etc. etc.

Mom, trust me, these are the sme people who Believe in the "lone gunman on the grassy knoll..."

These are the same people, who accused Regean of starting the AIDS epidemic!

These are the same Oliver Stone-nutso's who think that Bush instigated 9/11!

You can't be rational with them, you have to treat them like the spoiled small children they really are! That is, ignore them, or spank them; it's the only the only way!

That, and when talking to them, address them s...l....o....w.....l....y, because they suffer from a host of psychological illnesses, that make them all victims:

(Please go to the "Wikipedia" to get definitions; when you do, you'll just start laughing, and go "Oh my god, that's EXACTLY them...")

Pyschological Displacement: that's where the Left blames Bush for everything, including 9/11, because they can't face the reality of the fact that there are people, Islamist, who are actually to fault, and who might not like us!

Cognitive Dissonance: this is where Leftists try to rectify the completely hypocritical thoughts, that flitter thru their paranoid delusions, such as Bush is "evil", so the Jihadis, because they are Bush's enemies, must be "good"; but Jihadis BEHEAD people; ergo, Beheading is GOOD! Trust me, that's how they think! It's sad, isn't it, and pathetic too, unfortunately!

Stockholm Syndrome: this is where the Leftists, like Salty Dog, have fallen in love with the Jihadis, and commiserate with them, because they're all "victims" of the evil Bush; that's why they try to confer Constitution Right on them, and hope to surrender to them, as soon as possible!

Category Error: this is basically, when Leftist are so delusional, they can't even correctly define the problem they face. Because of their Communist/Socialist/Weed-smoking Babyboomer parents from the "Love generation" of the 60's, or in some cases, the actual Baby Boomers themselves, people like Clintons, Kerry, etc., everything is a "Government/Capitalist" PLOT, to take over the world, and control the little people, Man! Plants and animals are Human Beings too, Man! Let's all smoke some weed, and get naked, because, becuse it's "cool", and whatever feels good, Man, it's okay! This is still the philosphy, at it's core, of all Leftists; Clinton embodies it! That's why he had such high approval ratings throught the Impeachment/Monica Lewinsky scandal; basically, it was all the Baby Boomers, throwing caution to the wind, and forgiving THEMSELVES, by commiserating with Clinton! C'mon, here's a 50's President of the United States, knocking he bottom out of a 21 year old Intern who works for him; that's EVERY Leftists Fantasy; what's wrong with that?

C'mon, shame on your rigid, uptight, sexual dysfunctional, religious Nazi Rightwing Nuts, for begrudging a man a little on the side? You'd all so obsessed with Clinton's "privates", you all must be sexually dysfunctional!

Yadda, yadda, yadda; I know the whole sorry, pathetic meme....mememememememe

Anyway, because they're embarked on the "Ship of Fools", sailing for Narragonia, they cannot adequately Define, the actualy Threat that we face: Category Error!

Hence, instead of recognizing that it's Jihadi Islam, they throw out stuff like: "Bush is evil" and "it's out fault" and "poverty, caused by US evil Corporations, cause Terrorism" and "Halliburton" and "no Blood for Oil" and "if we all just sat in a circle and held hands and drank organic fruit juice and ate granola and sang Kumbaya or "Fly away Lesbian Seagull" (that's a Bevis and Butthead reference, so don't FREAK on me, Leftists!), and SYMPATHIZED with the Jihadies, why, they'd love and respect us, and they will quit trying to cut our Heads Off!

Oh yeah, that, and we have to live in Dhimmitude for the rest of our lives, let them slaughter all the Jews, and Let them all have Nuclear weapons, and all convert to Islam and wear Burkhas, but that's okay, that's an acceptable price to pay, to just all get along!

That Mom, is what we're faced with, and that's why, it's not really worth getting upset, and trying to hold rational, intellectual discourse with them!

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 27.09.2006 @ 22:33

Salty: PUHleese...are your referring to the Democrats, or Kerry, or Clinton Light, or Gore, as people who know what they're doing, and will "win" this thing?

Are you smoking crack; John Kerry's never known someone/something he WOULDN'T surrender too! He surrendered to the French when he was 16, and he spent years surrendering to the Vietnamese/VC, tried to surrender to the Contras, and hopes he get elected so he can surrender to the Jihadis!

Hey "Salty", "redeployment", is that your "winning" strategy?

What fantasy world do you live in?

Democratic Leftist motto: We promise you, the American Voter, that we WILL snatch Defeat from the Jaws of victory, and roll over, and surrender to the first person that asks us too!


Salty, time to go back to your Bong! You're close to a moment of lucidity!

