Comments Posted By r4d20
Displaying 11 To 20 Of 53 Comments


-that more research is needed before we crash the economies of the industrialized world in order to satisfy those whose agenda is more political than scientific. ... And yes, there is a sizable segment of advocates who wish to destroy capitalism, industrialization, and globalization.

The "Enviro-wackos" are, almost universally, NOT scientists - most of em dont have the ability to tackle anything other than "world studies" or, the ultimate major for retarded monkeys, "political science".

The Earth-worshipping Gaia crowd and the Scientific community have little overlap. Those tree-loving douchebags dont have the patience or brains for science and aren't a significant part of the scientific community in ANY field - even Climatology.

Like you, I also oppose draconian policies that would wreck our economy, but unlike you I do not peddle deranged conspiracy theories about legions of commie scientists who are lying to further the great socialist agenda.

You're brand of Global warming "skeptisicm" isn't based in rational scientific skepticism, it is based on the knee-jerk fear of Watermelons (Green on the outside,Red on the inside).

Grow up.

Comment Posted By r4d20 On 13.08.2007 @ 14:03


And then their boy was brought in with his mouth stuffed. The boy had been baked. Al Qaeda served the boy to his family.”

Is this real because this story is straight out of Herodotus?

Comment Posted By r4d20 On 7.08.2007 @ 16:25


The physical battlefied of Iraq may be far away but the decisive battlefield of the media is here in America.

This fallacy is why we are losing!

Comment Posted By r4d20 On 7.08.2007 @ 11:59



“FISA is a old law and just think of all the new technical means for communication today. IM’s , ICQ, Web base Email, File Sharing networks etc.”

This assumes that FISA has been gathering dust since it was enacted in the 1970s. Its been updated, to keep pace with new and emerging technologies, roughly 50 times since it was passed. Its been reported that the law has been updated almost a dozen times since 9/11.

Not only has FISA been updated some 50+ times since it's first inception, but after 9/11 GWB explicitly rebuffed Congressional offers to modify FISA, to make it more applicable to the GWOT, and stated that it was good enough as it was. Furthermore, he rebuffed these offers AFTER he had already decided to start conducting wiretaps without FISA warrants.

His previous actions show that this is a bad-faith argument on its face - he knows FISA gives him more than enough ability to track and stop terrorists and isn't "too old" in any way. The REAL point he is trying to make is that FISA is an illegitimate infringement on presidential power. He refused the offer to modify FISA because accepting it would be seen as tacit admission of it's legitimacy. Publicly denying it legitimacy risked a public debate, and possibly an eventual SC ruling, about presidential power that the Admin was certainly NOT certain of winning. Publicly pretending to abide by it while secretly violating it was the easiest way to get what they wanted without taking risks in the short-term.

Comment Posted By r4d20 On 1.08.2007 @ 15:49

Im not worried about the NSA spying on my aunt or even myself. I AM worried about spying on domestic political opposition. Given the history that this Administration has regarding inappropriate mixing of Government and Party its not hysterical to want assurances, beyond just their word, that this isn't happening.

Comment Posted By r4d20 On 1.08.2007 @ 09:36


Dont know why it got crossed out.

The TRUE defeatists aka. the people ACTUALLY responsible for any defeat we may suffer – are those, like yourself and the President, who said they supported this war but never really took it seriously and – who said they wanted to win but objected to doing the things we needed to do to achieve victory and supported a a halfass approach that tried to fight this war on the cheap.

Comment Posted By r4d20 On 31.07.2007 @ 15:59


Im sick of these "pussy filibusters" where no one actually has to sacrifice their time. If they want to filibuster let them actually take to the floor and read a book or something. Dont just let them signal their "intention" to filibuster to get the advantages without having to do actually do anything, which is the way we do it now.

Comment Posted By r4d20 On 19.07.2007 @ 12:23


I’ve seen so many stories over the last few years that this war was “next week” that it has become laughable.

A good sign that a strike on Iran is actually coming will be the resignation/replacement of Gates as SecDef. As long as we dont see this on the news it is at least a little ways off.

Comment Posted By r4d20 On 19.07.2007 @ 12:20

Its a good bet that the first sign of an upcoming attack on Iran will be the resignation/removal of Gates. He is NOT on board and doesn't strike me as the kind of SecDef who would just suck it up and go along with a policy he so strongly disagrees with.

Comment Posted By r4d20 On 16.07.2007 @ 11:31


ajacksonian -

Thanks for the link to "The Management of Savagry".

Comment Posted By r4d20 On 28.06.2007 @ 15:47

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