Comments Posted By retire05
Displaying 121 To 130 Of 231 Comments


I once was polled. The poller asked questions like:

Pollster: Do you think the country is goin in the right direction?

Me: What do you mean by "right" direction?

P: You have to answer "yes" or "no".

Me: Then "somewhat".

P: No, you have to answer "yes" or "no". Do you want to pass that question?

Me: Yes

P: Have you been affected by the economy?

Me: Affected how?

P: You have to answer "yes" or "no".

Anyway, you get the idea. The questions are loaded to produce a certain result. It reduces the questions to black and white when there is a hellofa lot of grey.

I would be interested in reading how the questions on this poll were presented.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 14.05.2008 @ 07:44

Obama was sighted wear a flag lapel pin in West Virginia yesterday. But no one has reported if it had 57 stars yet.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 13.05.2008 @ 14:03


Let's see:

Obama wants us to support the UN resolution (read; give them money) against the sale of arms to Hezbollah

Obama wants us to "engage in diplomatic efforts (read: sit down and talk with Hezbollah)

Obama says we should back election reform then goes on to say that P.M. Siniora was democratically elected. Does that mean that he backs changing the democratic process of elections in Lebanon?

He goes on to say that we should work with the "international" community (the U.N.) and the private sector (U.S. businesses) to rebuild what the damn terrorists are blowing up.


We talk with Hezbolla which should work out about as well as the dealings Chamberlain had with Hitler.

We back the U.N., which is candidate speak for giving them more of the American taxpayer dollars.

Then we get the U.N., who we just gave millions of dollar to, and the private (U.S.) business community to rebuild what Hezbollah has/will blow up.

Sounds like a plan for dealing with terrorists to me, boys and girls.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 13.05.2008 @ 10:18


Rick, add to your list

It is a web site devoted to the [Christian] Lebanese Forces.

I am afraid Lebanon is going to blow sky high. Can anyone tell me one nation run by Muslims that has peace and stability?

Comment Posted By retire05 On 8.05.2008 @ 15:01


If you count Florida, Obama only has a 206,000 popular vote lead. With both Michigan and Florida starting to gritch about not being included in the Denver Doings, how is Howling Howie going to tell them to stay home and shut up? The Democrats have used the "every vote should count" mantra and now they have to pay for that.

Hillary could overtake Obama in the popular vote if she does well in North Carolina (where Obama's lead is sinking like a brick thrown into a pond) and take Indiana. It is not unthinkable that she will catch up, or exceed the popular vote next Tuesday.

Then that brings us to the African-American segment that will claim that somehow Hillary has stolen the vote. With Al Sharpton leading the pack of protestors who are demanding that the SuperDelegates all back Obama. Don't think for one minute that Sharpton has not paid his "Recreate 68" membership fees.

So Obama probably will be nominated by the Super Delegates and we will learn first hand that vote (of normal citizens) don't count with the Democratic party. Will Michigan, and Florida, then vote for Obama knowing they did not have a seat at the table?

You have to love the fact that the party of "identity" politics may be broken for years by that very practice.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 3.05.2008 @ 13:12


If anyone had bothered to really listen to Obama's speeches from the beginning of his campaign, as I have, you would have heard the nuanced words of a man who was preaching to the choir. His choir. Rev. Wright's choir. Obama, from the beginning, has been speaking to dark skinned Americans who have bought into the victimology of the Rev. Wright's of America and the light skinned Americans that Shelby Steele so acurately said suffer from "white guilt".

Obama had created a frenzy among his followers that we have not seen in some time. People who hang on to his every word without knowing what those words mean or understanding that at the basis of his beliefs lie Saul Alinsky "communalism" and Marxist "government". He has told them that He is the one to lead them out of the social darkness. "He" is the one they have been waiting for. The American Messiah who will lead us to his socialistic utopia because although socialism has never really worked before, it was not lead by him. To think that Senator Obama has not played the "race" card before now, is to not have really listened to what he has said. I ask you, is there any doubt who he was referring to with his "guns, God and people who don't look like them" remarks in San Francisco? Could his remarks about Selma many months ago have been your first clue that the bar was being set and that anyone who questions his socialist views will be label "racist" or "bigot"?

This campaign was set up long ago by Obama to make sure that any criticism of him would be labeled racist. And he has done that very, very successfully. So a nation that has drawn the lines to protect a certain segment of our society has been hoisted by it's own petard.

And now the Democratic Party, the party of identity politics, is in real trouble. It is about to split right down the middle and the left wing talking heads knows it. Today, on Fox Cable News, Bob Beckel was asked about the NC GOP ad. He called the people of NC "racist crackers". He was so angry I thought he was going to burst a blood vessel in his neck. Racist crackers? Is that now the acceptable terminology for those who question Obama's relationship with a radical minister? Is "racist" now the new term for "radical" when it applies to Obama?

It is fair to ask Senator Obama is he subscribes to the preaching of Rev. Wright and the teachings of James Cone who Wright bases his Black Liberation theology on. It is fair to ask Obama if he too, agrees with Cone. It is also fair to question why Senator Obama seems to have ties with so many radicals like Wright, Ayers, Dohrn, Rezko and a man who is a known PLO supporter. It is also fair to ask why his wife thinks that America is "mean".

Had the table been turned, and a Republican candidate had sat for 20 years in the pew of a church that had a minister of the caliber of David Duke and then said that he could no more disown his minister than he could his own "white" community, would that Republican even be a consideration for the President of the United States or would he be facing protest marches?

Comment Posted By retire05 On 26.04.2008 @ 19:21


As Obama continues to feel the Hillary heat, and she continues to drive up the temperture, I think that we will see more gaffes from Obama as he tries to gain ground. The Rev. Wright, William Ayers problem is not going away and as the Rezko trial continues, more and more will come out about the "Chicago" way of politics there. While the MSM has not seen fit to take on the Obama/Auchi connection since Obama has said that he doesn't think he has ever met Auchi, how long before it floods the internet that there are those who say Obama has not only met Auchi, but even hoisted a toast to him at the Rezko shindig? Add to that another shady PLO advocate that Obama admits to enjoying the cooking and conversation at the PLO groupie's home many, many times.

American Dems are geared to trying to elect someone they think has great judgement. When they start seeing that more than one of Obama's associations were "boneheaded" that judgement is going to be up for questioning.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 23.04.2008 @ 17:15


manning, don't forget that now, by these standards, any commanding officer who refers to his "boys" will have to face UCMJ charges for political incorrectness.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 16.04.2008 @ 10:30

Dave Carl has a problem, as does Rick, with the Southern practice of calling grown men "boy" (Rick even goes into the fact that it is probably one of those words that should NEVER be used such as "spic") and now seems to think that all us rednecks who have grown up with calling grown men "boy" are just insensitive dimwits. Thanks, Rick, you just proved your bias against Southerners. Yet Dave Carl seems to have no problem with calling a sitting Congressman from a Southern state a "goober eating hillbilly".
Thanks Dave Carl, for proving that you are an arrogant Beast Coast elitist.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 15.04.2008 @ 13:20

Still liberal, if you want to talk about treasonous, can we discuss the Democratic Congressman that was trying to negotiate with FARC against our government's policy? Or maybe SanFranNan's snuggling up with Baby Assad while she refused to meet with an ally, President Uribe? How about Murtha's actions? Revealing information on a UCMJ case before charges were brought therefore taining the Marines he was slamming?

If you want treason, how about Teddy Kennedy working with the KGB to usurp Reagan? Or Kerry's Paris negotiations with a U.S. enemy?

I really don't think you want to go there.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 15.04.2008 @ 12:29

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