PS: Democracy does work, President Bush was elected TWICE!

HAH! Bet that sticks in your craw, doesn't it.....

My got, I gotta go hurl, I just reread your post, and you tried to imply the Democrats actually had a plan, actually cared about the country, actually wanted to Win, and actually wouldn't SURRENDER!

Sorry, gotta run off to the bathroom real quick......BAAAAAARRRRRFFFFFFFFFFFFFF!

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 27.09.2006 @ 09:57

Salty: Hmmmmmmmm, Hmmmmmmmmm, sure, whatever you day DOG!

Hmmmmmmmmm, World War II; 405,000 GI's Killed; another 1.5MILLION wounded; the equivalent of TRILLIONS in Dollars spent; Hitler, Mussolini, and Hirohito NEVER CAPTURED!

Please explain to ME, why that isn't regarded as a failure on a HISTORICAL scale?

Oh, I know, because we WON!

We WON, because we stuck it out! We WON, because we didn't have Leftist, anti-American, Hate-America-first "patriots", spending every waking moment of their pathetic lives, underming our President, our Military, and our troops in battle, and providing Aid-and-comfort to the enemy, on the front pages of the NYT or WashPost every day!


Back then, the American people "Got it"

Back then, we didn't have to content with the arrogant, self-aggrandizing, indolent, bored, selfish, lackadasical spawn of of the Baby Boomer generation like yourself, and your pals like Clinton, and Michael Moore, etc., who are so twisted with hatred for your own country, and so condescendingly arrogant in your moral relativism, moral equivalency, and self-hated, that you not only can't identify and define the real threat to us all (the Islamists, you know the people who BEHEAD people for fun, and NOT your President), but that you actually suffer from a variety of psychoses, such as Stockholm Syndrome, Cognitive Dissonence, Psychological Displacment, and Category Error, in sympathizing and actually rooting on the Islamists to actually defeat us, and more importantly in your own twisted fantasy world, BUSH!

What a bunch of complete, freaking deserve everything you all get, the day a Jihadi is standing over your neck with a butcher knife!

Don't come crying to people like me, who wore the uniform, to protect your sorry ass then; it's too late....

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 27.09.2006 @ 09:07

Hey Salty Party Snax: way to compare apples and oranges in your fantasy world!

Of course the majority of Americans blame Bush for failing to track down Bin Laden and capture him!

Because ONLY Bush has tried to track him down and capture him, SINCE 9/11!

Clinton was out of office when 9/11, we invaded Afghanistan, and Bin Laden went on the run!

Everything, good, and bad since 9/11 is Bush's fault!

And everything PRIOR too 21st Jan 2001, including the failure to kill/capture Bin Laden some 10times, to adequately respond to WTC '93, Khobar, the USS Cole, Bojinka, AmEmb bombings in East Africa, that's ALL Clinton's fault; but the Gallup Poll DID NOT ASK THAT!

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 27.09.2006 @ 08:27


Vox Populi Cosmicum: I'm not quite as old as Rick, 48; but I've lived overseas almost my whole life; went in 1966, when I was 8!

Funny thing was, we lived in a former British colony; and the Brits/expats, the Bulgarians, Russians, Indians, etc. hated us then! The Brits hated us more than anything, it was amazing, they were still referring to us derogotorily as "the colonies", and "Yankee", but then would line up at our front door, to get TANG and Snickers Bars, because their Government let them live on the local economy, and didn' take care of them like ours!

Lived in Egypt for 5 years in the 70's; went to University there; funny, they all hated us; we were all "Jew Lovers", and "Zionist supporters" and "capitalists" stealing their oil!

Funny, they all wanted a visa to come to the US to work!

Lived in Spain in the 80's, for 3 years; they hated us then; we were Capitalists and war-mongers and supporters of the "Jews" and uncultured, and rude, and loud, and no History; but they wanted us to protect them militarily, because their military takes 4 months off every summer to go the beach and drink sherry and stare at their daughters breasts, as everybody goes "monokini"!

Live in Japan and Okinawa in the 90's for 3 years; they hated us then: we were war-mongers; we started WWII!, we dropped the "bomb" on them, we despoiled the environment, we raped their women, we smelled like "meat"; funny thing, under the table, they ask us to never leave, because they know the Chinesee and/or the North Koreans will attack them; and the ONLY green spaces left in Okinawa and mainland Japan, that ISN'T covered with Love motels and Pachinko parlors, are the US Bases; and they don't trust themselves to manage the areas if we turn them back over!

