Comments Posted By CZ
Displaying 51 To 60 Of 82 Comments


Chuck Tucson Said:
3:22 pm
Public health insurance will unleash a massive wave of entrepreneurship and progress throughout the country.

CZ: Sure thing bub, similar to the "massive wave of entrepreneurship and progress throughout the country" that the federally funded AMTRAK did for passenger rail travel. You lefties are such pigeons for rancid government cheese. Sell the dream and deliver the turd. Would you like fries with that?

Comment Posted By CZ On 11.08.2009 @ 15:37


91michael reynolds Said:
12:52 pm


Why don’t I pay a trillion dollars? Are you an idiot? Why don’t I just defend the country all by myself too, genius? Then I’ll build all the roads.

CZ: You seem to be angry. Professional therapy may help, a man like you should be able to afford it. Calling me names doesn't help your case. You seem to be a well-educated, mature and thoughtful fellow who has acquired a good deal of personal wealth and said so yourself. So why all the anger? You claim to have all the answers and money to back it up too. BTW, the overpass on I-80 near my commune is in need of some flowers and landscaping. Could you help out by donating a few bucks? It's shovel ready and I know some burly union guys who are willing to help. For a union price.

Incidentally, “top 1 or 2%” does not mean billionaire. It doesn’t even mean rich. It just means well off.

CZ: If you are "well-off" why not put some of that well-off money where your keyboard is? Why must your arm be twisted by some ill-conceived collectivist/statist government legislation? Why not do the right thing on your own? With so many less fortunate individuals wandering about without a federally funded colonoscopy as I write, why not roll up your sleeves and get busy?

Look, I know conservatives are stupid, but try this out: some things we do together, as a country. We defend the country together. We build roads together. We patrol the borders together. We inspect food together. We negotiate treaties together.

You know, as a country. Together.

CZ: "I know conservatives are stupid". Why would I want to do anything "together" with a mature, wealthy fellow who calls me stupid?

So the only question here is whether we treat healthcare as something we do together. I say yes. You say no.

Or do you?

CZ: In a word, no.

Would you shut down medicare? How about VA health care? Shut down all federally-sponsored medical research? Somehow I doubt it.

CZ: I already pay taxes to support the elderly and veterans. But I would think liberal rich guys like you would be pro-active as the thoughtful, wonderful people you pretend to be and take up the know...together. If you are the thoughtful man you claim to be YOU can make a difference and shouldn't need some ill-conceived collectivist/statist legislation to make you do so.

You asked who’s going to pay for it and I answered. Those of us who are able will pay a little more. I’m willing to be part of that.

CZ: I never asked who is going to pay for anything and you answered anyway. But you can pay for it since you are in the "top couple of percent on income". Get Blake, Logan and Chatsworth down at your country club to pitch in too. What have you done so far besides pound your...ahem...keyboard? What are you willing to do right now? What will you be willing to do for the less fortunate in the future, without some hasty, ill-conceived collectivist/statist legislation holding the federal gun against your head?

Now, if you want to continue discussing the issues, why not start with reality as opposed to hysterical Glen Beck rants?

CZ: First, I don't rant. That's your job. Second, I refuse to continue "discussing" any "issues" with someone who calls me "stupid" and an "idiot". However, I will respond to the dubious boasts you seem so willing to broadcast to the entire world. Like this one:

michael reynolds Said:
8:20 pm

4) Since I am lucky to be in the top couple of percent on income let me make this very clear: I am willing to be taxed to provide health insurance to the poor.

CZ: How genuinely generous you are! It's so very nice of you to say that, how sweet. But what are YOU willing to do on your own...Mr. Lucky?

Comment Posted By CZ On 10.08.2009 @ 17:28

michael reynolds Said:
8:20 pm

4) Since I am lucky to be in the top couple of percent on income let me make this very clear: I am willing to be taxed to provide health insurance to the poor.

CZ: Why wait Mr. Reynolds, or may I call you Mr. Lucky? If you're as wealthy as you claim to be why not just peel off a trillion or so and build some free clinics for the poor? Or are you one of those "greedy" rich guys the democrat politicians tell us so much about?

