Comments Posted By Cecil
Displaying 11 To 20 Of 21 Comments


There is no difference when unelected governments pass laws contrary to their citizens desires and well-being and elected governments do the same. "Tyranny exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive (C. Lewis)." Does it really matter who is elected or who is not elected if the results are the same?

You requested I do not bring up liberal this or conservative that but suggest you read the title and the contents of the original post. IT was about liberal this and conservative that. Sorry but the fact that you are a liberal or a conservative says a great deal about your view of the world, Obama and the United States. It shapes the discussion whether we mention the words or not. Since the issue is the "alleged" right-wing of the Republican party, I fail to see how not mentioning the political philosophies adds to the discussion.

BTW, there are regular elections at the provincial and district levels all the time in China. Just because the candidates are approved members of the CCP does not lessen the fact that there are elections. Liberals, IMHO, would love to have such a setup with only liberals running and winning. Knock out the fox so one does not have to deal with its evil influence.

Therein, lies the reason why I can never embrace such an unAmerican philosophy. Contested elections and reasoned but heated discussions are fantastic for the country even if it means having to "get over oneself." Now explain to me how the current crop of Chicago liberals in Washington eagerly embrace reasoned or any discussions. The fox is evil and therefore we will not allow him to come around.

Comment Posted By Cecil On 20.10.2009 @ 01:07


I live with myself. I must try to get over people who tell me to get over myself as you have done. Both parties have their own version:

Hmmm, did I miss the version provided by the conservatives and, of course, you obviously have decided NOT to provide me. Help me out. I get this argument all the time from liberal Americans and the world. If I do not agree with their beliefs and concepts it is because I haven't looked hard enough pr dug deep enough for the truth. Am I lazy or are they being intellectually dishonest? A liberal being wrong is beyond their imagination. I suggest it is intellectual dishonesty as you could simply have provided a URL to set me straight or listed the politically correctness that originated on the conservative side of the house. Wonder why you failed to do such a simple task. It is easy to write what you did, I read and hear it all the time? I research a subject and come back with a conclusion different from a liberal. The liberal, refusing to provide evidence, simply states that I need to do more research.

Do I need to provide you with the definition of a terrorist and then one of a criminal? Do a venn diagram. Inside the criminal venn one will find all terrorists but notice that all criminals are not terrorists.

You must define what you mean by kill as opposed to murder. There is a difference and, if asked, I will provide you with ample evidence of the difference.

You sound, oh so, liberal with your silly "get over yourself" as if you are over yourself already. Not much good in a reasoned discussion me thinks.

Comment Posted By Cecil On 19.10.2009 @ 22:35

Funny Man

"Of course I know what you mean but living there you probably noticed a one party system has a peculiar habit of making decisions."

Kind of like the president and his majority Congress of today, right? Who lives in a different reality now for those who think that Rick's writing was accurate.

Comment Posted By Cecil On 19.10.2009 @ 16:51

But Surabaya Stew!

I am not the one who is convinced that I somehow live in "The Different Reality Inhabited by the Conservative Base." I also did not define what core values of conservatives are or are not. I am not the one who makes fun of people because they are religious (per Palin and others) and then tries to tell everyone they are tolerant. I am not the one who called Bush a chimp and then cried racist when the current president was called the same exact thing. I also do not pretend to be better than my fellow Americans. I do not believe that I know what is good for my fellow Americans and thus will not allow them to read the bills that will burden the economy with trillions of tax dollars.

Immoral and criminal behavior is the same whether liberals carry them out or if conservatives. The difference to the brilliant liberal mind is that if one stands for family values and is caught that somehow this behavior is a greater evil than when done by a liberal. Kind of like a bank robber who says he is a bank robber and robs a bank is less evil than a bank robber who says he is not a bank robber. Lying and corruption is lying and corruption. Does not matter who does it or what they say - it is the same.

You substitution is silly and just shows your inability to carry on a reasoned discussion. Look at what the extreme right wingers are after. It is not the destruction of the capitalist system. Anarchist are not conservatives. Communist/socialist who want to change both the politics and the economy of the US are indeed liberals.

No conservative in American will be surprised to find that liberals run the government and thus must have had some sort of majority in order to win. Not so liberals. All surveys that I have seen indicate that the majority of Americans tended to be centrist to the right and not the other way around. Your substitution is thus meaningless unless you can come up with some valid and reliable survey that proves otherwise.

Imagine going through this series of comments and making the substitutions that you did. You are pretending that both political parties are exactly the same and I disagree totally with this rather simplistic conclusion.