My parents lived in Africa in the 40's and 50's, for 13 years; Liberia, Sudan, etc. Funny, they HATED us then; we had just won WWII, and displaced the British Empire as the world's superpower; the only country that challenged our power was a nascent Soviet Union; but they hated us, because we were number ONE, and that's the way it always is!

So, Vox, you frankly, don't know squat, your delusional Leftist rhetoric, is just that, rhetoric! And nonsense, and crap, and patentedly FALSE, which is the most important thing!

So tell Rick he has no experience and you do; because I have more than you'll every have, and you're full of it!

I've heard your Leftist, internationalist bullcrap rhetoric my whole life, usually from Europeans, who are so pissed that they've let one of the greatest civilizations in the history of man, rot and decay from within, because they're socialists and communists, and they too busy enforcing Political Correctness and Multicultrualism, and attacking what made them great to begin with, as they take their 3 month vacations, make is a sin to work; institute cradle to grave social welfare programs, import Muslim populations by the millions, to work and support those very same programs so they can continue to not work and stay on vacation, elevate pedaeophilia to a national pastime and sport; take their pedaeophiliac sex trips to SE Asia; destroy the institution of marriage so they can all live in multi-partner-trans-gender-gay-lesbian-communal-heaven; engage every timpot dictator in the world and accept their bribes, such as Saddam's Oil-for-food-scandal, all because they cannot compete in a free and fair market place, so they have to engage in bribery; all the while, looking down their aquiline noses and sniffing condescendingly and patronizingly at us, while we continue to blow them out of the water, in every single measurable economically, known to man!

Then, you have the nerve, that you are "reaching out" to Rick, and you spend your entire post insulting him, America, etc.!


Sad thing is, you have the rhetoric down so well, it's obvious you've been brainwashed from an early age!

I'm guessing our British, or Canadian, which these days, is almost as bad!

Eurabia is dead pal, done, finished, your "civilization" is like Atlantis, a fond memory, but more like a fantastical delusion!

Read 'er and weep pal, the economy of California alone, is larger than every single European country!

It boils down to one thing; you're the ones who destroyed yourselves; we sacrifice hundreds of thousands of our young men and women to rescue your pathetic asses in WWI, WWII, and the Cold War, when you all had the skeletal structure of jellyfish!

And you still can't wait to roll over, spread 'em, and surrender as quickly as you can to the Jihadis!

You seriously deserve the Dhimmitude that you'll live in, IF they let you live at all! Me, I'm going to lead the charge that we let you all reap what you sow this time, they won't make it over here!

When they convert St. Paul's, and St. Peters, and Chartres to Mosques, and Buckingham Palace becomes the harem of some Saudi Sheikh, I'll be siting over here, laughing my ass off at you pathetic fools!

Don't worry though, history shows that all Hydraulic Empires collapse from internal Rot, and you're just proving history correct!

I know, despite your high falutin' words, you'll have to Google that concept, so I'll wait........................

Okay, bottomline, my whole life, I've been around, and seen punks like you; guess what?

We're still here, and stronger than ever!

You all, however, are neck deep in the privy in which you put yourselves, and trying to convince the world you don't smell like Crap!

Works for our clueless, anti-Semetic Hollywood Leftist, that's why they're all pals with you all; but fortunately the majority of American gets it, and, would just as soon flush you the rest of the way down!

As one of the last wise Europeans (though admittedly part American); Winston Churchill told Neville Chamberlain, as he was busy trying to surrender to the Nazis: "you had a choice between war and shame; you chose shame, and you shall have the war all the same..."

Too bad you all didn't listen!

I'll also give you time to Google the term "Quisling" should know what that means, typically, it's named after a European!

Someone once asked a wiseman, what was the difference between America and Europe?

He said, well, America has had 232 years of uninterrupted Democracy, and 43 Presidents and peaceful transitions of civilian rule...

Well, what about Europe, then?

In that same time, they've invented or had: communism, socialism, Fascism, totalitarianism, authoritarianism, Nazism, de Gaullism, monarchism, revolution, massacres, genocide, civil wars, religious wars, racism, religiousism, sexism, ageism, and now, they have Islam!

Wow, Vox, what a legacy to be proud of!

Sure, you know what, I admit it, you guys are better than us, you've convinced me, I was just too stupid to realize it at first!


Ut Sementem Feceris Ita Metes...............

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 28.09.2006 @ 21:31

SlimGuy: that particular place was a major concern/spinup from 88 - 01; but the real problem was north east; home of the Alawis, and I'll leave it at that.!

Comment Posted By Dale in Atlanta On 28.09.2006 @ 08:10

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