Comments Posted By retire05
Displaying 61 To 70 Of 231 Comments


I would not call Obama a "classic" socialist. I would call him a "communalist". Someone who believes that the community [society] is better off if someone like him has the power to direct them. As a community 'agitator' he did not really do any work himself, but instead "organized" others to do the work. He was, in fact, the poliburo to the prolitariate.

But his view is farther to the left than even most liberals. At least the view he presents to the populace. Perhaps Rick is right, and he is just an empty suit with no firm policy beliefs of his own, and simply uses groups as stepping stones to his own meteoric rise to power. But in order to do that, he has to lend a certain amount of acceptance to the doctrines of those groups.

For those who say that we can wade through four years (and possible eight) of an Obama administration need to remember that we are still paying the tab for the policies put into place by LBJ's Great Society.

Obama seems to believe in income redistribution and the extreme taxation of the wealthy. Why does no one remind us that progressive taxes are the brain child of the Communist Manifesto? Obama also seems to be of the opinion that you punish the successful and give benefits to the losers (he calls them victims).

Jeb Hensarling (Tx-R) said he voted against the bail out bill because it put us on the slippery slope toward socialism. Can anyone look at the recent powers given to the Treasury Department belie that opinion?

I believe that under an Obama administration we will see a resurgence of the Fairness Doctrine and that will affect even bloggers who chose to present their own personal opinions on their blogs without a desenting voice. I think Obama will entertain the idea of nationalizing the oil industry, the banking industry through regulations and industry as a whole through the requirement of workers to sign card accepting, or denying, a union. That bill will give the unions more clout than in all of our history. It is my understanding that Obama supports the bill.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 9.10.2008 @ 18:20


michael reynolds, how long did it take you to type your oh, so stupid post? And I would assume that you have full use of your hands and can do so without any pain.

Can you turn on a computer without using your fingers? Nope, you have to push the little "on" button. Can you then log on to the internet to retrieve mail? Sure, you can even use a mouse. But can you then type a response to that email? Hardly.

John McCain cannot tie his own shoes due to his disability. He cannot comb his own hair because he can't lift his arms above his shoulders. When he salutes, he has to bend his head to do it. No snappy salute for a man who has had his shoulder broken by a rifle butt.

I have a handicapped sister whose greatest accomplishment was finally mastering the art of being able to turn the page of a book. Does that make her stupid? Does that make her out of touch with the world?

Perhaps John McCain has better things to do than be online. And perhaps Barack Obama should teach his minions to use Google if they want to know why John McCain doesn't use a keyboard. Yeah, it was a keyboard featured in the ad, not a computer screen.

If you, like the Obama campaign seems to be, are so worried that John McCain is not a computer geek, perhaps you should replace your candidate with Michael Dell or Bill Gates. At least then you could blame the government with the little error box shows up on your monitor.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 13.09.2008 @ 14:29


One could brush off the "pig" comment if you didn't bother to watch the video and see not only the body language of Obama at the moment he said it, but the fact that his audience clearly understood who he was talking about. So if supporters of Palin are to be considered stupid for not realizing that Obama made a simple "mis-step", then can we also assume that his supporters are also stupid for assuming the same thing? Then follow this up with the "old fish" comment and add the comment "8 years". Ummm, gaffe? Or deliberate?

Seems Obama got a pass on another incident that was similar. He was talking about Hillary, reached up with his middle finger and scratched his face while giving a pause in his speech? Again, his audience understood what he was doing; giving Hillary the bird. Or does Obama draw audiences that are too stupid to understand what he says and what he does? That is not a very complimentary view of his audience, now is it?

Add to that Biden's comments on the same day. Coordination? Accident?

Sorry, all you Obama supporters. The "pig" comment was NOT a gaffe. It was a calculated attempt to ridicule Palin for her "pit bull" statement. And it backfired. Perhaps Senator Obama should stick to the words being projected on the teleprompter or get another speech writer? It doesn't seem he does too well when he is unprompted.

Dirty politics coming from the Rovian brain of David Alexrod? Say it isn't so. Say that the Obama campaign would never use smear against an opponent of Senator Obama's. Like filing FOIA law suits to get his opponent's divorce records unsealed. Nah, Obama would never do anything like that.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 10.09.2008 @ 14:51


funny man, just how do you thibk that Michelle Obama had to fight her way out of anything? Her father and mother were middle class, and she never lived in any barrio or ghetto. She was accepted to Columbia because her brother was there as a basketball jock. Hardly fighting your way out, now is it. So please, don't give me the crap that she is some kind of victim that had to pull herself up out of abstract poverty. If you want to know what poverty is like, read Clarence Thomas's book.

But the fact of the matter is that her father worked his whole life to provide her with an education but now she wants to throw that system of hard work and pride into the toilet and make you and me pay for it all.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 27.08.2008 @ 17:37


Wow, Melanie, you mean that we now have a candidate that has ties to the mob in the mold of John Fitzgerald Kennedy? Well, that does it. McCain will win by the simple process of the Teamsters buying all the votes in Chicago.

Keating 5? Perhaps you should read Bob Bennett's book. He was chief investigator for the Keating 5 hearings and states, without reservation, that John McCain and Senator Glenn were innocent of any wrong doing. Oh, BTW, Bennett is a hard core DEMOCRAT.

And if you want to drag out the Keating carnard, then surely, in fairness, you also want to discuss Tony Rezko?

