Comments Posted By retire05
Displaying 21 To 30 Of 231 Comments


I wonder how many reporters CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC, MSNBC sent out to cover the Tea Parties. I can promise you, it was a hellofa lot less than when the Bitch In A Ditch was drawing flies in Texas.

It is a start. Conservatives usually are not the protest type. But not to miss an opportunity to post his daily rant against conservatives who do not like what they see happening to our nation, Rick, in true "nothing conservatives do is right" fashion, once again takes the chance to mock those who are at least trying to have their voices heard over the thumping, cheast beating Democrats.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 27.02.2009 @ 23:38


Since when is affirming your position acheived by pointing a bony finger at those you disagee with (Coulter, Hannity and Limbaugh)? Perhaps those who are true conservatives understand that using rational thought is the best way to get your message across, not by saying "I am simply right because they are simply wrong and my view point is right because their's is wrong".

When my children were teenagers I had a little sign on the fridge that said: "I understand you think you are smarter than the management. Please, move out until you realize you are wrong." I would warrant if you took a survey of the number of 17 year olds who listen to any of the people you mentioned, you would be surprised. All those jam box earphones shoved in their ears are not because the dial is tuned into the EIB. If you think they are, from the imput of a young man whose view of the world will change many times before he is 35, you are delusional.

Yes, young adults are allowed to vote. That is no more than fair because they are also asked to defend their nation at that age. But I can promise you, the thing that will turn them from the idealist, bleating heart liberal that most kids are at that age, is that it will decrease esponentially as their incomes increase. There is nothing like a high five figure income to make you into a die hard conservative. My own son was a wealth sharing, communalist when he was in the 15% tax bracket. Now that he is in the 33% bracket, that person no longer exists.

Get back to me, Rick when your nephew is 35, has a wife, a couple of kids and is paying a mortgage and car payment.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 26.02.2009 @ 21:27


I love how Obama tells us we must all have some "skin" in the game and share the pain. If that is true, why are seven of the ten richest Congress critters Democrats? Why doesn't Kerry or Jay Rockefeller share their wealth, bringing them down to the wealth level of the average American?

Equality among the proletarian but not the politburo?

Comment Posted By retire05 On 21.02.2009 @ 16:48

Rick, if all Americans feel the way you do, waiting until millions of others are on the bandwagon before you jump on, the bandwagon will stay empty. That is the problem, the wait and see attitude.

Be brave. Be one of the first to jump on that bandwagon and ask like-minded Americans to follow you. Or do you have to be lead?

Comment Posted By retire05 On 21.02.2009 @ 12:55


Richard Chicago, perhaps you would like to tell me what laws have ever been enacted under a Republican Congress that told you how to live your life? Are you not allowed to pull out of your driveway and go any damn place you would like to go?
It is not the "religious" right bringing law suits to have any mention of God removed from the sight of all you non-believers. You are free to not believe. But that is not good enough. You want me to have to climb into some dark catacomb like ancient Christians so your sensibilities are not insulted. Here is a suggestion for you; if you don't like the signs of Christianity in the U.S., don't look at them. And here is another suggestion; take your stance against religion to your nearest mosque.

Now the owner of this blog says that in order for conservatives to start winning elections again, we must find a way to mold ourselves to the politics of the times. And how do we do that? The simple fact is that people vote their wallets. The more you promise them in goodies, the better chance you will have of winning. That was Obama's message, and he delivered it with all the skill of a wealthy used car salesman.

So should conservatives become the same way? Should we turn in to Marx lite just because the nation is being convinced that collectivism is really not a bad thing?

Perhaps the question should not be how do conservatives start winning again by changing their message, perhaps the question should be how do we create a nation that is like the past generations that make this nation great and not like what we have now; a nation of people who subscribe to the "everyone is a victim and everyone is entitled to something for free" mentality.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 16.02.2009 @ 19:40


Put armed citizens on the border and tell them to shoot anyone they see crossing the Rio Grande. There, that $10 million is saved.

Oh, and that little couple of million for "urban" canals? Nothing but more money thrown at Rag Nagin's total disaster of a city named "Chocolate City".

Comment Posted By retire05 On 14.02.2009 @ 16:50


What no one is talking about is how these requests for appropriations came about; the Conference of Mayors. Nancy Pelosi requested in January that mayors present their "shovel ready" projects. Those requests included $1.41 million for an "inter-generational" day care center in Friars Point, Ms., population 1,332; five new homes at the cost of $1 mil for low income first time buyers in Pace, Ms., population 364; $800K for a frizbee park in Austin, Texas; and $134,000,000.00 in requested funds for Winnsboro, Texas, population 3,909 (totally $34,337.43 per resident).
But the Democrats are not done. It leaked out yesterday that as soon as the Porkulus Bill is passed, Congress is going to introduce TARP 3 & 4, cost? $1.2 TRILLION.