It is not the conservatives who has forced Political Correctness on all of us or the hate crimes bills that seem to criminalize perceived intentions rather than the act itself. Murder is murder for whatever reason.

It simply does not read the same unless, of course, you are trying to NOT discuss the issues I brought up which appears to be your purpose.

Conservatives are a lot more tolerant of other people beliefs than liberals. Liberals are a lot more hate-filled than conservatives. It just seems that liberals have shorter memories. Now go look yourself in the mirror and tell me that you are tolerant of my political philosophy. I am certainly tolerant of yours.

Comment Posted By Cecil On 19.10.2009 @ 08:52

Funny Man,

I must repeat the question you asked to me - what are YOU talking about? Did I say that I backed social engineering via the Chinese model. Because I live in China, does not make me Chinese.

The point I was making, which you obviously did not grasp, was that the Chinese economy barely existed above the subsistence level until they changed from a socialist/centrally planned (government owns the means of production) to a capitalist/market economy (individual owns the means of production}. Come visit me and see how many privately owned businesses are prospering thanks not to socialism but to capitalism. I firmly believe in the laws of economics and they apply to good guys and well as not so good guys.

The Chinese call it Socialist (with Chinese characteristics) Market Economy. One could also call it a Capitalist ((with Chinese characteristics) Market Economy. The state still owns major industries and tries to compete (unsuccessfully for the most part) in this market economy. The Chinese have found that the less interference with these market-driven businesses the more these businesses thrive and grow the economy.

Social engineering in China has been a disaster as can easily be seen from their one-child policy. Although it applies to less than 40% of the population, the results are just now being felt across the social and economic makeup of the entire country. It was a huge mistake by any calculation one can possibly come up with. The government even acknowledges the disaster that is now in China's immediate future. The laws of nature apply to both the good guys and the not so good guys.

Once again, I am neither a citizen of China nor a permanent resident. I simply have a work visa that allows me to work in the university system in China. I still remain a citizen of the United States living in a country with an authoritarian government. You obviously have no clue what that means nor what it is like.

What I have a problem with is liberals trying to force their beliefs and values on me? I do not force you to think like I do and I certainly do not accuse you of being uneducated just because we happen to disagree. It is none of my business what you do in your bedroom. I will not call you a racist just because you are outspoken in your political ideology. The current resident of the WH is forcing everyone to accept his values without question and without dissent.

Whenever liberals accuse us conservatives of wanting to force our ideology on them, it can be explained as projection. You want me to accept your values or lack of values so you attack me with this argument. I simply do not care what your values are or are not. Most conservatives feel the same way. We speak out against the murder of innocent children. The FACT that these are both children and innocent makes no difference to you. No liberal that I have met can even acknowledge the fact that the child is human so the projection begins to cover up the inability to acknowledge a human life.

You and others of your persuasion cannot seem to figure out how an educated person can be anything but liberal in his or her outlook on life? Liberals make up no more than 40% of the population according to most surveys and only about have of that are leftwing radicals who are working hard to destroy the capitalist system we have had since our inception as a country. This always surprises liberals who read only liberal publications, watch only liberal TV and usually have only liberal friends because these people truly believe they are the vast majority of Americans.

I mean, after all, liberalism offers humans so many great and wonderful opportunities in material and spiritual gifts. Gifts such as the ability to deny the humanity of innocent babies, deny a supreme creator, call those who oppose them racists, force taxes on everyone in order to build their political war chests to continue to spread the good works of liberalism and, of course, ask us who are not so blessed - WHAT are you talking about?

Comment Posted By Cecil On 19.10.2009 @ 02:05


How exactly have I defined myself as "one of the elites?" I am not an opinion leader. I have no leadership role in any political organization. I have never run for public office. I am just a guy you agrees with what you call the Republican base. I believe that hard work and right thinking are keys to success. I have seen with my own eyes what the opposite brings - hardship and death. Socialism does not work. It goes against human nature. Ask the Chinese who were lingering at the bottom of the barrel until they embraced hard work and right thinking (also known as capitalism where individual own the means of production).

Seems that you believe anyone who does not agree with your political philosophy MUST be uneducated because an educated person would see what a utopian state we could become by following your brilliantly laid out path. Nope I am no elite by anyone's definition but I am a guy you has lived long enough in different economic and political systems to see what works and what does not work.

