Comments Posted By retire05
Displaying 91 To 100 Of 231 Comments


Whitehall, if all you hear is the MSM complaining about how bad the economy is but you still have a job, are current on your house payments, and manage to save for your future, you cannot be expected to think things are bad because you are being told by those [trusted] reporters that we are on the edge of an economic collapse.

Yesterday, when IndyBank collapsed, Shepard Smith of Fox was absolutely apoplectic. You would have thought the stock market crash was going to happen in the next hour, and a repeat of the Great Depression was eminent in a week or so. Smith, being the liberal he is, could not stop talking about FannieMae and FreddieMac and what was going to happen if those two dynamics folded. Can a new Civilian Conservation Corp be just around the corner? Are we going see soup lines, dust bowls (nah, global warming is taking care of that), children in the streets begging for just a bite to eat? To hear Smith rail on, it would seem so.

Let's not forget that the Senate voted on cloture for the $300 BILLION boondoggle they are calling "mortgage bailout". So for me, that means higher taxes so that I can bail out people who took interest only loans and now find they have to pay the prinicipal. Or people who falsified their applications with less than honest banks to get mortgages they couldn't afford. All this while I cut back on other luxuries to make my mortgage payment and put gas in my tank.

Whiners? You're damned right we are a nation of whiners. Millions of Americans have decided that it is not themselves who are in charge of their futures, but it is the government, and the unions, that are to provide for them.

Funny, while Michigan, once the auto capital of the world, sinks into ruin, Toyota just built a huge plant in San Antonio. Why not Michigan? Why chose Texas? Why did Mercedes pick Georgia? As I said, maybe the those in power in Michigan should take a trip down south.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 12.07.2008 @ 13:39

#7 is right. Where was the government when the oil industry in Texas fell into the crapper? When dozens of town in Texas, that depended on the oil industry to keep them surviving fell into not much more than ghost towns?

Michigan has been in decline for as long as I can remember. Remember Michael Moore's "Roger and Me" movie? Full of propaganda, it was an attempt to show the decline of Michigan and how the goverment was doing nothing to help.

But what are the property tax rates in Michigan? How much is the state income tax and state sales tax? Do the brain surgeon's in Michigan not understand that you cannot tax yourself out of poverty? Perhaps not since that seems to be the Democrats answer to everything.

The Texas economy was in the tank in the early 80's becuase it relied on the oil/cattle industry for support. No one cared. Now CNBC lists Texas as the #1 state for business with very little economic downturn, low taxes (we don't have state income taxes) and a state budget surplus. Perhaps if Michigan wants to do something about it's economy, it should take a trip south.

And what does Michigan, Ohio and Pennslyvania all have in common? They are union controlled states with union bosses too stupid to make it in the business world on their own. So they drag down the industries that those states do have. And don't give me any crap about being anti-union as I have been a member of the CWA for more years than I care to remember and I have seen how the CWA has handed it's membership a bill of goods while it uses member dues to pander to the Democrats. (CWA vs. Beck)

If one industry is dying, you don't try to prop it up by raising taxes. You seek other industries to create jobs. You make your state appealing, not complain about the evil Republicans.

Gramm was right. We have become a nation of whiners. To reflect on what we once were (pioneers who asked nothing from their government) to what we are now. A society that has become the people of the government, not the government of the people. If left up to the mindset of today, no one would live past the Potomac River, or the Mississippi River at the very least. We would all still be crowded into safe areas, waiting for the government to fix all our woes.

This government has become a system of reward for losers, and punishers of those who believe in self reliance and individual responsibility.

I don't like Gramm, never have. But he was right. And for McCain to throw him under the bus shows that McCain is just as big a pander as Obama. Not exactly a positive trait.

Tell Michigan, Ohio and Pennslyvania to handle their own problems and take an example from other states that have pulled themselves out of the red and not look to any politician to do it for them.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 12.07.2008 @ 12:57


Rick, did it ever occur to you that perhaps those who work for the Administration are perhaps fed up to the neck in being drug through the show trials of the Democrats?

Just a thought.

Now, here is another thought:

have you heard one word from Nancy Pelosi on any torture techniques used on detainees? No? Why do you think that is? Could it be because the techniques where designed by not only the Administration but the Congress, as well, and SanFranNan doesn't want that to ever come out?

Nancy Pelosi if fully aware of what techniques were, and were not used. But she remains mum on the subject.

Just a thought.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 27.06.2008 @ 23:05


DrStrangLuv, you seem to think that I am a McCain fan. If so, I would be interesting in you quoting me where I even hinted at such. Searching for that should keep you busy for a few days, at least.

And if any sane thinking person (fair minded and sincere people, as you call them) visit DailyKos or HuffingtonPost, I can promise you, it is only to spy on the enemy. Both of those sites attract only the farthest left lunatics to be found.