Why do you require federal legislation to motivate your personal thoughtful generosity? You can afford it, after all YOU ARE in the TOP COUPLE OF PERCENT ON INCOME, correct? You made that VERY CLEAR.

You are either more mouth than money or more dung then brains but both is my guess. If not then get off your extremely wealthy and boastful dead beat ass and get busy. Why not put your money where your keyboard is?

Be sure to write back and tell us all about your generous and thoughtful philanthropy. After all, it's for "the greater good", and YOU can afford it.

Comment Posted By CZ On 10.08.2009 @ 11:47


Moran? Party of two? Mr. Moran...Your table is ready.

Outstanding essay.

Comment Posted By CZ On 7.08.2009 @ 08:15


Bald Ninja Said:
10:11 am

Do liberals do this as a tactic or are they genuinely fearful of opposition and the conservative argument?

Alinsky Rule 6: A good tactic is one your people enjoy.

Comment Posted By CZ On 5.08.2009 @ 15:17

I applaud anyone who takes time out of their busy day to show up and let their voice be heard, this is America after all. At least I still think it is.

If these taxpaying voters are angry and unruly it is due to the constant talking point pounding by the democrat politicians and their lap dog media surrogates who believe they know how to control our lives better than we do.

The putrid arrogance of it all is what makes ordinary people so damn motivated and angry. Nobody seems to have been listening so why not scream and shout? They feel the insurmountable odds that are are stacked against them by the media.

When ordinary people are fed up and have no alternative to be heard between elections they can at least show up and let off some steam directly at the representatives who have stopped representing the voters and made the conscious decision to represent the Pelosi party line. They deserve some heat.

What's most amusing is that the democrat politicians and media lapdogs don't know what to make of ordinary people protesting because it's never happened before. Their reaction? Pull an Alinsky by openly attacking and discrediting them.

Go for it.

They aren't burning American flags they are waving them. They aren't wearing tie-dye or outfits bought at urban counterculture boutiques. I don't see anyone wearing funny pink outfits and masks. They are attired in the likes of common Dockers and Land's End polo shirts and aren't afraid to show their faces. Current and retired military personnel are showing up too.

I have yet to see organized civil disobedience among the tea party crowd or these new age protesters who probably never attended an organized protest in their lives other than a suburban school board meeting. How anyone can refer to them as an angry mob wasn't around in the late 60's when clashes with riot police were encouraged or has been asleep for the past nine years when those same aging anti-war protesters crawled back out from under their rocks.

ACORN didn't pay for and bus these people in from the projects. Also absent are the purple and gold SEIU jackets in these crowds so it must be assumed they are being organized by right winger fringe groups or corporations. Make me freaking gag.

This is a real movement and it's is growing. It's a movement that will be ridiculed and discredited only by those who wish to risk credibility and reelection in 2010 no matter which party they belong to.

Bring it on.

Comment Posted By CZ On 4.08.2009 @ 17:51


"And I will repeat - Obama is not taking the lead on this as he should."

Dang right! This is called wiggle-room. President "Stuidly" is sure to foist blame on somebody else when this rancid government healthcare fiasco goes tits up.

Now, it's on to cap and tax, the next turd swirling in his punchbowl.

Comment Posted By CZ On 28.07.2009 @ 16:42


If I were the police officer a trip to the WH would be a nogo. He’s being lured into a public relations trap where OB and Gates will be absolved by the media. Stay home buddy.

Stay home, avoid the media, keep your mouth shut and sue Gates for all he’s worth.

Race hustlers like him make a ton of money being race hustlers.

Comment Posted By CZ On 26.07.2009 @ 06:39


"For the second time in my adult lifetime, I'm really proud of my White Sox, and not just because Buerle's has done well, but because I think people are hungry for another World Series Championship."

Comment Posted By CZ On 24.07.2009 @ 06:33


Perch? Now you're talkin'. This year I have caught perch up to 14" near Cal harbor. Perch fishing on the lake is outstanding right now. One morning we landed 30 in my boat from 11-14". Them's jumbos!

Comment Posted By CZ On 21.07.2009 @ 07:39

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