Comments Posted By pmk
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I've been hearing the excuses you cite for the last two days on C-SPAN. It was the first time any of this had been brought up. Leave it to the Brits to excuse barbaric behavior.
Captain Phillips and all crew members are free and they are unharmed. That is more than can be said for the 200 or more currently being held hostage in Somalia or for the hostage killed in the French raid. We should not give Obama short shrift here. However he reached his decisions, the end result was a victory for the US and a defeat for the pirates.
At first I thought the sharpshooters had missed the fourth terrorist but now it turns out he was brought aboard the naval ship for treatment of injuries sustained during Phillips' abduction. They were threatening to kill an American and we were treating their injuries!
Somalia has to go through its own Lebanon experience. Most westerners left Beirut when they were no longer safe or welcome. We will hear about the many "innocent" Somalis who are also being "terrorized" by the pirates/terrorists. We shouldn't give in to their hard-luck tales. Somalia is their country. If they want Somalia to be free, they are the ones who will have to fight for it. We should not be pressed into doing their fighting for them. You know that the first time an "innocent" Somali dies in an attack on a pirate village, the American serviceman will be denounced as an international criminal and the world will call for his head on a platter. We don't need any more of that. The West didn't destroy Somalia. Somalis did. We can't give them a government. We can't do their fighting for them. They have to decide what they want. As long as they are willing to live with the pirates then they deserve them.

Comment Posted By pmk On 13.04.2009 @ 09:09

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