Does anyone remember H.R. 3221? It was the Mortgage Relief Bill that had a price tag of $300 Billion and was designed to help prevent forclosures. It was signed into law last June. Do you ever hear how well that is working? All those people who were facing forclosure showing up in the news telling the press how they can now afford their homes since the taxpayer helped them? No, that is just another $300 billion that has evaporated into the goverment ether. And yet, we still hear how home owners are losing their homes and we need to help them out even more. Where did that $300 billion go?

As to the "there are no jobs out there" mantra. Well, maybe not in Los Angeles, where the state has ruined it prospects, but Texas is open for business. Our local Lowe's has 19 openings with a sign posted on it's door, every business here is looking for qualified help, as business continues to grow. The only ones out of a job are those unqualified (high school drop outs) and the illegal construction workers. Unemployment in Texas is below 6%. But we have a "balanced budget" law, no state income tax, a budget surplus that was socked away for a rainy day (and is now being used to balance our budget), an attitude toward new industry and new businesses that make it the most "business friendly" state in the nation according to CNN Business. And we are a "right to work" state.

This bill is simply a Democratic wish Christmas wish list. Perhaps that is why the Dems decided to provide the turkey.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 7.02.2009 @ 10:51


Perhaps Obama would like to extend his "limitation" policy for bank managers and CEOs that accepted tax payer funds even farther. Perhaps we should also require all those who accept tax payer funds for their livelyhood to be just as responsible to account for those funds. Anyone who lives in public housing (paid for by the taxpayer) has to prove they keep the place clean; anyone who accepts food stamps must prove they buy only healthy foods and are not increasing the sales for Frito-Lay; anyone who receives benefits for dependent children must prove that all that money goes to support the children. If it is discovered that anyone on the public dole purchases a big screen TV, they lose their benefits. If they spend the cash payments on cigarettes, beer, or lottery tickets, they lose their benefits.

How far should we take this. Placing responsibility on one segment of the populace and not another segment of the populace, is class warfare.

And where is FEMA in Kentucky? Some counties, (who all voted McCain like Lyons and Hopkins) have still not seen any FEMA help over a week later.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 4.02.2009 @ 13:38

sara, how so?

Do you really think that the original thirteen colonies thought of themselves as one unit when fighting the British? They didn't think of themselves as one unit after the Declaration of Independence was written. That is why the Constitution is very clear about the authority given to the federal government over the states.

Do you think if the Repubublic of Texas was invaded by a foreign entity, that Louisiana or Oklahoma would not jump in, knowing that as soon as Texas fell, they would be next?

I am not saying that any state should withdraw from the Union. But if enough states refused to accept the unconstituional power placed over them by the federal government, the intention of the Constitution would revert back to it's original purpose.

Each state has it's own Constitution. The reason being is that the federal government has limited power, and the state's constitutions deal with the powers of the state.

Seperate but equal. Look at history; the term used to be "the United States ARE" not the "United States IS".

We have gotten so far from the Constitution it's not even funny. It is time we go back to it.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 4.02.2009 @ 12:04

Rick, I think you failed to touch on one thing; ego.

Like all the Hollywood elite who are telling us how we should all drive a Prius, while they jet around in their private planes, Obama believed the hype that the media put out about our "rock star" president. He really believes that no matter what mistakes he makes, all will be forgiven or ignored. What other president ever told a news anchor "People think I'm cool"? He obviously thought that the millions who came out to adore him in Berlin would be enough to appease the Canadians when he announced his protectionism policies.

But it will become more and more apparant that Obama is out of his league. He was a marketing campaign designed by David Axelrod, with a brilliant young speech writer and now we are finding out that the product that we thought was the answer to all of humanity's problems is really not very good for us.

If Obama, and his policies fail, will the United States fail? Nope. Not unless Nazi Pelosi and Harry (Real Estate) Reid manage to shove it's current goal of socializing our nation down our throats. And at that point, many states will pump new life into Jefferson's Kentucky Resolution and we will see states refusing to accept the unconstitutional actions of the federal government.

Like all celebrities whose egos have been pumped by adoring fans, he has started to believe his own reviews. But the media is a fickle mistress, and they will serve themselves first, and when dissention creates headlines, they will dump on him like Charlie Chaplin.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 4.02.2009 @ 11:02

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