Comments Posted By retire05
Displaying 71 To 80 Of 231 Comments


Rick, this was an excellent post. But may I add to it?

While we are told that there needs to be dialog between the races to finally end any bigotry that still exists, we have to ask why that dialog never seems to happen. And the answer is simple: it is the pendulum theory. The harder you pull the pendulum to one side, the farther it swings to the other side. Affirmative actions and set asides were designed to level a playing field in areas were there was inequality. But as the pendulum was dragged farther and farther to one side, as it swung back, it went farther in the other direction. As the Jesse Jacksons and Al Sharptons of this nation started to demand not equality but preferencial treatment due to skin tone, those who suffered because of it became frustrated, angry and resentful. The pendulum was swinging too far and resentment was building for those who were tuggin on it. And special treatement is not equality, no matter how you try to cut it.

I have long said that I oppose Senator Obama because he is a empty shell. He is a PR campaign and as such, is sold like CocaCola. It may not be good for you but look at the pretty bottle. And don't the commercials make you feel good?

When I use this analogy, I am labeled a "racist". By people who, judging me soley on my physical appearance, determine that due to the color of my skin, I could not be anything but.

But to be honest, it really isn't Obama's fault. He is only using tried and true tactics that were implemented years ago to discourage any real equality. Equality was only the goal of a few, such as Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. For the rest, who rode his coattails, the goal was "payback".

So now we have such stupid things as apologies for slavery. Never mind that anyone who was a slave, or who owned a slave, is long since dead. Nevermind that every ethnic group in America at one time or another suffered discrimination; the Irish, the Poles, the American Indian. Nevermind that slums originated in Irish neighborhoods or that genocide was committed against American Indians by the Buffalo Soldiers. How many black Americans are even aware of who the Buffalo Soldiers were much less the atrocities they committed? You will never hear anyone apologize for those acts of racism. You see, there is no power in it.

I asked a friend one time if he knew how many slaves were murdered by white slave holders. He said probably in the thousands but didn't really know. Then I asked him if he knew the approximate population of the American Indian when the slaves were freed and what the population was 50 years later. I got the standard blank stare.

Yes, racist still exists in this nation. And it is a good business. Keep it alive, don't allow it to die a natural death, and the pimps who line the pockets and increase their bank balances will still have jobs.

Juan Williams, who I disagree with on many, many things, is also one of the few men who see things for the way they really are. He said that the very fact that not only a black man, but also a woman could run for the highest office in the land, speaks to how far this nation has come and how it has grown. Unfortunately, I fear that Senator Obama, with his "and did you know he's black" and other comments will set the process back 25 years.

There are those who see the race card as the golden calf, to be paraded around and worshipped and giving the owner of the calf all the power.

But the pendulum will swing back. Oh, no, not like it was. But eventually, and none too soon, just calling someone a racist to end dialog will no longer hold the power it currently does. And constantly reminding one segment of a sin of their fathers will lose all importance. It will become as absurd as accusing your mate of cheating on you because your father cheated on your mother.

When that happens, we will have true equality and the race pimps will be ranked amoung the unemployed. But until then......

Comment Posted By retire05 On 4.08.2008 @ 23:09


Son of Bill Brasky;

so you think you are one of the few who will be affected by Obama's tax hikes? Just how far do you allow your arrogance to take you? And you think that because Obama can blitz German with tons of flyers and free press and he draws 200,000 people that makes him extraordinary? And because John McCain was trying to interact with AMERICANS that makes in inordinary?

Excuse me, but I think I prefer a candidate that cares more about giving speeches to the citizens of his own nation than recreating an event reminiscent of Nazi Germany. If you are so damned impressed with the opinions of the German citizens, perhaps you would be happy to live there?

And since you tout your high income, and seem to be leaning left, why don't you put your money where your mouth is and donate half your income to the IRS in my name so I don't have to? But alas, it seems that as liberals want higher taxes, they want higher taxes for everyone else.

The difference beteen conservatives and liberals? A conservative will dig his hand in his pocket, pull out a $5 bill and give it to charity. A liberal will do the same, only it will be the conservative's pocket the liberal digs his hand into.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 28.07.2008 @ 12:38

#63; it was meant to say "you will get the same equal BLANK stare". Sorry if you couldn't figure that one out.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 28.07.2008 @ 10:08

TedL, (#60) since you are so enlightened, why don't you explain just exactly what the product slogan "Change we can believe in" means? While no fan of McCain's, he does at least try to give a basis for his statements. Obama, on the other hand, gives you generalities that mean one thing; nothing.

