Comments Posted By thedude
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Obama doesn't reach across the aisle. Never, not once in his entire career has he tried to work with Republicans on any issue. While at U of C he wouldn't speak to the one or two Conservative professors that taught there. His idea of bipartisanship is including blue dogs in his caucus. He will work to destroy, not beat, the Republican party and not even blink while doing it.

We need to fight Obama with every strategy and tactic in the book. Obama and the new left don't just play to win, they play to destroy the other side. They play to wipe you off the map. As Napoleon changed the nature of war in the 1800's Obama and the MSM are changing the nature of US politics in the late aughts. They control the media, they define the debate, and they are completely and utterly without scruples. It is about power for the left, not ideology, not America as some noble idea. Power, and the ability to impose it on anyone you see fit to marginalize.

If we don't recognize this, and fight accordingly, we won't have a seat at the table ever again. This isn't OBS, this isn't denying that Obama, if elected, legitimately holds that office. This is recognizing who Obama is, who his friends are, recognizing what the media will do for him, and deciding how we act to have a chance at survival.

Good luck to those of you deniers. I know our side will let you vote, I don't know that in 2012 Obama will.

Comment Posted By thedude On 14.10.2008 @ 18:16

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