Comments Posted By vigilocanis
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Top Ten Facts To Know About "Obamacare"

1. Those with insurance now will pay more than their present insurance plan

2. Those with no insurance will be paying the same

3. Illegal aliens who were not covered before, will noe be covered

4. Your doctor who is easily accessible to you, will be more difficult to see in the future, because of the 46,000,000 new patients with government insurance entering the system

5. You will share doctors' waiting rooms with 46,000,000 new patients

6. There is no money to pay for it

7. If you love the "turtlebahn" and the Stimulus bill, you will love Obamacare

8. If you love the bailouts, you will love Obamacare

9. If you like standing in line at the post office, you will love standing in line at the doctor’s office

10. If you think that a new 1000 page federal bill that:

a) was written by Obama and has not been read by a single congressman,

b) proposes a new trillion dollar government Obamacare program

c) will insure 46,000,000 new patients, including 10,000,000 illegal aliens that cannot afford insurance now and must be obviously paid for by some one else

will NOT affect you (who is already having trouble paying for your own insurance, let alone pay for additional coverage for others):............ then you might need to see a Obamachiatrist.

Comment Posted By vigilocanis On 24.07.2009 @ 12:43

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