But I am sure we could find you there.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 27.06.2008 @ 23:00

Rick, as Democrats tell me that Obama will bring change, I have to ask them "what kind of change?" Will I no longer be able to drive from state to state on a whim? Will I be forced into community service by the dictates of some government official and not allowed to be a couch potato if that is what I chose?

Then I asked them "What has Obama done? He was an Illinois state senator for 8 years. How did he improve the lives of those in his district?" No answer.

Did Senator Obama never drive throught his own district? Was he totally blind to the blight that his friend, Rezko, was adding to with substandard housing? Did the schools in that district improve? Were there fewer drug dealers that the children had to walk past on their way to school? Did jobs increase, housing improve, education improve, was crime reduced?

I think we know the answers to all those questions. He did nothing to better the lives of those who put him into office. And now, just a few short years after he left his state senate seat, his district is a murder haven of the nation. If he accomplished anything while representing that district (and my guess is he did not) the effects were not long lasting.

No other candidate in the history of our nation has been vetted so little, questioned on his record so little and given such a pass for associates that would have cratered the chances of any other candidate.

I can only think it is because Obama finally represents the base that now makes up the Democratic Party, the DailyKookers, the PuffingtonPosters and the extreme far left wing of the party funded by George Soros. They finally have their Marxist candidate, and they are not going to question him in any manner to reveal that.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 27.06.2008 @ 12:45


Rick, if you will look at the screen grab of the eagle on Obama's web site you will notice that the eagle has it's back toward you with it's wings spread. The eagle's head is facing right, as if poised to take flight AWAY from you. Not so with this new one. The eagle is facing toward you, chest in front.

Now to this newest arrogance of the Obama campaign. This entire Obama seal was designed for one thing; the subliminal message it gives. It is called a "hook" in the advertising world. It is designed to make you see Obama and think "presidential". To begin to equate him with the office of President in your mind. Case in point: Carona beer has a commercial with two people sitting on the beach with Caroans. What do you see? You see an ugly fat guy coming out of the water through the Carona bottles while to the left you see the very pretty legs of a woman. Subliminal message? if you drink Carona, you are the guy with the pretty woman enjoying beautiful beaches and not the ugly, fat guy.

Obama has to be given credit for one thing; he is the finest PR campaign since CokaCola. He is a marketing gimmic. There is no "there" there, so he is being marketed in a way that no other presidential candidate ever has been.

While other candidate have slogans, few have had such distinctive logos as Obama has with the big O showing a setting sun (some may equate it with a rising sun) and the line swipes depicting the earth. I say setting sun because that is what I think this nation will be under an Obama administration. The setting sun of a once great nation that didn't buy into hype and emptyness with no substance.

The fawning media, who has basically chose our candidates for us this election cycle, will never bother to point out that Obama's words and actions don't match his own personal life. While his wife tells us that we should all go into public service, they live in a $1.65 mil mansion. While he tells students they will get a free education but will be required to do public works for that education, he is saying "I will force you to be part of the Obama youth". While he says "this is not the man I have known for years" no one bothers to check out that Exelon, the parent company of ComEd, once run by his [casual] friend's, William Ayers, father has donated $236,211 to his campaign. Or while he says he is not beholding to special interests, the international banking industry who benefits when the U.S. has a lagging economy, is well represented on his campaign donators heavy hitter list (Goldman Sachs, UBS AG, JP Morgan, Citigrou, Lehman Bros., Morgan Stanley). While he claims to not have lobbyists working for him the truth is that he has many lobbyists working for him, they are just all STATE lobbyists. So he can say with some honesty he is not employing K Street lobbyists.

This new Obama "seal" speaks to his arrogance. That he assumes he should have the office of POTUS because only he can lead us out of the darkness and so he is going to give us visual proof.

It is not just the "seal" that should creep you out. It is the whole campaign of a man who will attempt to drastically change the whole system of the government in a nation once known as the United States of America.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 21.06.2008 @ 08:54


Rick, the flashing red lights warning Americans that the Democratic Party was rapidly turning into the New Socialist Democratic Party of America have been there for a long time. I have called what they do "creeping socialism". They think that socialism will work and the reason it has never truely worked before was because the right people were not in charge of it.
If anyone has any doubts, all they need to do is check out the website of the Congressional Progressive Caucus. Click on "links and resources" and you will find direct links to, Common Dreams and other far (really far) left associations. At one time, the Socialist Party of America linked to the Congressional Progressive Caucus although, after having that exposed, the SPA took it down.

Listen to Senator Obama and the words he says in his speeches. Americans are not employees, they are "workers". Capitalism, technology and globalization are things that are destroying the worker forces. He is the standard bearer for the far left wing which has taken over a once great party that cared for the little man under the dictates of our Constitution.