Comment Posted By retire05 On 22.08.2008 @ 16:24

Supremely arrogant or supremely stupid? I see no either/or here. It is both.

Any negative comment about Senator Obama has already been labeled racist, no matter the content. Question his relationship with a racist, anti-American preacher who touted Black Liberation theology; racist. Question his association on the Chicago Annenburg Council with William Ayers for the last 13 years; racist. Question Obama having MANY dinners at the home of Rashid Khalidi, someone with Arafat ties; racist.

You see, the line was drawn in our PC society. Any question of a man who in any other time would have never made it out of the Illinois senate, and your racist.

Yes, the Obama campaign has been high on arrogance. I would stake my life on the fact that there was a conversation long ago between David Axelrod and Barack Obama who decided that any critisism of Obama and they will slam down the race card. And so far, successfully.

Who cares how many houses the Hensley Family Trust owns? How many shares of Tree House Foods does Michelle Obama own that were GIVEN to her for her "part time" work there? Who the hell cares.

We have offically entered the "silly" season.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 22.08.2008 @ 15:43


I haven't read Corsi's book, and probably won't, so OK, you say he is a nut case and the book contains some falsehoods. Fine. I can live with that. But this isn't the first hit piece that has been written about a president or a candidate, the current president having had to deal with his fair share, and it won't be the last. And as the LA Times and the NYTimes all now have their Hanes in a wad over this book, not one word was ever said about the authors of political hit books that were aimed at George W. Bush.

But the question I have is when was the last time any candidate, or president for that matter, immediately came out with a 42 page rebuttal? If it is all crap, why is the Obama campaign screaming so loudly about it? All that is going to do is drive up book sales, give Corsi more air time to push his book, and make Corsi more money off this book than he ever dreamed.

I find it hilarious that the Obama campaign is slamming Corsi's book as being full of errors, then in his rebuttal, Obama calls Bob Beckel a Republican strategist. Bob Beckel who headed up Walter Mondale's campaign. Bob Beckel who called the Tennessee GOP a "bunch of racist crackers". Bob Beckel who admitted that while it was wrong, he was involved in the design of Democratic caucuses simply to prevent Jesse Jackson from being on the ballot. Yeah, that Bob Beckel is now, according to Obama, a Republican strategist.

So as the left wing media will spend more time dredging over Corsi's history and background for the next few weeks, they continue to ignore the history and the background (often reported here) on Senator Barack Obama. Had the media devoted as much time to vetting a candidate for the office of POTUS, one whose history is vague and not defined, we would probably be seeing a very, very different race and proabably a different nominee from the Democratic side.

Me thinks Senator Obama doest protest too much. Could it be that he understand that even a lie contains some element of truth?

Comment Posted By retire05 On 16.08.2008 @ 22:29


dude08, ummmm, let me see; you are bashing John McCain because after he came back from 5 1/2 years in a North Vietnamese prison camp he was not the same man that his wife had married and they drifed apart? No problem, I am sure that after being beaten consistantly for that length of time, you would have been the same nice guy you were before, right?

And the ex-Mrs. McCain was in an auto accident that left her in a wheel chair BEFORE McCain was released. What was John Kerry's excuse? He was never inprisoned, never beater, never had his life threatened, but after a "oh-so-public" relationship with his law partner, his wife had a nervous breakdown and he promptly dumped her. But I am sure you felt that John Frikken Traitor Kerry was beyond reproach. And God bless him, after tramping around Hollywood with lovely starlets, and sleeping on his buddie's couches, he finally managed to find a wife with even more money that his first one had.

As to the "raucy, topless" beauty contest you are aluding to, it is called the "Buffalo Chip Beauty Contest" held in Sturgis. But knowing that your news source has to be limited to DailyKos or Huffington Post, please, feel free to be uninformed all you want.

If this is all you have to offer, McCain's previous marriage, in the slander field, then perhaps you should also petition to have John Kerry removed from office as he is clearly not qualified to hold his seat any longer. But it seems to me that you have no problem with Senator's who are guilty of murder, nay, you keep electing them elevating them to status of "senior stateman".

Thanks for confirming that we cannot hold Dems to moral standards as we do Republicans. It is hard to hold a party to standards they don't possess.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 6.08.2008 @ 10:48


Oh, and the part about us turning these caught on the battlefield over to other nations? What nations would that be? Their own? And you are shocked that we return terrorists to their nation of origin and then don't know if, or if not, they are tortured by those nations?

So no one knows how many have been sent to other nations, or have died, but let's just throw that magical "thousands" number out there and see if it sticks? Sorry, this reads more like something I would find over at DailyKos.

This is like the Iraq Body count people who include in Iraqi deaths those killed by fellow Muslims so they can make it sound like our evil military are just murdering thousand.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 3.08.2008 @ 18:23

Rick, althought you and I differ on this issue, I really have to wonder about your view that this "dirty laundry" should be aired for the world to see.

America is a "family". There are things that we, as one family, should keep within our family. This is like saying that if a man cheats on his wife that infidelity should be told to the whole town. What good purpose does that serve? And while you may think that seeking absolution is good for the collective soul, this will do nothing but fuel the flames of radical Islam which already has a "them against us" attitude. It is your purpose to give radical Islam even more reason to hate us?

Comment Posted By retire05 On 3.08.2008 @ 18:09

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