But then perhaps you missed the TNR article where the Obama campaign is working their tails off to prevent anyone from digging into the candidate's past. Why would that be? Then he is running on his "judgement". What judgement? Ayers? Wright? Rasid Khalidi? Tony Rezko?

Senator Obama is an empty vessel. He has no record, no history of accomplishment (check his Illinois/federal Senate records), and his past is a carefully guarded secret. Why is that? And why does he refuse to do a town hall style debate with Senator McCain at Fort Hood? Or do you buy his excuses?

I can tell you why; we have the most educated military in our history and they are not buying into his "hopey change" mantra. So he has a policy of singing only to the choir. No new members allowed.

This candidate's arrogance knows no limits. From the big "O" to the presidential seal to the eagle logo looking backwards. And the fawning, knee pad wearing media, who have become so leftist they can hardly stand upright, are solidly in the tank for the candidate they think will support their socialist views.

Perhaps it would behoove you to read the article in the British press how Senator Obama promised to fund a school in his father's native home town only to leave there, never to be heard from again. He said in his speech in Berlin that he wants to "lift up the child in Bangladesh". Hell, the McCain's already did that in 1991.

But just wait, as Americans push for drilling on our own soil for gas price releif, Obama will make a hard right turn on that as well and then tell us that he was NEVER against drilling in certain areas.

You can take that to the bank.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 28.07.2008 @ 09:47

When I ask Obama supporters why they support him I get the standard "He will bring change to America." So that leads into "what change?" Will I no longer be able to climb into my F250 diesel and drive to any damn spot in America I chose? Will I no longer be able to work at a job where I chose, the only requirement being the employer accepts me?" Ask those questions and you will get the same equal black stare as you do when you ask "What has Obama accomplished in his life that is so unusal in a nation like ours?" Then you get the standard "He was the first minority to be president of the Harvard Law Review" (actually, no he wasn't); "He is a United States senator" (so what, there are 100 of them); "He is a uniter" (what the hell has he ever united?).

I like to think of myself as a student of history. An American history book like 1776 will catch my eye long before any John Grisham book. And while I find the History Channel to be biased, it seems to be one of the few stations I ever tune into.

There are also some things I find creepy, one you briefly touch on; the big "O". While other candidates of the past have signs being waved by adoring fans with their name and the American flag, flags behind them, flags in front of them, flags all around them, not so with the Obama man. We see a sea of the big "O".

I was watching a segment on the rise of Hitler (you knew it was coming) the other night when I could not sleep. It showed the parades in Berlin, with Hitler standing at a podium watching as adoring Germans pledged their loyality and he promised the trains would run on time. But there was something missing that I could not exactly put my finger on. Then it hit me; there were no German flags. This man, who was preaching German nationalism, promising to restore the greatness of Germany, telling the German people they would once again be the leaders of the world and German power and might would be first in the world, did not have any German flags behind him. Instead, he had his version of the big "O".

Now there will be the Obamabot who says I am being paranoid to which I reply, I am not paranoid, I am observant. I understand that everything involved in a campaign DOES have meaning. Campaigns are PR events. And logos are designed to have impact. See the logo, think of the company (or person) that logo is attached to. No words are necessary. When you see the famous CokaCola logo, do you think Chevrolet, or America, or even soft drink? No, you think one thing, CokaCola. Ad men know this. They know the more you have the logo out there, the more of that product they will sell. That is why it is everywhere. And a million bumper stickers with a logo is worth more than a one minute ad slot on national TV during the Super Bowl.

The big "O". That, to me, is the creepiest.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 27.07.2008 @ 11:42


busboy33, well there's our answer to Darfur. Just let the evil ones kill off all the innocent people wholla! no more killing.

Do you think that was the philosphy Pol Pot and Milosovitch used?

Comment Posted By retire05 On 25.07.2008 @ 15:55

#1 and #2;

while you are blissfully enjoying your adoration of the Obamassiah, perhaps we can look at exactly how the One has improved things he had been directly involved in; like his own Illinois senate district?

