Comments Posted By solidstate
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mkuitra said: "Jesus – of course some GOP’ers are racist. Quit living in your fantasy world."

No doubt that's true, just as some Dems, Independents, Greens, and Libertarians are racist. Anyone who denies that is living in a fantasy world him- or herself. One could even point to the founding of the Republican party (formerly the Free Soil party) specifically as an anti-slavery party, and thereby question whether the GOP has fewer racists than the rest. But that's really beside the point, isn't it?

The point is that this salvo is the latest of Obama's many, many attempts to preemptively cast his opponent in a negative light. The earlier attempts labeled any discussion of Obama's connections to some remarkably unsavory, bigoted and/or ultra-left wing characters as a "distraction". He never explained why those kinds of associations should be considered irrelevant. Understandably so -- they never have been for any other presidential candidate.

In fact, considering Obama's thin legislative record and his self-branding as a "post-racial", "hope and change"-y candidate, the questions and criticism were especially on target. It's a lame offense-as-defense strategy, partly because it's so transparently self-serving and also because most objective observers can easily see through it.

And now this even more dismaying hissy fit. As much as it may please some of Obama's politcally correct base, who thrill to the thought of racism exisiting in every heart but their own, to the rest of us it simply looks like the same old politics -- painting the other guy into a corner he can't escape from, no matter what he says or doesn't say, while labeling yourself the virtuous one without the hard work of actually doing anything virtuous.

Anyone who buys "hope and change" at this point has truly drunk the Kool-Aid.

Comment Posted By solidstate On 21.06.2008 @ 18:49

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