Comments Posted By Brad
Displaying 61 To 67 Of 67 Comments


So, some small production company announces a project designed to get free marketing via controversy, and your first thought is to sign up to help them? Well done. I hope they're giving you a cut.
And Malkin's "tour de force" leads off with "Assassination Vacation" by Sarah Vowell, which she obviously never read. It's a history buff's lighthearted retracing of some of the less discussed presidental assassinations. It has nothing do to with any imaginary lefty obsession with killing Bush. Most of us who could be called Bush-haters, Rick, have two problems with calls for his death. First off, it'd be wrong. The left are the ones who are against violence, remember?
Second, Bush would be far more dangerous dead than alive. As a president he's a 'useful' cheerleader for the people doing the real work. As a martyr he'd be the justification for truly terrible things.
Now then, what about Coulter's old calls for Clinton's assassination, those were funny?

Comment Posted By brad On 1.09.2006 @ 02:57


I like how you're calling it 9/11+5 to remind all them folks a recent poll shows can't remember the year it happened.
But, a couple problems. First, if you're going to say we should wait on the facts, an admirable goal, shouldn't you say that before already labelling the case in question an act of terrorism? Otherwise, you're just covering your ass to sound more reasonable while still doing exactly what you criticize. Also, you forgot to mention the Seattle attacker was, at the least, somewhere between christian and muslim, having professed belief in both at points in his life. Of course, mentioning that would complicate calling every act of violence by a muslim a terrorist act, which you are, as you take pains to be politically correct and say, in no way shape or form supporting doing, aside from in the first half of this post.
And how, exactly, is tbogg anti-semitic? Or how is the post you link to anti-semitic? Because it features a picture of Hasidim? Because it quotes a joke from Annie Hall about anti-semitism? Because it implies that jewish delis tend to be of a high quality? Inquiring minds want to know.

Comment Posted By brad On 30.08.2006 @ 15:02


Just a detail: third graders are eight-year-olds; otherwise, nice post.

Comment Posted By Brad On 27.08.2006 @ 08:56


Why do you bother paying the left any attention, if you think we're nothing but childish fools ? You chide Tbogg for not being serious enough about this tempest in a teapot, yet have nothing constructive, or mature, to say in your own right.
The MSM does not have a liberal bias. Maybe it did, twenty or thirty years ago, but not now, not in the age of Fox and corporate consolidation. You know this, but don't care, because attacking the MSM boogeyman will always play well with your target audience. But if you want to assault the left as immature you should try doing more than trying to game the ref in your own work, Rick. Politics and war are not sporting events, no matter how much many on the right seem to want to treat them as such. People are dying, and you're attacking the left over the relative significance of how dark and dense the smoke in the picture actually was?
As for your claim the left side of the blog world has ignored the photo, two things. One, you only mention THREE relatively major lefty outlets that were on it yourself. Take another look and you'll find plenty more. Thing is, and this is my second point, it ain't that big a deal. I've yet to find any reasonable argument as to why the difference in color and density of the smoke is of any true significance. Reuters fired the photog, and has probably dozens of stringers in the area. That one allowed his personal beliefs to corrupt his professionalism doesn't mean Reuters is a propoganda machine.
Would a single corrupt broker mean an entire wall street firm was corrupt? Does a single corrupt cop mean the entire force is corrupt? Or does a single bad apple only taint those groups and institutions you dislike?

Comment Posted By brad On 7.08.2006 @ 19:05


Is Anyone suprised? Ann is a self-absorbed fooless. She comes across as someone who believes SHE is THE Conservative Movement. Oh yeah... her neck looks like a giraffe's. Thanks for the help Ann, CPAC will probably have her headline next year. Pathetic....

Comment Posted By Brad On 12.02.2006 @ 15:52


Your making a moral equivalence between a legal process that has taken 24 long years to play out to determine guilt while allowing legal redress ad infinitum to a gangland shotgun murder of four innocent people while he laughed his way through them is disgusting. He was a predator who was too damn sorry to work and found no problem with murdering people for chump change. Do you think he would have had a problem pumping you full of lead for whatever you had on you? But you apparently think this slimeball would be a great loss to society. If people such as yourself really believe his life should be spared, I say send them the bill for his upkeep. Do realize how much money has already been wasted on this cretin? If you recieved a stiff bill for his upkeep, we'd see how much you care. I'll tell you how much I care. I'll contribute a half dozen 00 buckshot shotgun shells for his execution. If that was good enough for his victims, it's good enough for him. Let him stare the wrong way down a shotgun barrel like his innocent victims did. Turnabout is fair play.

Comment Posted By Brad On 13.12.2005 @ 03:04


I read a piece recently (don't remember where) that laid the blame on Wilson himself and Corn of The Nation.

Comment Posted By Brad On 18.07.2005 @ 18:19

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