Did housing for the poor and lower income families improve? Or did he accept campaign donations from a Chicago scam artist (now convicted criminal) while that scam artist pleaded that he could not afford to put heat in slum buildings during one of the coldest winters in Chicago history? Did the kids in those neighborhoods no longer have to walk past the drug dealers and pimps on their way to school? Did the number of jobs for the unemployed increase? Crime rate go down in his district or has it finally reached the boiling point so that the governor of Illinois threatening to send in the National Guard?

Or are you just so dissatisfied with your own life that when the One promises you hope and change, you can define that in any terms that apply to only you? Care to explain to use non-believers what exactly "hope and change" means, really means, on a national level? Or are you only hoping The One will make the trains (or planes) run on time?

Comment Posted By retire05 On 25.07.2008 @ 10:39

Rick, excellent entry.

Anyone who really paid attention to what Obama says (and he really says so very little) they would understand that his speeches are simply recycled pablum from the 60's. The "Why can't we all just get along" mantra that has never stopped one dictator, one genocidial totalitarian, one power hungry maniac.

We are told by others (UN type folks) that the U.S. is the reason other nations are third world outhouses. We are told we are "imperialistic", "dominating" and have no feelings for anyone except ourselves.

So as Obama appeals to the "Kumbaya" crowd, not one of those in that crowd has purchased an airline ticket to go to Darfur and plead with the people responsibile for the pain there. You see, instead, it is so much easier to protest in front of the D.C. Capitol where they are safe from the bullets of radicals that would put a rapid end to their protests. CodePinkos will support Obama as they march down Pennslyvania Avenue, but not risk putting their policies into action in Falujah, demanding that the terrorists stop their terrorist ways.

We can't always "all get along". There will always be another Pol Pot, another Milosovitch, another Saddam. But not one peacenik will tell them to stop when it is so much easier to demand that the U.S. stop.

OK, I'm all for that. We should stop. Stop sending food to the most hunger stricken nations in the world at the cost of billions to the American taxpayer. Stop sending our military into places whose names most Americans can't pronounce at the cost of American blood and treasure. We should stop being the first responders when a tsunami hits, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people. You had a major earthquake? We send our condolences. But no money or emergency supplies. Got a little genocide going on from a civil war? Sorry about that, but after all, the global warming gurus say there are too many people on the globe and we must worry about the next generations, don't you think? Oh, and by the way, from now on we are going to impose the Roman Rule; we kick you butt in a war, we keep your nation as the ruling conquerors. When we suck up all your natural treasure, if there is any, we just might give it back to you.

Can we now call Senator Obama the Prince of Platitudes? Say a lot of nothing? Lots of causes, no solutions. Be all things to all people with hopey change. But understand that "hope" and "change" means different things to each individual person. One hopes for a change in financial status. One hopes for change in something else. To each is own "hope and change".

Anyone who doesn't resent that Obama would go to a city that is notorious for so much past pain in the world and pander to citizens who are just this side of true socialism, must be drunk on Koolaid. Red Koodaid.

I will remind those who think he is the answer to all questions of this one statement of the Lightworker given to Terry:

"There was ethnic cleansing in Baghdad that actually took the violence level down."

Got that Obamaniacs? Obama thinks that ethnic cleansing lowers violence. That should tell you all you need to know about his ability to impliment any meaningful foreign policy.

At a time when the western world is facing the greatest threat it has ever known, forces driven by religion and not the desire for territory, who are reinstating a war that ended on Sept. 11, 1683, we do not need someone who thinks that genocide is no reason to keep troops in Iraq or that ethnic cleansing reduces violence.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 25.07.2008 @ 10:28


#12 Barry, and while Obama is in Germany telling them he is a "citizen of the world" McCain is talking to Americans who can vote.
I know you think that 200,000 Germans was a stellar showing of support for Obama, but if his support is so great there, perhaps he should move there and challange Angela Merket.

200,000 out of a nation of 82.2 Million?

Hell, the Red Hot Chili Peppers could pull that many in Austin.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 24.07.2008 @ 18:20

Rick, you can continue to harp on how old (in mind?) McCain is and continue to resort to profanity (which I have never done and would consider a reason for you to block my post) or you can accept that there is only one alternative; Barack Obama.

Is that your goal or do you have some alernate solution to electing the next President of the United States?

Comment Posted By retire05 On 24.07.2008 @ 13:21

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