Comments Posted By scrapiron
Displaying 151 To 160 Of 176 Comments


Matt. Your tendancy to be a idiot is showing. You just proved you have no class, not manners and no upbringing. Are your parents proud that they reared an idiot?
Personally I always thought you showed respect for the office if not for the person in it. Guess that is long gone with the suck jobs Slick got in the white house and not from Hellary, she was busy serviceing their guest Ken Lay and the other billionaire criminals that were renting the white house for sex. See we still remember the disgrace the democrats became in the 90's and the stink is still lingering throughout the party.

Comment Posted By scrapiron On 2.02.2006 @ 01:01


As I understand it there are 55 Republicans, 44 Democrats and one traitor in the U.S. Senate. Someone please post one viable plan put forward by the democrats in the past five years. They have acted as obstructionist on several hundred plans that would benefit the American people, but have not offered an alternate plan to any of them. So in fact we have on American party and one Anti-American party in the Senate. Is there a way to describe a totally obstructionist party with no plans any way other than Anti-American? The obstructionist sure as hell aren't representing the American people, maybe the terrorist, commie/socialist George Soros and his billionaires, and the communist party (ACLU) but not the average American.

Comment Posted By scrapiron On 1.02.2006 @ 12:17

This country is ripe for a violent shooting type revolution and the election of a cowardly dim-wit majority will edge it closer, the talk of impeachment will start the gunfire. I'm sick and tired of the obstructionist party sliming everyone and anyone that makes an attempt to help or protect the American people. If the American people didn't see that the democrats only interest is to continue the slime and sleeze put out the the past couple of weeks, then they really don't deserve freedom either. At least when the shooting starts I can put my 22 years of military training to use, again. All we need is one leader to stand up and say it's time to start the action. He's hiding out there somewhere. The so called third world countries will look like vacation spots compared to what will happen to this country. It's coming and you may as well be prepared for it. The slimey murderer Drunken Ted, Hanoi John the traitor, Howard the coward. Leaky Leahy, Hellary the weasel, and their tripe cannot be allowed to take over this country at all cost. If anyone thinks their actions have been anything by trash I feel for them. There are smarter people in facilities for the criminally insane than in the dim-wit party.

Comment Posted By scrapiron On 1.02.2006 @ 11:18


For some reason even when right the republicans in congress are too timid to put up a fight and call the democrats on their posture that is endangering the American public.
You can also say that a majority of the American public is stupid also. We have a booming economy with unemployment below what most people thought impossible in the nineties and home ownership at the highest percentage in history and the people think the economy is bad. Maybe they're just stupid enough to still be listening to everything negative that comes out of the former MSM. Why the NYT, LAT, ABC, CBS, NBC and CNN spend every waking hour putting out 99% lies is beyond me. I no longer believe one word they put out and not one word that has API or any other news (sic) collection organization connected to it.

Comment Posted By scrapiron On 29.01.2006 @ 18:03


It's a never ending comedy listening to the whiners. Is it a fact that they are really that supid. Take the worry about someone tapping your phone. Don't need to tap most of them. Just go to Radio Shack, buy a $125 800Mz scanner and listen to all of their cell phone conversations. It doesn't work with the digital phones right now but i've been reading about the new digital broadcast and recording devices ready for the market. Right now listen to the analog phones and soon the digitals will be available again. It was fun listening to all the chatter and sometimes the 'errant' husbands and wife's chatting with their lovers.
If you have a cheapie portable phone in your home anyone can also listen to you if they happen to have the same model phone or a scanner, they can also stop near your home and if you leave the portable receiver off the hook they can dial anywhere they desire on your phone bill.
How many dummies have been stumped about how someone knew their business.
Your phones have never been secure and right now anyone can get a copy of your phone records for less than $100. How's them apples.

Comment Posted By scrapiron On 27.01.2006 @ 21:46


Don't discount that the dim-wits may walk out. After the past couple of weeks they can't possibly make bigger jackasses of themselves no matter what they do. I don't know about other area's of the country but in my area there is not one person that will stand up for the 'drunkard' or any other members of the judicial panel that made fools of themselves. The will shake their head and say how pitiful it was, and this is life long democrats. The drunkard and his pals are the butt of thousands of new jokes, and that is their total accomplishment for two weeks of stupidity in action. Someone in a white coat bring one of those coats with lots of buckles and take the drunk away before he destroy the state of Ma.

Comment Posted By scrapiron On 24.01.2006 @ 21:17


Wonders never cease. The hate has really turned to insanity in Pitts. His neighbors had better put a 24-7 neighborhool watch program in immediately and patrol with loaded guns. This guy will flip and do bodly harm to someone. Na, he'll flip and blow his own brains out. Looks close to that moment to me.

Joke of the day. Hanoi John will vote against 'Supreme Court Justice' Alito. What a surprise and a reason for 95% of the Americans to get behind Justice Alito.
What will the liberals do when some of the nutty liberal idea's make it to the SCOTUS, do they really thing they will get any type of help there? Humans are humans and when you slander someone and their family, don't ask that person for help. They will most likely spit in your face. I'll enjoy the show for the next few years. Glad I quit running with a rescue squad, picking up headless bodies will become a common thing and those suicide's are really messy.

Comment Posted By scrapiron On 23.01.2006 @ 23:38


The Democrat's actions on Judge Alito has at least been a wakening for most of the American people. The majority now realize that the democrats have became total obstructionist with no will to do the business of America. They're total aim for the past five years has been to obstruct every thing that 'anyone' else tries to do. The people's business be damned, their (members of congress) ego comes first.
I read a prediction last night that if democrats continue on the same path they will lose up to five more seats in the senate and a lot more in the house. The American public is not stupid as they evidently assume. Several of the democratic members of the house and a few in the senate have exposed themselves as totally insane, and it's clear to anyone that watches them on a frequent basis. I would be ashamed of them, as a lot of citizens are, and totally comitted to getting rid of them if they were from my voting district.

Comment Posted By scrapiron On 23.01.2006 @ 09:37


The liberal world is falling apart:
Canada has smelled the rats in the corn crib (treasury) and are getting rid of them.
Germany paid ? millions of dollars to get a Kidnapped (joke)reporter released in Iraq only to find she had part of the ransom money on her when released. Wake up, it was a setup by the terrorists and a supporter.
Italy has already had the same experience but it resulted in the death of one of the terrorists supporters and should have included the reporter (sic) that set it up.
They aren't just liberals, they are the enemy of freedom everywhere. Far worse than the Nazi's and Communists. The terrorists and their supporters are using a religion (if it can be called a religion anymore) in an attempt to take over the world. Life under Nazism or Communism was and would be better than life under Islam.

Comment Posted By scrapiron On 21.01.2006 @ 18:30

I agree with the tactic of putting UBL and the dim-wit leadership in a commercial. That would be a real wakeup tool. Maybe someone with the ability will see your post and use it.
UBL knows he's losing big time and now want peace long enough to regroup and rearm. Where have we seen that before? Oh, I remember. That was the tactic used by the communist in Vietnam several times and the fools in D.C. fell for it every time. Old Hanoi John and Hanoi Jane helped force the U.S. to surrender 'after' the victory.

Comment Posted By scrapiron On 21.01.2006 @ 14:32

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