You admire the Europeans for their attempts at social engineering. Minorities in Europe are now causing havoc because these minorities are not interested in becoming part of this social engineering. I, like them, want nothing to do with your attempts at forcing me to meet what you think a perfect society should be like. Leave me alone to live the life that I, not you, choose for myself

Comment Posted By Cecil On 18.10.2009 @ 17:09

I love it when people begin to call conservatives like me "uneducated" and/or unsophisticated country bumpkins. Doubt very many of Michael's elites can match my educational qualifications and worldwide experiences. Who was it on TV that kept saying NO BRAG JUST FACT. Believe I could prove him wrong about the big corporations with factual data and show that the real growth in economic performance lies with the small business owners just as it does here in China. Take them away and the big corporations would not have anyone to sell their products to. The Chinese working class and entrepreneurs are the one's who are fueling the economic miracle that is China. The big corporations are simply supplying these "country bumpkins" what they want or need. Should I do my research or just leave Michael and other elites in the dark about the buying power of us backward and uneducated Americans who feel marginalized.

BTW, I do not feel at all marginalized but believe I will stay in China a few more years and watch the liberals slowly but surely destroy a once economic power house with policies that have never worked. Oh, did I say I wanted them to fail? Nope, just find it amusing that these elites they can successfully mate a chicken with a cow.

Comment Posted By Cecil On 17.10.2009 @ 19:34

Very interesting concepts here. Does that mean that we "right wing nuts" imagined the ACORN debacle or that it was made up by us "terrorists" on the right? Or maybe you believe that the corruption that is now rampant in Congress really is not there with all those really reality-based liberals giving us all a chance to read those reality-based health and stimulus bills as the President promised.

I live in China and even here I heard tsk, tsk coming from the business people when the Obama Administration began to bail out Wall Street and the automobile companies. They obvious know socialism when they see it from personal experience. I do not hope that Obama will fail. When one tries to mate a chicken with a cow, it WILL ALWAYS FAIL. Socialism simply goes against the human creative nature. Obama's programs will fail. Because I state the obvious does not mean I hope he fails. What I seem to hear from our liberal brethren is that historical socialism never worked because it was never tried by such brilliant elite liberals we have been blessed with.

Not based on reality? I beg to differ. It is those who believe that Obama is something other than what he has proven with his lies, deceptions and empty platitudes. If you haven't figured it out yet, Fox is a legitimate news agency - as legitimate as the left leaning MSM. Only an ideologue would say otherwise.

Your reality is obviously different than mine. Want to bet my reality, looking across the Pacific, is a lot closer to the truth? Time will tell.

Comment Posted By Cecil On 17.10.2009 @ 12:33


I see no difference in the following statements:

Human-caused global warming is like gravity, those who do not buy into it completely are uneducated kooks.

Macro evolution is like gravity, those who do not buy into it completely are uneducated kooks.

Human-caused global warming cannot be observed and verified as a law of nature therefore it is not like gravity.

Macro evolution cannot be observed and verified as a law of nature therefore it is not like gravity.

Call me uneducated and call me a kook but Charles Johnson has fallen into the Gore arena of "collateral substitution" where unobservable evidence magically becomes observable because he and others believe it.

I neither believe nor disbelieve in either the global warming theory nor the macro evolution theory. I do, however, understand many of the laws of nature as they are reliable 100% of the time.

I no longer attend the LGF forum because Johnson is a hate-filled kook who makes statements much like Gore has done - my way or the kook way.

Comment Posted By Cecil On 22.04.2009 @ 19:37


I had never heard of Rush Limbaugh until my liberal brother began to trash him via email to me daily back in 1998. Had no clue what my brother was talking about. Then we decided to spend three years back in the US so I could finish a masters degree to teach English. After the first year, we moved to Tulsa to start the program. I had to drive about 50 miles every day. It was the exact same time as Rush was on the air. As I listened to him, it occurred to me that he was very entertaining. He was always polite to his liberal listeners and never cut them off. Treated them with kid gloves and was natural and realistic. Loved Rush even though I realized he was an entertainer and not really a "political pundit."

Now I occasionally listen to talk radio over the internet. The progressive programs are terrible. These people are nasty, self-asserting cretans. All one has to do is to listen to the guy that used to be with Hannity on Fox. If he disagrees with the caller, he immediately cuts him or her off. Conservatives who call in to any of these programs are treated with disrespect and criticism. Nasty people, these liberal talk show hosts.

That is the reason they flunk. They are intolerant, bigoted and really just not nice people. They will lose all the time. The only chance they have is to legislate their way onto the airways. Even liberals do not listen to them because they just repeat the same ugliness and hate-filled propaganda or do the Obama Messiah Song.

Rush and even Hannity, are both fun and entertaining. Heck, it is even funny to listen to Ann Coulter when she gets with a conservative talk show host. They all seem not to take themselves so seriously as do their counterparts.

"Talent on loan from God." How funny is that!!

Comment Posted By Cecil On 15.02.2009 @ 19:59

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