Comments Posted By scrapiron
Displaying 141 To 150 Of 176 Comments


I'm going to change you name from Moran to Moron. Are you related to the idiot Mora(o)n in VA. politics? Haven't yuu figured it out. The wounds aren't serious and if it had been you they would have picked the shot out, put a box of bandaid's on you and sent you home. Maybe the man who walked into the line of fire doesn't or didn't want this spread around, have you screamers for privacy thought of that. Na, rights to privacy only apply when they suit your purpose so maybe you are one of the enemy already. It's only news because it involved the VP and the left wing will cling to all hope of slamming the administration no matter that it alway backfires in their face. They and now you don't have the brains god gave a goose. (old country saying) Find your handler and have them lock you up.

Comment Posted By scrapiron On 13.02.2006 @ 09:44


I see there is really little difference in an idiot (those worried about a political pundits remarks), the left wing, and the rabid idiots that call themselves followers of Islam. All of you are ate up with the dumb asses (aka P.C.) which puts you in the same class as the idiots that are destroying their own people's propery and lives to protest a cartoon. Reminds me of some so called Americans that burned down their own neighborhood in L.A. (their excuse was police mistreatment) so they could loot and rob everything from their own neighborhood. Same type of people that looted everything in N.O. instead of helping their neighbors. Do any of these fools or you idiots on here deserve any help from anyone. No, the only thing most of them deserve is a 39 cent bullet between the eyes, and while we're at it drop a few nuc's on Iran and see how brave the rest of the Islamic world is. It will happen soon, so why wait and let them kill more people.

Comment Posted By scrapiron On 12.02.2006 @ 00:25


The NYT has quit cherry picking passages, the now just add a sentence here and there to make it fit their left wing anti-american rant. They aren't necessarly anti-Bush, they are truly anti-american, in plain language they are traitor to the country that allows them to make millions of dollars with a free press. As traitors they should be arrested and shot like all good traitors. They just did it again to hype their story about the 'blocked' attack on L.A. If you can't tell the truth then make up a story (no one reads the correction page, if they bother to print a correction) has been their motto for the past 10 years.

Comment Posted By scrapiron On 10.02.2006 @ 13:30

Monday morning quarterback graduates of the Mentally Retarded University (AKA The United States Congress) are at work again. They're now investigating why no one knew something that the entire world knew the minute it happened. Makes sense to me, the entire congress just figured out something every 'wino' in America has know for months, a hurricane will go whereever it wants and do the damage it's gonna do and no amount of planning will stop it. Of course the decades long corruption (building casino's with levie money) in La. had nothing to do with the levies not being upgraded, and their failure, but again according to the members of congress the only area effected by the hurricane was N.O., so I guess the other states were just naturally run down and the hurricane had nothing to do with their damage.

Comment Posted By scrapiron On 10.02.2006 @ 10:07


The FISA court is like the congressional intel? committee, everything that goes to them goes through them. Too many people like to brag over their scotch and water. Want something to remain a secret, avoid anything that has court, committee or intel attached to the title.
Everyone go over and read the latest on the lying Dusty Reid. (I don't call him Dirty Harry to avoid insulting Clint Eastwood) If there is more than one dirty member in the Senate, Dusty is the leader. Sure proves what a hyprocrite he is, along with the other mentally retarded dim-wits.

Comment Posted By scrapiron On 9.02.2006 @ 20:31


What will the crying dim-wits do now? John Bolton (mustache and all) has been nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. Seems every thing he has said and done in the past was right on target and the entire dim-wit party was wrong on everything they have said and done since the party was formed. Another failure of the President shows up the whiners. I guess the only thing left for the left is to show their ignorant ass at state funerals, they've lost every argument and war they've been in since 1945.

Comment Posted By scrapiron On 8.02.2006 @ 13:16


The dim-wits came out ahead like Seattle did. I don't see how you can even say that with a streight face. Maybe you dozed off. All the leftie's did was disgrace themselves before the nation, again. They really showed that they could care less about the safety of the people in this country. They were actually defending and supporting the terrorists rights and I hope they get paid with 10 aircraft roaring through (or part of the way through anyway) the Senate when it's in session. That has got to be the biggest bunch of fools in the world and someone elected them???? Na, evidently all of them have the money to buy their seat since they are too stupid to actually win anything. I guess they're like the dim-wits in one of the small towns around here, all a vote cost is a bag of pork rinds or potato chips. Does that mean the voters are the stupidist of the stupid? The dim-wits are like the Arabs. I always thought the Arabs were driving the sheep, goats and camels, now it's clear they are not herding them but following them so they can get home. At least the animals know where the food and lodging is.

Comment Posted By scrapiron On 6.02.2006 @ 21:54


If the NSA terrorists evedropping program identified only one terrorist in the U.S. and stopped one attack it has been worth the money. If the program can't be used, then close it down and put the money somewhere else, maybe the democrats can use it to buy some more welfare votes.
The uproar from the democrats only proves they are not weak on National Security, they are non-existant on National Security. As pointed out on other blogs the democrats should be scared of the program since it's becoming more evident that one of their leaders is the leaker. Wanna place a bet that at least one of the leakers of National Security Secrets is Rock-e-feller? Odds are 3 x 1 he's the leaker, with Leahy and the NY mouthpiece running a close second.

Comment Posted By scrapiron On 6.02.2006 @ 10:10


Not crazed Islamist, Crazy as a bed bug Arabs, live like animals and act like animals. Just the type friends the dim-wits need...Guess the lefties are adopting the same tactic. Old Slick Willie says the dim-wit members of the house are treated like sharecroppers. I guess dem po ole boys and gals just can't get a thing did with the oposition of them bad old publicans. They down to wearing their brogans and bib overalls 24-7. They'll be burning hay bales and horse manure on the steps of congress next week. I shore do pity the poor soles. They still don't realize they have lost every election in congress since 1994 and their recent acts of stupidity will assure they lose a lot more. Actually the dim-wits are all going to hell for lying, stealing and cheating and they know it, so why try to act normal. Being the most stupid bunch to ever make it to Washington don't help their cause.

Comment Posted By scrapiron On 4.02.2006 @ 23:26


The leaders of Islam have proven the cartoons correct. They're doing everything today that is shown in the cartoons. Personally I have no respect for Islam nor anyone that practices Islam. I won't shop at any business owned by one of the nuts and wouldn't pi** on them if they were on fire. Funny that no one felt this way 10 years ago but hundreds of millions feel that way today. They are making progress (if their desire if for people to hate and mistrust them) aren't they.

Comment Posted By scrapiron On 3.02.2006 @ 12:30

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