We currently have a nation where half the populace still thinks of the Democratic Party in terms of FDR, Truman and JFK not realizing that the party has been restructured to represent the party elites (Rahm Emanuel, Howard Dean, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, et al) as the politburo represented the prolitariat. No greater example can be given of this mindset than Al Gore, who calls for everyone to scacrifice, wearing sweaters and ridding bikes instead of driving a car, while he burns enough energy to fuel over 200 average American homes and flys around, spreading the message of global warming, in a private gas guzzling jet. You see, Gore is part of the elite politburo who are hell bent showing us the way but being exempt because he is the messanger and without him, we would all be doomed.

Advise your readers to read the Communist Manifesto and tell us where there is any difference between that and the New Socialist Democratic Party of America. Progressive taxes on income? Yep. Nationalization of industry? Yep.

Will Americans wake from their political slumber and realize that this latest power grab attempt (nationalizing the oil industry) is nothing short of the same tactics of Hugo Chavez and other socialist nations?

I have been here before when the Congress decided to bust up the BabyBell system and force competition in the market. But then, the Democratic held Congress made sure that monopoly laws didn't affect one entity; municipal held utilities. If you purchase your electricity from the city where you live, PUC rules on rates don't apply. My own small town owns the electric company and recently approved, through the city council, a rate hike that did not have to have PUC approval. This is the "nationalization" of utility companies. Needless to say, my election is 25% higher than my friends who live outside the city limits because they buy their power from a private company. This is just one example of "creeping socialism".

Is it time to remember the first paragraph of our Declaration of Independence? That when a government becomes oppressive, it is time to dissolve the political bands from the oppressors?

Comment Posted By retire05 On 19.06.2008 @ 08:35


DrKrbyLuv, surely you know someone who is a protologist. Make an appointment. You desparately need help with your Anal/cranial Disorder.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 10.06.2008 @ 17:38


michael reynold, I will make the case for McCain.

He understands the threat posed by radical Islam. Your boy doesn't have a clue. He thinks that because he could read a Wheaties box and make it sound like Martin Luther King, Jr. that he can talk his way out of anything. Sorry, Amjustajollyhjihad in Iran is NOT going to be impressed.

Now your boy wants to charge a windfall profit tax on the oil companies not having the intelligence to understand that tax will only be passed on to the consumer.

Fear Obama? Damn straight since he is the 21st century's answer to Jimmie Carter. And anyone with two grey cells bumping together should be afraid, very afraid, of an Obama presidency. You think things can't get worse? Just wait.

One little example: gas prices have increased more since the Nancy Pelosi broke the marble ceiling than they did in the previous six years.

Yeah, things can get a lot worse.

Comment Posted By retire05 On 9.06.2008 @ 17:40


All you Obamaniacs are in for the disappointment of your life. Just as JFK was no more than an excellent PR campaign, at least JFK has some experience at being in command (as a Naval officer) and a few more years in the Senate that the Obamassiah. And yes, we were sold a bill of goods on JFK, a president that brought us within a breath's distance of a nuclear war. Nevermind that we can also attribute the Berlin wall to JFK as the Russians thought him to be weak as that is how JFK represented himself.

But enought of the history lesson.

Obama cannot (not won't but cannot) be all the things to all the people who are putting their "hopes" on him. Black Americans who view Obama as their savior, the man who will finally put them in rule against the evil "whitey" that has, as they have been told so many times by those like Rev. Wright, dominated them for centuries. To them, Obama represents no equality, but the opportunity to get even. He will be on their side, against others.

To the educated whites who support Obama, they are betting on his superior intellect to bring us closer to that socialist dream that their "success" guilt causes them want to redistribute everyone's money but theirs.

And to the student who is having the opportunity to vote for the first time in their lives, Obama is the culmination of the indoctrination that most universities offer.

Obama's empty message of "hope and change" with no substance, resonates with each person differently. To one, it is the chance to have a better job, to another no war on earth, to another free college education for their kids. The message of "hope and change" is whatever you want it to be. Or it is really a PR campaign slogan that in the end, means nothing at all.

But as POTUS, Obama won't control either the nation's finances or the nations law making.

At no time in our history has a candidate has so many shady associations who have basically been ignored by the media or been truely less veted by the same. Never before have so many excuses ("this is not the man [name the left wing radical] that I have know for 20 years") been accepted by the great unwashed masses that the media is failing.

But none of that matters. What matters is that the far left, who believes that socialism has never worked simply because the right people were not in charge of it, gets their candidate who is just this side of Marxism.

Have we become instead of the "greatest" generation the grifting generation?

Comment Posted By retire05 On 7.06.2008 @ 18:10

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